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Ways to Annoy My Liberal Nutjob Professor.


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Walk into class reading a book by Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter makes me want to kill. I wouldn't even call myself a liberal/Democrat. I just can't stand people who put a red, white and blue cover on a pile of excrement and sell it as "political literature."

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Ask her to write you a letter of recomendation for a summer internship. Tell her you need to it apply to the following places:




The World Bank


The US Department of Defense


The Christian Coalition

this made me laugh so hard

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...and PB, every time I see that you've posted in this thread, I'm expecting maybe this should just be merged into that thread: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=160810

Merging it with my favorite thread was my first thought too. :)

And EVERY situation is the RIGHT situation to prop your feet up on the AC so that i blows on your junk. :laugh:

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I never had any clue about my professor's political views, nor could I care less. That had nothing to do with the material I was studying.

If someone is bringing their personal baggage into the classroom, that is a sign of a poor teacher IMO. And not a ringing endorsement for the school. That is community college crap...

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Im a bit surprised none of the more liberaly inclined/passive aggressive posters felt the need to reciprocate this thread for a conservative nutjob professor, but it could be equally as funny.

They're too busy wiping the sand from their vaginas.


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Im a bit surprised none of the more liberaly inclined/passive aggressive posters felt the need to reciprocate this thread for a conservative nutjob professor, but it could be equally as funny.
I'm not sure conservative nutjob professors exist, but if they did, I'd sit quietly in my seat for fear of getting shot by the semiautomatic rifle he would probably have in his desk.

...besides, it's more fun to annoy Sarge or GoSkins or honorary_hog (through the internet where .30-caliber bullets can't reach). :silly:

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How about you hand out a history quiz:

1. The only U.S. president to suspend Habeus Corpus was

a) Ronald Reagen B) George W. Bush c) Richard Nixon d) Abraham Lincoln

2. The establishment of the EPA, the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act were major environmental reforms during this presidents tenure:

a) John F. Kennedy B) Lyndon Johnson c) Jimmy Carter d) Richard Nixon

4. The Vietnam war was sharply escalated while this party was in power in both houses of Congress and the White House:

a) Republicans B) Democrats

5. This U.S. President declined to intervene when the Soviet Union supressed a rebellion in Hungary, avoided a potentially devastating and costly war

a) Harry Truman B) John F. Kennedy c) Dwight D. Eisenhower d) Jimmy Carter

6. In the 1960 this candidate for U.S. President was noted for his militaristic attitude toward Cuba and Vietnam

a) Richard Nixon B) Barry Goldwater c) John F. Kennedy

7. The Sedition Act, which severely curtailed crticism of the government during wartime, was passed by the urging of this president

a) George W. Bush B) Woodrow Wilson c) Richard Nixon

8. This U.S. President signed an executive order authorizing the removal of all people of a certain ethnic descent from certain areas, regardless of political beliefs, to concentration camps

a) Richard Nixon B) Dwight D. Eisenhower c) Franklin D. Roosevelt

9. The SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) between the United States and the Soviet Union, were begin under the administration of President

a) John F. Kennedy B) Lyndon Johnson c) Richard Nixon d) Jimmy Carter

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