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Obama, November 1999, Obama cocaine use, gay sex


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I hope so.

(I've been thinking about going back to Stadium.) :doh:

Unlike resident tailgate elitists :D , and as an informed and objective reader of all :cool: , I have always found the tardism evenly distributed (more or less) when traffic ratios and topical limitations are factored. :)

Now ATN is another story. :silly: :laugh:

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Is there truth to this? I don't know. With the main stream media cover it and do the research? I will be shocked if they do.

Wait, wait, wait...

You're using this... as a point against... the mainstream media.


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Wait, wait, wait...

You're using this... as a point against... the mainstream media.


The Rev. Jeremiah Wright story had been around on the net for over a year before them mainstream media did anything with it. Trusting the mainstream media to get the truth out is as foolish as trusting our candidates (from either party) to tell us the full truth.

60 Minutes had no problem running a story about Bush based on fake documents. http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp?Page=%5CPolitics%5Carchive%5C200409%5CPOL20040909d.html

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60 Minutes had no problem running a story about Bush based on fake documents. http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp?Page=%5CPolitics%5Carchive%5C200409%5CPOL20040909d.html

60 Minutes had no problem running a story that was confirmed by two seperate sources, and using documents which turned out to be fake after they ran the story.

I know. It's a minor detail. Must be why so many people keep forgetting it.

Bush knew that the "Saddam bought yellowcake from Niger" story was based on forged documents before he used them, anyway, in the SOTU.

Dan Rather found out that his documents, (which two sources had no problems with), were fake after his story appeared.

(And, BTW, not one fact that was mentioned in those fake documents has even been disputed. The documents were fake. The information in them was accurate.)

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The Rev. Jeremiah Wright story had been around on the net for over a year before them mainstream media did anything with it. Trusting the mainstream media to get the truth out is as foolish as trusting our candidates (from either party) to tell us the full truth.

60 Minutes had no problem running a story about Bush based on fake documents. http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp?Page=%5CPolitics%5Carchive%5C200409%5CPOL20040909d.html

So, by your logic, I should expect a CNN headline of "Ron Paul surprises everyone and wins Republican nomination" any minute now, right?

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The Rev. Jeremiah Wright story had been around on the net for over a year before them mainstream media did anything with it. Trusting the mainstream media to get the truth out is as foolish as trusting our candidates (from either party) to tell us the full truth.
The mainstream media was the original source for the Jeremiah Wrights story. It was in Rolling Stone and the New York Times in early 2007. I think the reason it didn't become a big story back then was because nobody really cared - nobody thought Obama would have a chance at the nomination. Nobody was trying to hid anything; Obama just didn't matter back then.
60 Minutes had no problem running a story about Bush based on fake documents. http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp?Page=%5CPolitics%5Carchive%5C200409%5CPOL20040909d.html
Dan Rather apologized and then resigned after that story.

Will the same thing happen to all the bloggers spreading false rumors about Obama?

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THAT is the stupidest statement I've ever read.

I can't wait til the first debate. Obama is going to make him look old and silly.

And the issue is the econonmy, McCain has said repeatidly he knows very little about it. Obama will exploit him on that. What does McCain have? Talking about an unpopular war?

Unless something crazy happens, Obama wins this election.

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Why don't I just post about how Obama had a nice cross-over dribble when he was playing high school basketball, because it is just about as relevant.

because we all know THAT'D be a lie.

Separately, maybe the tailgate is finally hitting it's max-retard level

that's saying something, right?

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au contraire ... Barry O'Bomber was once part of a state championship basketball team:


His old coach remembers the last time he saw Obama in person a few years ago. He says he didn't want to bother the newly famous politician so he stayed off to the side.

"Part way through his speech," McLachlin said, "he kind of caught my eye in the back of the chapel and said, 'Coach Mac, how you doing? You know I used to play basketball here you guys and I really wasn't as good as I thought I was. Was I coach?' and we sort of laughed about it."

McLachlin continued. "He sort of admitted, you know, maybe I pushed the envelope a little bit too much on the minutes thing and I really wasn't as good as I thought I was and it was kind of, I thought, a very cogent remark."

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The GOP knows it has no hope of beating Obama on issues, QUOTE]

THAT is the stupidest statement I've ever read.

Erm... how the hell so? Have you seen any polls on, well, anything? A strong majority sides with the Dems right now on Iraq, on the economy, on healthcare... they may or may not side philosophically with the Democratic party platform in the very long run, but right now, the GOP is getting crushed by the issues.

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