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VP Debate Predictions!!! ( Poll )


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Wow, with your biased post, one would think she has a 29% approval rating in her state. In reality, she's the most popular Governor in the US and has the highest approval rating, which was over 80%. That's pretty remarkable.

Since when is pointing out cold, hard facts biased? Palin claimed that unlike Obama, she actually had responsibilities as a small town mayor. Well, turns out she didn't exactly have quite as much experience as advertised. If you're gonna lob bricks, you might want to make sure your own home isn't made of glass.

Renaissance already popped your bubble about her approval ratings in Alaska. However, to that I'd add that it's representative of a broader trend of her favorability ratings falling to earth. Sure, the GOP base will continue to support her no matter what. But the Independents that McCain needs to win this election have seen through her act big time.

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