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We have a lot of politically savvy and passionate people on this board. The story BigMike just posted made me think if only people didn't feel the need to tell the entire neighborhood what they believe things like this wouldn't happen. No one in my family has any bumper stickers of political signs at all.

I did however tatoo "change" on my forehead a couple of days ago.

Just wondering which of you ES'ers wants strangers at a red light to know that you support abortion or your entire neighborhood to know that you are voting for McCain?

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No, Obama sent me a shirt for my donation that I won't wear and I would love to have a bumper sticker of sometime but I don't like the idea of potentially close to 50% of the population thinking I'm a douchebag before they know anything about me.

I'd prefer they get to know me before learning that I'm a complete douche.

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I have a NObama t-shirt. (it says: Vote McCain. NOBama.) I wore it to the gym once. I have NObama bumper stickers, but I haven't put them on my car. 1) i don't like things messing up my car and 2) I don't want to bring that into my work and to have my students see it or the parents of my students to see it

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Not really. I just think that no good can come of it, really. Heck, we have the internet for that.

The ninja comment in the OP was meant as a joke, FTR

That's true. I personally don't have any accessories/clothing dealing with political issues, but I don't mind people who support their candidate or side of the issue. The only reason that you're right about "no good can come out of it" is because people's worst sides tend to come out when discussing politics. If people could discuss it as appropriately as they do some other topics, I think it wouldn't be a problem.

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Don't advertise at all...never have except in my misspent youth pushing Ron Paul,and rarely even discuss politics anymore unless answering a direct question.

added...this obviously does not include here on ES

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I personally hate knowing what other people's political views are, because like it or not you make assumptions on people based on who they favor politically.

I would never put anything on my truck because in this day and age, it wouldn't surprise if someone would key it just because they don't like who i'm promoting.

Politics and religion tend to break up friendships so other than in here I rarely if ever discuss or display my political views.

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I don't at all. Especially with a new car now, there's no way I'm putting a sticker on it and I don't have an Obama sign in front of my house (but there are so many around my area that I don't feel the need for it anyway).

Typically I keep my politics and feelings on religion to myself. It's only when I feel that "the other side" is trying to push itself on me or around me, that I push back. I tend to keep quiet, even if I'm around people who are talking politics. One example was back in 96, I was in an edit bay with a bunch of people and we took a break for lunch and they started talking about the upcoming election. I kept quiet and let them have their say until they started talking about some of the absolute garbage regarding the Clinton's (the death of Vince Foster and other made up scandals), I then unloaded and I even decided to try and demonstrate how stupid they were by using their tactics against them and said some pretty nasty and hateful things against Bob Dole just for sheer shock value to show them how moronic they were. Not sure it worked, but I sure did feel better.:)

Another example is this site. I'm no Tailgate regular and don't plan to be. However after seeing several anti-Obama sigs creep into The Stadium, I felt compelled to change my sig and have an anti McCain one and post in some of the political threads here.

Once the election is over, whichever way it goes, it'll be time to go back to normal and stick to the Stadium.

Beyond the election though, I am thinking about buying a "Flying Spaghetti Monster" or "Darwin" decal to counter some of the "Fish" decals I see while driving on the beltway. But until my car is no longer considered "new", I doubt I'll do it.

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I voted "Other". Anyone who has talked to me about any political or current event topic for more than a few minutes knows where I stand on the political spectrum. I don't do the bumper stickers and since the property I live on doesn't belong to me, I don't post yard signs; but talk to me for any length of time and you're likely to know more about my politics than you probably want to.

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I don't advertise, but I'm sure anyone could guess within 10 minutes of talking to me who I'm voting for. :silly:

One thing I have noticed....at work we're not allowed to talk about politics at all really, even though it's quite obvious my agency is at least 80% democrat (the other 20% being current political appointees). Lately though there has been a LOT of political chatter and I've actually noticed a couple pins/buttons on peoples bags/briefcases. The day they change the pictures of the current prez and vice prez that are up in our lobby will be really interesting....

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