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Anyone ever worked for UPS?


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My college roomate worked there at the Memphis hub. He hated the hell out of it. 3am to 7 am. He felt like the harder he worked, the more they rode his ass about production. He said he always felt tired, but he was also handling a full college schedule. If you can hack it, then go for it.

Had a buddy who did it for seasonal work a couple years ago and said pretty much the same thing...

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I'm actually starting there as a second job next week, assuming that for now at least, I'll be simply a seasonal employee. I do have hopes of getting on permanently at some point, though. Any advice from those who currently work/have worked there in the past?

I just got hired as well. But, I usually do this job every year right before school starts. It honetly depends on your driver. Last year, I was paired up with an individual who was lazy as hell since I was there. I basically handed out all of the boxes, but it didn't bother me because it made the day go by really quick.

This year I will be paired up with a different guy, and from what I understand he's a hard worker, but either way for a seasonal job I don't think it's that bad.

I'm not sure what type of area you will be working in either, but my area is a "big $$$" area some of the people if home give me tips. I had a guy last year give me $50 simply for dropping off something he had ordered for his grandson

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I worked there one summer in college, and I agree with what has been said. If you are loading or unloading the trucks in the center, they want you to work extremely hard. I worked a 3 hour shift and the manager was on me constantly about getting it all done faster. She said some crazy stuff about "If I tell you to go through a wall, I want you to go through a wall no questions asked!".

In retrospect, considering what she probably made vs what I made I probably cost UPS for the time she spent telling me to work faster than on my entire shift.

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Loaded tractor trailers during college in Baltimore. Minimum 600 load rate per hour. My managers and I didn't always get along - something about lacking respect for authority. The full time loaders were lazy pieces of ****.

Quit after a year, but my buddy stayed on, ended up driving and now supervises a hub. Has a fat pension and great benefits. Solid career choice.

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I work for UPS..I onload trucks..Its hard work, but if you can do some hard work, then you'll be fine..The pay isn't great, but you get great benefits, and you can always move up..My supervisors aren't that bad, they want you to work fast, but aren't really too hard on you..But that could be different in other hubs..Also you will get in shape, I lost like 20-30 pounds since I started working there in late May.

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