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Obama, November 1999, Obama cocaine use, gay sex


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So Barack Obama is a communist, socialist, racist, black nationalist, crooked, radical Muslim, extremist, terrorist appeasing, America-hating, non-flag pin wearing, National Anthem dissing, cocaine snorting, gay murderer with no cross-over dribble.

Did I miss anything?

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But Koolblue you're forgetting an important aspect of that plan.

He's not attacking Pakistan.

He's attacking terrorists INSIDE Pakistan.

I have no problem with that.

Wait, he's soft on terrorists. I'll add that to my list.

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So Barack Obama is a communist, socialist, racist, black nationalist, crooked, radical Muslim, extremist, American-hating, non-flag pin wearing, National Anthem dissing, cocaine snorting, gay murderer with no cross-over dribble.

Did I miss anything?

Yup, not only is he a radical Muslim. It's important to remember that he's a fringe evangelical Christian. Oh... and I just remembered, he's not actually American wasn't there a thread somewhere claiming that Obama was actually a foreigner? Come to think of it McCain is unamerican too. McCain was born in Panama. He's Panamanian.

Oh, and thanks to Brike, we learned that he is athletically fashion challenged

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60 Minutes had no problem running a story that was confirmed by two seperate sources, and using documents which turned out to be fake after they ran the story.

I know. It's a minor detail. Must be why so many people keep forgetting it.

Bush knew that the "Saddam bought yellowcake from Niger" story was based on forged documents before he used them, anyway, in the SOTU.

Dan Rather found out that his documents, (which two sources had no problems with), were fake after his story appeared.

(And, BTW, not one fact that was mentioned in those fake documents has even been disputed. The documents were fake. The information in them was accurate.)

1) Bush's famous 16 words were not a lie:

Fact Check

2) He never said "Saddam bought yellowcake from Niger" as you claim... He said: "The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa .”

3) The forged documents were not the basis of the British Intelligence that was cited when making those statements.

4) George W Bush was "honorably discharged" after completing 5.5 years of a 6 year commitment so that he could attend Harvard Business School. You can't prove the forged documents were accurate (despite the forgery), since Killian isn't alive.

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Yup, not only is he a radical Muslim. It's important to remember that he's a fringe evangelical Christian. Oh... and I just remembered, he's not actually American wasn't there a thread somewhere claiming that Obama was actually a foreigner? Come to think of it McCain is unamerican too. McCain was born in Panama. He's Panamanian.

Oh, and thanks to Brike, we learned that he is athletically fashion challenged

McCain was born in Panama, huh...I guess being born on a Navy Base constitutes being a natural born citizen.

But that won't stop us crazy Libs.

I'll go start a thread about it, ignoring the fact that he's still technically qualified.

We need some balence in the Tailgate.


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But Koolblue you're forgetting an important aspect of that plan.

He's not attacking Pakistan.

He's attacking terrorists INSIDE Pakistan.

I have no problem with that.


I guess that's nothing like the things we have been doing that seem to piss a whole lot of other people and countries off, my bad.

If Pakistan found there to be terrorists here, but we didn't do anything (damn ACLU j/k) and they bombed them, it would be fine then, right?

Nobody would get just a little irritated?

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I guess that's nothing like the things we have been doing that seem to piss a whole lot of other people and countries off, my bad.

If Pakistan found there to be terrorists here, but we didn't do anything (damn ACLU j/k) and they bombed them, it would be fine then, right?

Nobody would get just a little irritated?

Well we actually bombed targets inside Pakistan today (well the news story came out today), and they're pissed. I'm not sure if they're more pissed because we killed some Pakistani troops along with the terrorists or because it was inside Pakistan.

I think the overall view on the issue is decent, tougher on terror in general. Pakistan has been notoriously slow to react to terrorist targets inside her boarders...which is why many say they are "harboring" terrorists. Someone has to bomb the ****ers...

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So Barack Obama is a communist, socialist, racist, black nationalist, crooked, radical Muslim, extremist, American-hating, non-flag pin wearing, National Anthem dissing, cocaine snorting, gay murderer with no cross-over dribble.

Did I miss anything?

You forgot
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Well we actually bombed targets inside Pakistan today (well the news story came out today), and they're pissed. I'm not sure if they're more pissed because we killed some Pakistani troops along with the terrorists or because it was inside Pakistan.

I think the overall view on the issue is decent, tougher on terror in general. Pakistan has been notoriously slow to react to terrorist targets inside her boarders...which is why many say they are "harboring" terrorists. Someone has to bomb the ****ers...

We've been bombing inside of Pakistan for a bit now. Remember that American kid turned AQ? He is now a "fine mist" to use Sarges term.

So, as a Obama supporter, does your beleif in change still stay strong knowing that Obama supports the tax give away and the wonderful Bush Foriegn Policy tactics in the ME?

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Yup, not only is he a radical Muslim. It's important to remember that he's a fringe evangelical Christian. Oh... and I just remembered, he's not actually American wasn't there a thread somewhere claiming that Obama was actually a foreigner? Come to think of it McCain is unamerican too. McCain was born in Panama. He's Panamanian.

Oh, and thanks to Brike, we learned that he is athletically fashion challenged

Are you saying there isn't legitimate criticism of Barack Obama because some of the criticism seems unbelievable?

Show me friends/supporters of his who don't fit into the ultra-liberal, American-self-loathing, communist-leaning crowd? Wouldn't you think that he would combat these arguments by introducing us to some of his friends who don't fit into this crowd? How is this guy going to "unite" when his closest influences and friends are all former communists (or current), former terrorists, anti-semitics, and accused criminals?

Show me life-long friends/mentors and 20-year associates of Barack Obama who can balance the influences that we see... Maybe you will have a point.

Show me a conservative democrat that ate lunch with him every other Saturday... You'd think this would be a relatively easy way to try and combat the message that is being brought against him.

The guy is shady because the friends we know about are shady... Show me friends who aren't shady!

Honestly... You all need to stop deflecting the arguments and start having answers. You guys are not this dull.

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We've been bombing inside of Pakistan for a bit now. Remember that American kid turned AQ? He is now a "fine mist" to use Sarges term.

So, as a Obama supporter, does your beleif in change still stay strong knowing that Obama supports the tax give away and the wonderful Bush Foriegn Policy tactics in the ME?

His 'tax give away' will be nothing compared to continuing the Bush tax cuts.

And his foreign policy will not be as reckless as McCain's, which I can easliy see leading us to war with Iran.

So yes, my support may waiver...but I'm still voting for him.

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His 'tax give away' will be nothing compared to continuing the Bush tax cuts.

And his foreign policy will not be as reckless as McCain's, which I can easliy see leading us to war with Iran.

So yes, my support may waiver...but I'm still voting for him.

I just think you should look a little deeper into it. Don't vote against anybody, vote for somebody. Don't compair his plan to others, just your own.

Figure out if there is any actual "change" to hope for.

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I just think you should look a little deeper into it. Don't vote against anybody, vote for somebody. Don't compair his plan to others, just your own.

Figure out if there is any actual "change" to hope for.

I'm well aware of Obamas platform on, well everything.

And I support a good portion of it.

But I am also voting against McCain, for the good of the country.

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Are you saying there isn't legitimate criticism of Barack Obama because some of the criticism seems unbelievable?

No, not at all, but quite a few of these tacts are just downright silly and their silliness ought to be mocked. I also think the more of these false roads you go down the more spurious all the arguments seem. It's a bit like throwing mud randomly. At some point something will stick. On the other hand, I dislike witchhunts.

There are legit concerns surrounding Obama. I think that the Reverend Write issue for one actually carries weight. I don't know that it's definitive, but this cocaine/gay thing is nuts. The Qu'ran swearing thing was an out and out lie. The flagpin thing (though I can understand its symbolic undertones). That there was a Che poster in a cubicle in an unaffliliated office that supported Obama...

I think what it comes down to is that the attack machines have cost themselves credibility. 8 years of Whitewater investigation that somehow became about an affair. Swiftboating. All this Obama crap. Its a pattern of behavior that the Republicans seem to revel in and it makes sense that they do. It worked, but in reality, it's counter productive to the population learning about platforms and having a reasoned debate about how to address and fix the issues of the United States.

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