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Has the Tailgate become the Daily Kos?


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I think it's clear that the left has taken over the Tailgate, as I've seen enough conspiracy theories, Bush hatred, and Obama worshipping to make Vlad Lenin blush.

But seriously, when did this happen? Even a year after the merger, the Tailgate seemed to maintain some semblance of parity. This new generation of ES tailgaters, however, all seem to be Obama minions. Browsing through threads, I usually find what seems to be a 10-1 advantage in favor of the lemmings when one dares question Obama's character, relationships, or policies.

What happened to the conservative posters? Were they banned, or did they give up? Demographics of new users? Regardless, the Tailgate seems to have become one giant left-handed circle jerk.

Not a sermon, just a thought.

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Nope. This is an accurate parity of what is going on in America. Republicans and so-called conservatives had 100% control of the Governnment and they royally screwed up damn near everything they touched. George W. Bush will do for the Republican party what Carter did for the Democrats times two. Get used to it.

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Nope. This is an accurate parity of what is going on in America. Republicans and so-called conservatives had 100% control of the Governnment and they royally screwed up damn near everything they touched. George W. Bush will do for the Republican party what Carter did for the Democrats times two. Get used to it.

Probably the best explanation right there. You're seeing a lot more pro-Democrat threads because that's how America has swung lately.

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some have left, some have been asked to leave for other reasons. it seems that any conservative thread or posting is just bashed and jumped on by the other side like a pack of wild dogs. its kind of discouraging to try and even speak up for any candidate that you happen to support.

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some have left, some have been asked to leave for other reasons. it seems that any conservative thread or posting is just bashed and jumped on by the other side like a pack of wild dogs. its kind of discouraging to try and even speak up for any candidate that you happen to support.

I was just the opposite a year ago.

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Nope. This is an accurate parity of what is going on in America. Republicans and so-called conservatives had 100% control of the Governnment and they royally screwed up damn near everything they touched. George W. Bush will do for the Republican party what Carter did for the Democrats times two. Get used to it.

if you really think the tailgate mirrors the country as a whole, i'd have to disagree.

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it seems that any conservative thread or posting is just bashed and jumped on by the other side like a pack of wild dogs.
you were asked to stay and ran from political threads? :silly:

You're so full of rage you can't even understand my point....;)

Seriously though, I was just referring to the part above.

Come November 4th, the Tailgate WILL BE TAKEN BACK.

We ARE taking it back!!!


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I think it's clear that the left has taken over the Tailgate, as I've seen enough conspiracy theories, Bush hatred, and Obama worshipping to make Vlad Lenin blush.

But seriously, when did this happen? Even a year after the merger, the Tailgate seemed to maintain some semblance of parity. This new generation of ES tailgaters, however, all seem to be Obama minions. Browsing through threads, I usually find what seems to be a 10-1 advantage in favor of the lemmings when one dares question Obama's character, relationships, or policies.

What happened to the conservative posters? Were they banned, or did they give up? Demographics of new users? Regardless, the Tailgate seems to have become one giant left-handed circle jerk.

Not a sermon, just a thought.

I don't think so. Yet.

Although it definitely has swung left.

That's why I've been posting some factcheck threads to try to keep things more balanced.

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Those of us who are conservative are hanging around. It doesn't make much sense to argue with the more liberal members around here - they will beat a horse to death times ten.

I posted in a mortgage related thread late last night and no fewer than five responded with very little to back up what they were saying, but it was revered as gospel. I don't mind debating one person, but five or ten at one time is a bit much. And then one of them will get their pants in a bunch if you don't reply to him/her.

They have definitely taken on the persona of Sen. Obama in many ways and that is why you see the tailgate as it is now. Like Mike says, some conservatives have been banned for various periods of time for different "offenses". The bans that I have seen lately don't warrant such action based on the rules, imo. Jumbo has been one-sided in that regard it seems.

One thing will solve this mess - having a political forum. It is sorely needed.

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I came to the realization a while back, that little to nothing is going to change no matter who is President. No matter who is President, or who is running Congress, the impact in my life and the lives of my friends and family will be slim to none. Politicians in general are only interested in one thing. Screwing everybody else over to get to the top, and screwing everybody else over to stay on top. I'm tired of the rhetoric and empty promises every election time. They ALL talk about what they are going to do, and nothing changes, no matter who wins. Special interests, corporations, and people with money to burn run this country. You can't even RUN for office without having a ridiculous amount of capitol, given to you by people who will ultimately control your every move in office. I'm voting for Mickey Mouse.

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It's funny because I think the loudest voices come from the right. I'm not sure about pure numbers, but as far as thread starting Redskins2000 starts even more threads than I do (even I find that hard to believe) and he calls himslef a conservative.

I think what has turned to a degree is the tone of anger. Conservatives are much angrier right now b/c they feel like they might lose. Libs are still grumpy, but they have a little more hope.

But you still hear endless cries of socialist, hippy, liberal scum, etc. so, I don't think ES Tailgate has become a liberal eutopia.

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Wish him well with that ban, major. If one thing you learn after almost 7 years here - is that you don't call out the MODS.
No kidding, that's just stupid.

People get banned for a reason. As a conservative, I get ashamed at some of the things those who call themselves conservative say.

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The worst offenders in the Tailgate have been those on the far right.

The consistent trolling by people like the OP who open up threads with "cue the lib apologists" etc, the random people that pop in on political threads spewing Limbaughesque accusations of Obama being a terrorist/not being born in this country etc seem to be much worse.

I would say that its obvious the Tailgate leans left but I think the Democratic posters who most often discuss politics (BRAVE, Predicto, Monte, JMU, mjah etc) do a pretty good job of debating using facts and sources.

With that being said, our friends on the right (H_H, keeastman, Major, twa etc) also hold their own and back up their arguments with facts.

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