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Cerato needs to be held accountable


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the more I think about the 2nd round, the more upset I get. We drafted Devin Thomas over Eddie Royal, Fred Jackson over Desean Jackson. With the exception of him getting Lucky in Chris Horton, we have gotten zero help from our draft. This was his first draft as the boss and look what happened. Where is the accountability? Look at all the 2nd rounders helping NFL teams and we have gotten zero from ours. Its really hard to mess up like this but Vinny somehow did it.

If we had a good draft, we would have a great future and probably be 7-2 instead of 6-3

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the more I think about the 2nd round, the more upset I get. We drafted Devin Thomas over Eddie Royal, Fred Jackson over Desean Jackson. With the exception of him getting Lucky in Chris Horton, we have gotten zero help from our draft. This was his first draft as the boss and look what happened. Where is the accountability? Look at all the 2nd rounders helping NFL teams and we have gotten zero from ours. Its really hard to mess up like this but Vinny somehow did it.

If we had a good draft, we would have a great future and probably be 7-2 instead of 6-3


draft class plays 9 games= failure. :doh:

once again, devin thomas is a long term project, known that forever. malcom is hurt, and fred davis has been getting more involved.

how do you know we don't have a great future with these kids involved?

3 rookies don't help us beat the steelers the other night.

stop posting this dumb ****

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we need people who can play...short..tall..fat it dosent matter. 3 round Rounders and zero production. Stop defending Vinny

Stop living like a fruit fly. Ya know, there's this thing called patience. Chances are, you'll live longer than the next couple months. So please stop acting like it's now or never.

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we need people who can play...short..tall..fat it dosent matter. 3 round Rounders and zero production. Stop defending Vinny

I'm with you!! I think we should blast Vinny for Horton as well...yes, he's playing lights-out and all, but why the hell did Vinny wait until the 7th ROUND to pick up the guy? :doh:...Horton could have EASILY been picked up by the other 31 teams by then. A real GM would have realized Horton's value and drafted him in round 4 or 5...leave it to Vinny to blow off drafting Horton earlier and take that risk :mad:...

To the pitchforks, everyone!!!

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look at all the first rounders and 2nd rounders helping their teams. You guys are morons. 1st and 2nd rounders are suppose to be starting their first year...not long term projects. This isnt Major League baseball


We're morons? So obviously you not only KNEW all those players would be better (in the short term), you also KNEW that we'd be SO GOOD that we'd be looking for that one last piece rather than drafting for the future. Considering we drafted DT (a project with HUGE upside), I'd say the team was expecting a re-tooling year.

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look at all the first rounders and 2nd rounders helping their teams. You guys are morons. 1st and 2nd rounders are suppose to be starting their first year...not long term projects. This isnt Major League baseball


Those players filled needs on their respective teams... those players wouldn't necessarily have a role to fill here... we were looking for big WRs... we got 2.

If you look at the Big WRs we passed up... we didnt miss much.

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every post in this thread has been defending Vinny....Its not just this year...its been all the years but this is the first year he has been in charge. And yes..horton was a lucky pick. Vinny took a fooking Punter over Chris Horton. Defend that

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look at all the first rounders and 2nd rounders helping their teams. You guys are morons. 1st and 2nd rounders are suppose to be starting their first year...not long term projects. This isnt Major League baseball


where the **** do you get this "ahh because they are first rounders or second rounders it is an immediate rule that they must start, or they are considered failures."

A draft is meant to build for the future. All 3 of these picks came in to positions where proven veterans were established ahead of them. 1st and 2nd rounders are forced to start on either bad teams, or teams that have injuries to starters in that postion; we are neither. The only reason Desean Jackson played much in philly is because their top 2 recievers were injured.

All draft picks are long term decisions/projects, whatever you want to call it because they brought to the team to help in the future.

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Vinny took a fooking Punter over Chris Horton. Defend that

our punting game was in the bottom percentage in the league for the past few years with frost. we tried to improve that decision. we took the best college punter in the nation, and unfortunately it didn't work out. not the end of the world

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where the **** do you get this "ahh because they are first rounders or second rounders it is an immediate rule that they must start, or they are considered failures."

A draft is meant to build for the future. All 3 of these picks came in to positions where proven veterans were established ahead of them. 1st and 2nd rounders are forced to start on either bad teams, or teams that have injuries to starters in that postion; we are neither. The only reason Desean Jackson played much in philly is because their top 2 recievers were injured.

All draft picks are long term decisions/projects, whatever you want to call it because they brought to the team to help in the future.

Okay...how about if they at least contribute...you know a catch here or there..or even being active for a game. Can you at least give me that. We drafted 3 WR's on a team that had the worst WR corps in the league and they still havent done anything.

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how do you not see that it is premature to judge an entire draft class after 9 games? patience.

the point is...when you have 3 high round picks, they need to contribute immediately. You know what the odds are of 3 2nd rounders not making one bit of impact for your team in the 1st season? Probably near zero unless you are Vinny Cerato. Where is my love guys?

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C'mon it was a pretty good draft. We got Fred Jackson, Malcom Jackson, Devin Jackson, Chad Jackson, Justin Jackson, Durant Jackson, Kareem Jackson, Colt Jackson, and Chris Jackson. Oh yeah, and in the 7th round, the defensive end. What's his name. Number 98. Rob something or other.

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You're right guys. What was I thinking...great draft. Congrats Vinny. Go skins

Who would you have picked instead?

If you look around the league not a lot of teams are getting more than 1 starter out of their draft picks... we didn't do too bad honestly...

D. Thomas will more than likely be productive eventually.

Kelly is an unknown at this point due to injury

Davis has a probowl player in front of him...

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