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VP Debate Predictions!!! ( Poll )


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The two campaigns come in with two entirely different goals, McCain camp needs to have a gamechanger the Obama camp wants to keep the momentum. That said Biden will not attack Palin, there is no reason to. Besides the risk of looking bad or gaffing the benefits simply arnt that great, Brentson destroying Quayle with the "You are no Jack Kennedy" didn't have that much of an effect and anything Biden does won't change the game for the better for Obama.

That said:

Biden will win the debate by all conventional terms, he will effectively lay out his and Obama's plans show great command of the issues and come across as funny and likeable. He will not attack Palin at all unless absolutely necessary.

Palin will exceed expectations because honestly she cant not exceed them. She will simple spout off talking points and deflect questions when she needs to. But she wont come off nearly as knowledgeable as Biden.

All in all the race stays the same, Obama +5 no major gamechangers for either side.

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Biden failing to make a complete fool of her = Palin victory.

Sad, but true.

Bonus prediction: The SNL skit that soon follows will be hilarious.

you know the debate format which the Repubs and dems agreed to is one of the most restrictive one. The two candidates can't talk to each other or ask any questions. The moderator asks all the questions.. It's almost like a joint press conference.

I think the Repubs agreed to this because it helps them in an attempt to manage Palin's percieved liabilities...

I think the Dems were also smart to agree to this. It protects Biden from being seen as belittling her, or picking on her... and manages his liablities.

The net effect is it will be harder for either party to get a home run or strike out.... and both parties can try to manage their risks..

I've been watching the Palin debates for Gov of Alaska. She did six of them on State TV. The first one she showed up with index cards color coded, and read her answers from the cards. the next five she was much more comfortable and really openned up a can of whoop ass...

I think the Dems would be foolish to underestimate this lady. I also think it's foolish to not go after her agressively, because that's what her strength is; and that's what she will be doing to them.

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Well, since some genius decided to air the Veep Debate at 9pm on a Thursday there will be no new episode of The Office this week.

Therefore, all I can hope for is that this debate will be as entertaining and hilarious as any new episode of The Office could ever be.

In the spirit of The Office, I fully expect Palin to reference Wikipedia at some point during the debate. It would make perfect sense as to why she couldn't name any newspapers she reads...she gets all her info from Wiki. I mean, why not??


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Agreed...the bar has been set so low for Palin at this point that it would be nearly impossible for her to not exceed the level of expectation.

One thing to note, this debate has been highly structured to prevent any sort of interaction between the candidates.

My guess is that Palin will speak in vague generalities and beat around the bush and say nothing specific she'll probably try to act cute once or twice. Biden will stay on topic and use McCain's own experience against him.

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Bonus prediction: The SNL skit that soon follows will be hilarious.

Yeah the SNL writers are licking their chops on this one. I predict Biden to be a bit long winded as usual, but I expect him to be very careful with what he says.

With Palin...the minute Ifill says, "Governor Palin you have 90 seconds to respond"....I expect her face will glaze over with that, "awww, shucks..Gwen, you know..umm" look and she will go into a rample without answering the question or having an intelligent response.

BTW, anyone playing the Maverick drinking game? Each time Palin says, Maverick tonight take a shot. We all should be trashed.:2drunks::silly:

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BTW, anyone playing the Maverick drinking game? Each time Palin says, Maverick tonight take a shot. We all should be trashed.:2drunks::silly:

Alaska, Russia, Oil, Maverick, Change, the Good Ole Boys, 4 more years, big business, middle class, across party lines

That's my drinking game for tonight. It's a lot, I know, but I tried to pick some stuff from both sides. You know, to be fair and all ;)

Will probably narrow it down to a few right before we get started.:cheers:

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Yeah the SNL writers are licking their chops on this one. I predict Biden to be a bit long winded as usual, but I expect him to be very careful with what he says.

With Palin...the minute Ifill says, "Governor Palin you have 90 seconds to respond"....I expect her face will glaze over with that, "awww, shucks..Gwen, you know..umm" look and she will go into a rample without answering the question or having an intelligent response.

BTW, anyone playing the Maverick drinking game? Each time Palin says, Maverick tonight take a shot. We all should be trashed.:2drunks::silly:


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