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Ways to Annoy My Liberal Nutjob Professor.


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Before I get into this, I should add a disclaimer: I am by no means a Republican zealot (nor a Democrat one), and have generally found that 99% of the professors I've met in my first three years of college are politically moderate, and put a lot of effort into giving time to both sides of the spectrum. In fact, until this year, the only extremist I had encountered was on the Republican side of things.

But I'm taking an extra course over the second half of the summer to wrap up some loose credits for my second major, and the professor I have is, without a doubt, bat**** insane. Everything - everything - is a Republican conspiracy. Oil prices. Elections. The media. Terrorism. The stock market. Nuclear power. Electric cars. The Republicans, according to her, meet in dark rooms to smoke cigars and mischeviously scheme to ruin every last part of America.

Naturally, my first instinct for this class is to push as many of her buttons as possible for my own entertainment, but to do it in such a way as to avoid getting an instant F. I've already innocently lobbed a few pointed questions out there - "If the corporate media are all in bed with Republicans, why have they showered so much love on Obama?" "Can you explain why GM would make backroom deals with oil companies to keep its functional electric car design under wraps when it would obviously make much more money by simply selling the car?" - but I need to do more. The opportunity is too good to pass up.

So I open the floor to you, ES, especially Sarge & Co. Give me good ways to make a crazy liberal professor's head explode. Bonus points if Ferris Bueller is somehow incorporated.

Couple things....first off, conspiracy theories are true. The difference is just in which ones you believe to be true (whether you take the official version or some other version). Also, its widely known that the oil companies have been actively supplanting alternative technologies for the past 4-5 decades with the Republican party usually supporting them (if you don't believe me, look into the congressional record and look up the vote patterns of the parties; though in truth both the Dems and Repubs are incompetent).

I think that there are conspiracy theories that are true....I think that the evidence is there if you are willing to research but its a mistake to play partisan politics with it. ALL of the parties are corrupt because the entire SYSTEM is corrupt. Until we realize that the systems themselves are flawed, well miss the point and keep bickering at eachother about how political affiliations. We, as a people, need to move beyond the bickering....bc our politicians refuse to do so. :2cents:

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Couple things....first off, conspiracy theories are true. The difference is just in which ones you believe to be true (whether you take the official version or some other version). Also, its widely known that the oil companies have been actively supplanting alternative technologies for the past 4-5 decades with the Republican party usually supporting them (if you don't believe me, look into the congressional record and look up the vote patterns of the parties; though in truth both the Dems and Repubs are incompetent).

There's a difference between "oil companies trying to fight off the eventually-inevitable demise of their product" and "GM, a company that is headed towards bankruptcy largely because its cars can't compete with more fuel-efficient foreign competitors, could have been selling a fully-functional electric car by 2003 - a car that would completely turn the tables on that fuel-efficiency problem - but has kept the whole thing under wraps because of shady backroom deals with oil companies. Oh, and by the way, those deals haven't been enough to keep GM from losing billions every year."

I think that there are conspiracy theories that are true....I think that the evidence is there if you are willing to research but its a mistake to play partisan politics with it. ALL of the parties are corrupt because the entire SYSTEM is corrupt. Until we realize that the systems themselves are flawed, well miss the point and keep bickering at eachother about how political affiliations. We, as a people, need to move beyond the bickering....bc our politicians refuse to do so. :2cents:

You're just trying to pull the wool over my eyes, you damn dirty Republican.

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Put a McCain 08 sticker on your laptop or bookbag.

Carry "The Road to Serfdom" or "Conscience of a Conservative" to class. Bonus points if you can manage to insert some quotes into any classroom discussions.

Get into an argument over the Redskins name. Be sure to print out and show to her the poll results that show most Native Americans don't give a damn about the name. Bonus points if you try to convince her that the pejorative content of "Redskins" was a linguistic construct of chauvinist Western movies.

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Carry "The Road to Serfdom" or "Conscience of a Conservative" to class. Bonus points if you can manage to insert some quotes into any classroom discussions.

How about we just give those books to every republican in congress. I wouldn't be surprised if she said good things about Hayek especially his essay : Why I am not a conservative.

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How about we just give those books to every republican in congress. I wouldn't be surprised if she said good things about Hayek especially his essay : Why I am not a conservative.
Hayek: Good man :)
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How about

Nancy Pelosi is the reason woman sufferage should end I mean look at her she has suffered enough!!!

Equality means the woman gets the same food I eat...right after she cooks it.

On January 20th start crying, then look at her and ask, Why why does the gretest man to ever be president have to leave? Then answer your own question, oh ya because this is a democracy, something that if left up to liberals would have never happened!!!

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Get a t-shirt with O'Reilly on the front and Hannity on the back.

Ask your teacher to start calling lectures "talking points".

If possible, write a paper about why marriage SHOULD BE between a man and a woman.

If she hasn't already seen him on the internet, send her links to Alex Jones and reply that he is ****ing crazy.

Get a t-shirt with FOX News Channel logo on the front with the slogan "Fair and Balanced" on the back.

Remember the Ghostbuster logo, Rachel Maddow logo instead.

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If any women's sports league/team is ever mentioned, deny any knowledge of it, but in an inquisitive fashion. Example:

Professor: "Did anyone see the WNBA game between Houston and Los Angelos?"

You: "You mean the World National Basketball Association?"

Professor: "No, the women's pro league"

You: "Wasn't aware. What country is it in? Are they paid?"

If she questions your knowledge of basketball, tell her that you were all-state in high school, that you've never heard of such a thing as a women's pro basketball league and that she must surely be confusing it with volleyball.

Disclaimer: I love all women's sports, including WNBA, Golf, Tennis, running, boating, etc.

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