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Guys: Do You (or anybody you know) Actually LIKE The Anorexic Look?


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Holy crap, NO!

That along with the spray on tans and (MOST, not all) hair dying affairs with other things, I think are hideous. There's no substitute for natural beauty. Even if a woman isn't what most people "beautiful", I'd much prefer her over someone so within themselves that they have to undergo massive changes every other week.

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NO. Looks good for film, but extracurricular activities suck. I don't like rubbing against bone.

That being said, us men don't run what's "hot" to men. Cosmo, etc, decides. Women get angry because they don't look like the tabloids, but in reality, we don't want that (majority, not every guy).

If women want to get rid of the bull****, they need to do it on their own. I don't enjoy "other" activities with a bony nothing. One day they'll ask us what we want, until then, let them torture themselves. Stop talking to each other, and start talking to the guy you're having sex with!

Something to grab always helps the fun. And I'm being serious. Obesity is sick, but a girl with a semi-tight tummy is fine. And for goodness sakes, jiggle a little in the behind!

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Supposedly it's popular, but I don't know ANYBODY who likes stick-thin women. Do you?

Your thoughts?

A friend of mine always said "the thinner the better". :doh: He always had this thing for stick thin anorexic women and married one last month. The girl is scary looking. Btw here is a stick thin model..:puke:


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he's not saying they are. He's using them as a positive example of skinny girls but not too skinny.

Cuthberth is hottttttt

Close, but not quite. I'm using them as examples of girls who aren't by any means obese, but still have some meat on their bones (you could also add Kournikova from several years ago, and pre-anorexic Lohan <though she's been looking better>).
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I don't like them that thin. I've been with a few very athletic chicks and that is cool, but as long as it isn't at the two ends of the extreme....hell, I like women.

I don't really know anyone who actually is really turned on by that look. I'm sure they are out there....but they don't hang in my circles.

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