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VP Debate Predictions!!! ( Poll )


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Alaska, Russia, Oil, Maverick, Change, the Good Ole Boys, 4 more years, big business, middle class, across party lines

That's my drinking game for tonight. It's a lot, I know, but I tried to pick some stuff from both sides. You know, to be fair and all ;)

Will probably narrow it down to a few right before we get started.:cheers:

Drinking games should get their own thread.


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Alaska, Russia, Oil, Maverick, Change, the Good Ole Boys, 4 more years, big business, middle class, across party lines

That's my drinking game for tonight. It's a lot, I know, but I tried to pick some stuff from both sides. You know, to be fair and all ;)

Will probably narrow it down to a few right before we get started.:cheers:

You forgot Liberal Elites... or East Coast Elites.

Remember when they had former New England Gov Mit Romney complaining about New England intellectuals at the GOP convention. That was classic... It should be a double shot if the guy blasts himself in his shot at the other party. Call that a Cheney. Drink twice.

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I, like most, expect something interesting to happen. Most of the time when there is a big build up, things don't live up to them. I voted boring due to not believing that the debate will match the hype. Both sides will be walking on egg shells hoping to not have a bad sound bite.

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BTW, anyone playing the Maverick drinking game? Each time Palin says, Maverick tonight take a shot. We all should be trashed.:2drunks::silly:

I can't....I tried this for the last 7 years of Bush speeches everytime he said 9/11, so now the wife thinks I have a drinking problem.

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Hehe, here's a new McCain ad out about Biden. It's pretty funny.


As for the debate tonight, I don't know what to expect. Obviously Biden has more knowledge on foreign policy. Most Governors, such as Clinton and Reagan, who went on to become President didn't have much knowledge on foreign policy.

She should be herself and relax and she'll be fine. She shouldn't try to be anything she's not. She should focus on her strengths, which is executive experience. This country for the most part elects Governors to the Presidency much more than Senators.

Palin's strength is executive experience and being an outsider of Washington who is a reformer. That's who she should be tonight. Her weakness is her lack of knowledge on foreign policy, which is common for Governors who run for President (she's the VP candidate anyways). What has hurt her is when someone asks her a gotcha question, like the Bush Doctrine and McCain's Regulatory history. When asked that, she looked rattled and unconfident. She shouldn't have been. She should have just said firmly, "I don't know that answer. I am the Governor of Alaska and have issues that my state is dealing with. I have reformed Alaska's government for the better. Why would I know these things while being Governor? There are subjects I need to get familiar with, and I am in that process now."

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You forgot Liberal Elites... or East Coast Elites.

Remember when they had former New England Gov Mit Romney complaining about New England intellectuals at the GOP convention. That was classic... It should be a double shot if the guy blasts himself in his shot at the other party. Call that a Cheney. Drink twice.

And "beltway insiders" and "fatcat".

Everytime time someone says "fatcat" you have to take a drink and then light a cigar with flaming legal tender. :)

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Palin's strength is executive experience and being an outsider of Washington who is a reformer. That's who she should be tonight. Her weakness is her lack of knowledge on foreign policy, which is common for Governors who run for President (she's the VP candidate anyways). What has hurt her is when someone asks her a gotcha question, like the Bush Doctrine and McCain's Regulatory history. When asked that, she looked rattled and unconfident. She shouldn't have been. She should have just said firmly, "I don't know that answer. I am the Governor of Alaska and have issues that my state is dealing with. I have reformed Alaska's government for the better. Why would I know these things while being Governor? There are subjects I need to get familiar with, and I am in that process now."

If that's supposed to be her executive experience, Palin had better hope none of the questions deal with:

How she's handled taxation

Her management of the Wasilla Schools/Fire/Police Depts.

How she's handled Alaska's growing problem with illegal immigrants

Her solution to deficits

How she managed the issues of millions of residents

Her management of budget crises

:secret: She's never had to deal with any of those things as Governor or Mayor and the only budget crises she handled was the one she left behind in Wasilla.

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Hehe, here's a new McCain ad out about Biden. It's pretty funny.


As for the debate tonight, I don't know what to expect. Obviously Biden has more knowledge on foreign policy. Most Governors, such as Clinton and Reagan, who went on to become President didn't have much knowledge on foreign policy.

She should be herself and relax and she'll be fine. She shouldn't try to be anything she's not. She should focus on her strengths, which is executive experience. This country for the most part elects Governors to the Presidency much more than Senators.

Palin's strength is executive experience and being an outsider of Washington who is a reformer. That's who she should be tonight. Her weakness is her lack of knowledge on foreign policy, which is common for Governors who run for President (she's the VP candidate anyways). What has hurt her is when someone asks her a gotcha question, like the Bush Doctrine and McCain's Regulatory history. When asked that, she looked rattled and unconfident. She shouldn't have been. She should have just said firmly, "I don't know that answer. I am the Governor of Alaska and have issues that my state is dealing with. I have reformed Alaska's government for the better. Why would I know these things while being Governor? There are subjects I need to get familiar with, and I am in that process now."

I agree that should be her approach on subjects where she has very little knowledge. I don't think that should be a sufficient answer, at least for the so many things she seems to be clueless in. I mean, really, the majority of the regulars on Extremeskins have a much deeper background in foreign affairs than she has displayed so far, "gotcha questions" my arse. I'll grant her the "Bush doctrine" question - because she's getting the perky dimwitted cheerleader's benefit of the doubt - but the question on McCain's record was pretty open-ended and there's no excuse for that. Still, a simple "Don't know, but I'm a quick study" would be much better that trying to BS her way through it, what the hell is she thinking?

My prediction is that she'll come out on the personal attack against Biden. She'll keep the parts of her answers that are actually relevant to the question as short as possible, to show she at least knows what the words mean (so far, at times there's been some doubt). Then she'll veer into personal attacks on Biden. No matter the question, I can't imagine we'll get through the whole thing without hearing about "plagarism" or a sly reference to it.

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I agree that should be her approach on subjects where she has very little knowledge. I don't think that should be a sufficient answer, at least for the so many things she seems to be clueless in. I mean, really, the majority of the regulars on Extremeskins have a much deeper background in foreign affairs than she has displayed so far, "gotcha questions" my arse. I'll grant her the "Bush doctrine" question - because she's getting the perky dimwitted cheerleader's benefit of the doubt - but the question on McCain's record was pretty open-ended and there's no excuse for that. Still, a simple "Don't know, but I'm a quick study" would be much better that trying to BS her way through it, what the hell is she thinking?

My prediction is that she'll come out on the personal attack against Biden. She'll keep the parts of her answers that are actually relevant to the question as short as possible, to show she at least knows what the words mean (so far, at times there's been some doubt). Then she'll veer into personal attacks on Biden. No matter the question, I can't imagine we'll get through the whole thing without hearing about "plagarism" or a sly reference to it.

Come on, that question on McCain was a silly gotcha question. Do you think Gore would have known the answer to a question about policies Clinton worked on in Arkansas as Governor?

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If that's supposed to be her executive experience, Palin had better hope none of the questions deal with:

How she's handled taxation

Her management of the Wasilla Schools/Fire/Police Depts.

How she's handled Alaska's growing problem with illegal immigrants

Her solution to deficits

How she managed the issues of millions of residents

Her management of budget crises

:secret: She's never had to deal with any of those things as Governor or Mayor and the only budget crises she handled was the one she left behind in Wasilla.

Wow, with your biased post, one would think she has a 29% approval rating in her state. In reality, she's the most popular Governor in the US and has the highest approval rating, which was over 80%. That's pretty remarkable.

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Come on, that question on McCain was a silly gotcha question. Do you think Gore would have known the answer to a question about policies Clinton worked on in Arkansas as Governor?

It's not like she said "Good morning Gov. So, Quick, name somehting McCain did?"

Palin SAID that the world is looking at McCain to give them leadership in this and that McCain was the leader. The follow up questions was basically "Why do you think that? What has he done?"

Hardly a "Gotcha question"

then "What newspapers do you read?" that was not a gocha, that was a softball warm up question that Palin just screwed up.

And the supreme court question was one that was asked of BOTH candidates.

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Come on, that question on McCain was a silly gotcha question. Do you think Gore would have known the answer to a question about policies Clinton worked on in Arkansas as Governor?
This kind of stuff continues to amaze me. In Gore's case he's a policy wonk and might actually know. But in general, no, I wouldn't expect Gore to know about Clinton's policies that affected only Arkansas. Not then, and had he been elected to two terms as president he wouldn't know now either. Nor would he know the price of tea in China or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, because none of them are relevant. Its a silly hypothetical.

But proper regulation of the financial markets is one of the most relevant subjects in America today, and the head of her ticket is feeling his way through an appropriate stance. I'd guess that tens of thousands of Americans have googled McCain and Obama's political history with regards to regulation. Type "McCain reg" into google and the dropdown will complete the word "regulation" for you. The question wasn't about anything specific, either, it was to name ONE EXAMPLE. How is it possible this could be a trick question?

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Wow, with your biased post, one would think she has a 29% approval rating in her state. In reality, she's the most popular Governor in the US and has the highest approval rating, which was over 80%. That's pretty remarkable.

Good point, especially seeing as how critical that Alaskan media is. NYC look out!

And her poll numbers are down to 12% in two weeks now that folks are starting to actually find out stuff about her. Seeing her lie to the country about Uncle Ted's earmarks that she supported doesn't help.

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Wow, with your biased post, one would think she has a 29% approval rating in her state. In reality, she's the most popular Governor in the US and has the highest approval rating, which was over 80%. That's pretty remarkable.

Well she does have the worst favorability ratings out of all the candidates all that means is Alaska isn't like the other 49 states.

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Wow, with your biased post, one would think she has a 29% approval rating in her state. In reality, she's the most popular Governor in the US and has the highest approval rating, which was over 80%. That's pretty remarkable.

Last I heard her approval ratings had dropped below 80% while two other governors are still at or above 80%, meaning SP no longer tops the list.

EDIT: link: http://www.adn.com/sarah-palin/story/542179.html

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Palin will win because all she has to do is seem competent. The bar is so low it's sad. I guarantee that she will have several attacking one liners trying to get Biden to take the bait and respond. Either way, everyone will be talking about what she does. Also, I don't think she can change the polls because VP's don't win elections, but I do think she can put the nail in the coffin and lose the election for McCain if she does what happened with Katie Couric.

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