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Cerato needs to be held accountable


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we need people who can play...short..tall..fat it dosent matter. 3 round Rounders and zero production. Stop defending Vinny

He doesn't need defending...The team is 6-3. You're not goingto fire a GM who has a 6-3 team!!!!! The fans on this board make me furious with their lack of sense. Draft classes take time to develop!!!!! The true impact of these picks won't be felt until years 2-3...Maybe we're just so used to not having picks that we've forgotten what the draft actually accomplishes; especially once you get out of the top 10 picks.

Devin got hurt, Kelly was on his way but got hurt....These injuries set them back bigtime and injuries happen....

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every post in this thread has been defending Vinny....Its not just this year...its been all the years but this is the first year he has been in charge. And yes..horton was a lucky pick. Vinny took a fooking Punter over Chris Horton. Defend that


can i ask you why you waited until now to complain? If you knew all of this before then i should be able to go back to threads started after the draft where you said the exact same things.

Hindsight's 20/20...do you know what that means?

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Do you know how the draft works at all? Its a crap shoot buddy. To be fair, they were all first round grades drafted in the second round.

Some of the logic is good in the first few posts of this thread, but this nonsense about how our guys were "first round grades" who fell is kind of bs. Yes, Vinny says that we were surprised they fell.

The reason they fell is because other teams didn't think they were worth drafting that high. That's why they fell. So just because you judge your own draft as great, doesn't mean it was great or we were lucky. It may mean that your draft board was rife with inaccuracies. Malcolm Kelly, specifically, fell because of widely spread concern about his durability. Devin Thomas fell (most believe) because of his inexperience and that he's unproven.

So far, that has held true. We'll see if the gambles that they represent pay off, but to say they were first rounders that fell is a little off in my opinion - they were merely ranked high on the Skins board; very questionable whether that is a legit/correct ranking, considering it seems most/all other teams didn't have them that high for the concerns mentioned above.

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So you people think it was a good choice to draft 3 receivers (basically) in the 2nd round?

Dont you think we shouldve addressed other needs instead of getting 3 pass catchers?

What makes you think that "addressing other needs" would have automatically meant those other players would have been contributing anything more than Rinehart or Thomas or Tryon is?...

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What makes you think that "addressing other needs" would have automatically meant those other players would have been contributing anything more than Rinehart or Thomas or Tryon is?...

Add more depth at positions that we were weak at. Okay we get a stellar 2nd round WR, I was stoked, but then we got another one, and another one....Then i was like O_o Uhhh.....Okay...

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the difference between our rookies, and the other rookies mentioned... we havent been FORCED to use our rooks. Philly HAD to put Jackson out there and he stepped up.

Moss, Randle El, and Cooley have stepped up, so the Rookies havent been forced into a Role. Lets look at the "top" rookies we got this season

Colt Brennan - Jason Campbell is playing the best ball of his pro career... why even consider it.

Devin Thomas & Malcom Kelly - Why play these guys when you've got Santana Moss and Randle El. Moss has really stepped back into his role as a gamebreaker, he's putting up numbers that rival his BEST seasons. Randle El is playing a GREAT as a secondary reciever option and checkdown guy. He's never gonna BLOW IT UP, but he's been there when needed. ALSO when you have Clinton Portis running behind Mike Sellars, and this offensive line getting Portis the numbers he is... why have more then a 2 WR set?????

Fred Davis - Chris Cooley, enough said. The guy is KEY and we need to keep getting him the ball. I can understand having a 2 TE set, but this team is being very successful with the run, which like i said above... if you're run game is this successful... you dont need to have a lot of recievers on the field.

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Thomas has bust written all over him. The players and coaches change the subject when asked about him. It's sad. I hope he proves me wrong.

Kelly could be a beast. He certainly looked like one in training camp. Problem is, his knee may never be right.

Davis can play too. But taking him made no sense at all. No sense.

Horton -- absolute steal of the draft. Wow, what a player. There's combine crap... and then there's football instincts.

At the end of the day, you need to realize that Vinny will never be held accountable. Trust me, once you accept that, things get a little easier.

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Thomas has bust written all over him. The players and coaches change the subject when asked about him. It's sad. I hope he proves me wrong.

I was expecting that he wasn't going to contribute much as a rookie. It was well established that he needed to work on his game and the results so far bear that out. We drafted him because of his potential.

Kelly was the guy who was supposed to make the immediate impact, but it hasn't happened yet. I hope things go right in the bye week.


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Some of you seem pretty delusional about this. I understand waiting to judge our draft class before we call anyone a bust. But there has been absolutely no indication thus far that any of the three 2nd rounders will amount to anything. People may say "he will contribute eventually" um...what have you possibly seen that could tell you that now? Things have changed. Rookies are expected to contribute now. Just look at the Giants last year and the rooks that they would not have gotten a super bowl without. You simply cannot whiff on three 2nd rounders.

The week of the Philly game, I remember hearing J. Thrash was doubtful with an injury and Kelly was probable with an injury. I told a friend Thrash will play, Kelly will not. And of course that is what happened. Cerrato is to blame (this is not a strong class and, hello! they all made the team to make the FO look brilliant.....but now not so much because they can't see the field) and it is pretty ironic that our only bright spot was nearly mr. irrelevant. I mean...Vinny did have ten chances to get it right.

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the more I think about the 2nd round, the more upset I get. We drafted Devin Thomas over Eddie Royal, Fred Jackson over Desean Jackson. With the exception of him getting Lucky in Chris Horton, we have gotten zero help from our draft. This was his first draft as the boss and look what happened. Where is the accountability? Look at all the 2nd rounders helping NFL teams and we have gotten zero from ours. Its really hard to mess up like this but Vinny somehow did it.

If we had a good draft, we would have a great future and probably be 7-2 instead of 6-3

Come on now, It's so easy to play the what if game after the cards are laid down. Its not a pure science (the draft) and never will be. You named two players on two of how many teams? should all those teams be held accountable too? for all we know next year both receivers could be major contributors. Take a chill pill, give it a little more time than 8 weeks to forcast somebodys whole football career.

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Every single one of our high draft picks has been a bust to this board at one point or another, INCLUDING Sean Taylor. I'll never forget the terrible things said about Taylor in his second year when he was responsible for covering the entire field by himself. If people could have patience, they would stop looking foolish when guys like McIntosh, Rogers, Campbell, etc, start playing at a respectable level.

If you're interested in holding Ceratto accountable, then I will have to point to our record and the rest of our team. You have nothing to complain about right now. For crying out loud, the Raiders just released DeAngelo Hall after signing him a few months ago. They gave up two 2nd rounders for him!!!!

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My wife and I have a baby girl that just turned 1. Much to my dismay, she is not a doctor yet. I'm going to have to have a talk with my wife. Someone's gotta pay for our daughters shortcomings.

In other news. We need(ed) big WRs. Why would we need another 1-2 midget WRs?

Has your baby girl already been training to be a doctor?

Thomas has been playing since high school and even went to college and even played football,wide receiver...imagine that!!!

So he's been through camp and all the practices up to week nine and still can't grasp his playbook and assignments while Eddie Royal can and has since week 1.

Maybe we need to get him that coloring book playbook like Lavar used to have to carry??

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the more I think about the 2nd round, the more upset I get. We drafted Devin Thomas over Eddie Royal, Fred Jackson over Desean Jackson. With the exception of him getting Lucky in Chris Horton, we have gotten zero help from our draft. This was his first draft as the boss and look what happened. Where is the accountability? Look at all the 2nd rounders helping NFL teams and we have gotten zero from ours. Its really hard to mess up like this but Vinny somehow did it.

If we had a good draft, we would have a great future and probably be 7-2 instead of 6-3

I think posters should be held accountable as well. They should put things in perspective and examine the whole of a situation, instead of posting knee-jerk reactions. MOST players, not all, need time to develop with a team as well as in the NFL. Yes of course there are exceptions, such as Eddie Royal and DeSean Jackson, but they are of the minority and not the majority. If you give these young guys time they may just develop into great players. A recent example would be Carlos Rogers. When he first started, if I called his play less-than-stellar, I would be very generous. This season, it has finally clicked with him, and he is doing a fantastic job.
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Has your baby girl already been training to be a doctor?

Thomas has been playing since high school and even went to college and even played football,wide receiver...imagine that!!!

So he's been through camp and all the practices up to week nine and still can't grasp his playbook and assignments while Eddie Royal can and has since week 1.

Maybe we need to get him that coloring book playbook like Lavar used to have to carry??

I have my son in training. I keep reviewing tapes with him of the Redskins games. I keep pointing out blocking schemes, receiver routes, pass blocking, etc. I know he is only 2 weeks old, but darn it! If he drools all over the pass-blocking scheme again while I am trying to show him the trap, I am going to lose it! Geesh! What is with kids nowadays?! :silly:
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