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Would Bush win a third term?


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No. If there no term limits in 2000; Bill Clinton would still be president and maybe running for a 5th term.

The Dow would have passed 24,000. And the Republicans would still be claiming it was all because of Reagan.

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Obama would crush him. He beat Gore and Kerry... those two don't come close to Obama. Watch how badly McCain loses, those expecting a close race are going to be surprised.

I wouldn't be surprised Bush winning the nomination, Bush was a known quantity and he still had very good GOP turnout. Do republicans want to pretend he's some rarity in their party? He's a symbol of what republicans stand for these days.

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And it should.

You guys were right. You win. You should be proud of the fact that you saw this coming.

Unfortunately, even though you were right, you still lose, right along with the rest of us.

I would rather watch the US go out in a blaze of retardedness knowing that I was right all along :).

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Congratulations! You just summed up all Democrats in one sentence!]


witty, humorous, sarcastic, clever who even when speaking simply operate at a level that's beyond the intellectual capacity of 90% of the people who vote Republican?

Man, DoGood. That's not a nice thing to say about your party. I'm not even sure I would go that far.

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witty, humorous, sarcastic, clever who even when speaking simply operate at a level that's beyond the intellectual capacity of 90% of the people who vote Republican?

Man, DoGood. That's not a nice thing to say about your party. I'm not even sure I would go that far.

He said it, not me. He was just brave enough to say out loud what the D's are thinking.

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For you folks claiming he wouldn't stand a chance:

What do the people know about W, right now, that they didn't know 4 years ago?

It's true.

Sadly he would probably win a third term because his politcal advisers are amazing at what they do. Rove would scare the country into thinking that voting any other way would cause among others: the terrorists to win, the death of innocent unborn babies, and homosexuals to marry all across the country.

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He'd easily win the republican nomination. He'd lose the general election by a landslide. I didn't see that option up there, so I just voted tarred and feathered by an angry mob. I don't see how republicans could vote against a current president in a nomination bid. He would get pummled by whoever ran against him even Hillary. It pains me to say that, but Hillary would defeat Bush in a presidential election right now.

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He bypassed the governor, Senator of La before Hurricane Katrina forced the residents to leave on all of the school buses that sat instead of being used to evacuate.

Ran more like a conservative instead of trying to reach out to the other side like he did in Texas, corrected misinformation by the media and liberals immediately instead of trying to remain presidential and above the fray to the dismay of conservatives.

Had a better post Iraq War victory plan that let the men on the ground fight instead of worrying about the media and liberals sniveling about numbers of troops deployed.

Fought to have more refineries, domestic drilling without punitive taxes and more conservative judges.

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