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Has the Tailgate become the Daily Kos?


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I'm conservative, here's my thoughts:

McCain - completely turned me off recently with his "drive by" comments about homeowners. Offering another stimulus check is pissing me off too. I will sadly still vote for him because the thought of having a liberal congress and president is very scary. The handouts that will be approved will get very scary. The worst part is once a social program/handout program begins, it never ends. The next 4 years will really hurt.

Obama - As I just stated, I think he will do some serious spending damage without the right being able to veto. Problem with republicans is Bush did plenty of damage on his own with spending. I don't consider Bush a conservative, not even close. I will say however about Obama that I think he is a great person and will do what he thinks is best for this country. We just differ in opinions on "what's best".

The Tailgate - I don't have a problem with it. I enjoy seeing the view from so many here. It's actually pretty entertaining and sometimes I learn something. My problem with the Obama supporters is they seem to give Obama a free pass on a lot of issues. If questions are brought up about him, they try to counter with something about Bush or McCain. Of course, the same could be said for the right.

Obama will win and he and the congress will spend a ton of money. That is guaranteed. I actually think it may be best for the republicans to let the left run things for 4 years. Let's see how well they do with the world the way it is today. I won't be shocked at all to see people speaking about Obama the way so many on the left do about Bush. Obama will either keep his promises and spend spend spend or break his campaign promises and not spend. Either way, a lot of people will be angry.

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I think the bigger problem is lack of humor honestly. I mean look at the joke threads. Even there people come in with an angry bias. There are some on the right who are great at conversation and just joking around with (Big Mike, HH, Mick and the Major come immediately to mind, but I'm obviously missing at least one other).

Me. I'm a funny guy. Just ask - I'm hilarious. Just ask HH - if he doesn't back me up on this one, he won't get those BBQ ribs with the special sauce. ROFL.gif

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i'm just curious how i'm "on the right."

i keep my feelings pretty close to the vest. this came up at the es tailgate the other day. i was pretty drunk, i think it was tlc, and i can't remember exactly what he said....but it was something about me either being on the right or voting for mccain...

truth is, i'm an observer, a bystander that will call out stupid things from both sides.


I guess I don't have a true reason for putting you in that group, I did think you leaned more to the right but if that was an incorrect categorization I apologize.

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No offense, but I don't miss Chom

x2..but of course I do miss Sarge and disagreed with his time off big time. I wont argue it or anything along that lines because it is not my place nor right to question those who make these decisions but I do think Sarge offered a great deal of military and foreign pieces that I enjoyed reading.

Plus I thought he was a funny and entertaining dude. I think he was aggressive but then again so is everyone else when passionate about something.

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They have definitely taken on the persona of Sen. Obama in many ways and that is why you see the tailgate as it is now. Like Mike says, some conservatives have been banned for various periods of time for different "offenses". The bans that I have seen lately don't warrant such action based on the rules, imo. Jumbo has been one-sided in that regard it seems.

I would certainly beg to differ with you. I bought a well-earned vacation from Jumbo for that one.

It's been my experience that the ban hammer has been pretty fairly administered. If anything they tend to give a lot of leeway. Sarge for example was given a whole lot, I mean a LOT of rope to hang himself with, probably because the mods knew he wasn't really serious about half the crap he posted.

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I guess I don't have a true reason for putting you in that group, I did think you leaned more to the right but if that was an incorrect categorization I apologize.

no need to apologize....i guess if someone really put a gun to my head and made me say which way i leaned, it probably is a bit to the right.

i'd say i'm in the middle, but i know most everyone says that. socially, i'm more liberal in that i don't really care a whole lot about a lot of the social issues that people fight about. i'm a fiscal conservative, and yearn for smaller gov't, more personal accountability and less government assistance and interference in our daily lives.

sadly, neither candidate really offers what i want.

it'd probably surprise a few to know i never voted for bush.

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x2..but of course I do miss Sarge and disagreed with his time off big time. I wont argue it or anything along that lines because it is not my place nor right to question those who make these decisions but I do think Sarge offered a great deal of military and foreign pieces that I enjoyed reading.

Plus I thought he was a funny and entertaining dude. I think he was aggressive but then again so is everyone else when passionate about something.

Sarge was sharp shooting too much. When you start that crap with the mods... The hammer drops :hammer:

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I have to disagree with Asbury being unbiased about anything. His sig shows it in itself and everything he posts is anti-McCain.

But Mike, this isn't what he said, he never said I was unbiased...he said that I link to unbiased sources when I develop present my opinions. Its no secret who I'm voting for, who I support and who I advocate, but there is IMO a difference in quoting from a blog like thinkprogress.com or newsmax.com and quoting from mainstream sources. I read huffingtonpost.com 2 or 3 times a week but I try not to quote from them because I know that they lean to the left as such when I see something they write I go to their source material and read that which is normally an article from a mainstream source.

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I appreciate the clarification. We're cool. I'm of the belief that Sarge is not racist, nor is any other member of this forum.

I will stand by my earlier comments and still say that a political forum is sorely needed.

Perhaps bigoted would be a better term, but whenever you continually call a group of people "towelheads" even after being told 1,000+ times that it's offensive and not permitted on the board - there's a serious problem there - and I'm not sorry to hear he got some time off.

In regards to the OP, I think it's a little unfair to say it's swung WAY left. There is no lack of vocal conservative posters on this board and many of them have very interesting and thought-provoking things to say. Of course, you have your fair share of "fringe" posters on the right as well. I think it's just like the media thing - Obama is extremely popular and the board reflects that - Palin is extremely unpopular from what polling has shown so the board can reflect that as well. I'm not saying I haven't been guilty of a stupid post or two but I think there is still a lot of intersting political discussion going on in the Tailgate if you look in the right threads. I see a decent balance - and even moreso if some prominent "conservative" posters hadn't gotten themselves banned.

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no need to apologize....i guess if someone really put a gun to my head and made me say which way i leaned, it probably is a bit to the right.

i'd say i'm in the middle, but i know most everyone says that. socially, i'm more liberal in that i don't really care a whole lot about a lot of the social issues that people fight about. i'm a fiscal conservative, and yearn for smaller gov't, more personal accountability and less government assistance and interference in our daily lives.

sadly, neither candidate really offers what i want.

it'd probably surprise a few to know i never voted for bush.

No cute third party sig for you?

Tonight's game should be a good one, I guess Noel belongs there

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But Mike, this isn't what he said, he never said I was unbiased...he said that I link to unbiased sources when I develop present my opinions. Its no secret who I'm voting for, who I support and who I advocate, but there is IMO a difference in quoting from a blog like thinkprogress.com or newsmax.com and quoting from mainstream sources. I read huffingtonpost.com 2 or 3 times a week but I try not to quote from them because I know that they lean to the left as such when I see something they write I go to their source material and read that which is normally an article from a mainstream source.

nothing personal asbury, but you are just as bad as I am most of the time. just because you post links to articles that you believe are more legit and unbiased doesnt mean that your attacks are any less then others. i was EXTREMELY shocked to see that you were a pastor this morning in another thread. I wouldnt have ever thought that and it just reaffirmed my beliefs.

this has nothing to do with you as a man or a human but just how you post and how i interpret your posts. :2cents:

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The OP prefers a message board where 1) an idealogue like Sarge starts a thread containing an inflammatory hit piece cut and pasted from WorldNetDaily, and 2) fifteen guys like the OP post quick drive by "hell yeah!" responses.

Real substantive issues actually being discussed in detail by thoughtful people, who acknowledge opposing viewpoints while defending their own, is not something that interests the OP.

Ergo - to him we have become the Daily Kos. :whoknows:

ps - I miss Sarge too. He was a funny dude.

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Actually, the day after election day, I can see this board being a tizzy. There will be 500+ threads on whose to blame (the media, Palin, McCain, the GOP, ACORN, etc) for the GOP disaster.

I think it'll be the exact opposite, because McCain is going to win. At the last hour, voters will make up their mind that they do not want an extreme socialist like Obama in the White House.

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The board and the right are leaning in different directions because the board is leaning towards the issues while the right is leaning towards smears.
You're a daisy if you do.

Both a leaning toward smears.

The Right is using smears focused on character ("pals with terrorists"), the Left is using smears focused on policy (scaring Seniors).

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