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Last update on my Mom's fight with cancer (05/10/12)


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i will keep you in my prayers. you are a brother above all else and we may squabble amongst each other but when the chips fall I and everyone else in here will rally around you.

Stay strong SS, keep in mind what is important and just be there. Above all else do whatever you can to be present in your mother's life.

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Wow! I woke up in tears this morning, dreading this day. But the responses from you all have already made things a bit better. Thanks for that.

Today, we hope to find out what the verdict is on the specific type of cancer. We keep praying that it isnt anaplastic. Even if it is the other type, she will have a rough road ahead, but at least she will have something to hope for.

This is all so surreal. Over the past month a company has been recruiting me for a role that will allow me to live wherever I chose, and many other benefits. I wonder if it is God's way of telling me to prepare to take care of my parents and move back to Syracuse for a while?

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well, i spoke with my Dad. He is doing better. They sedated him last night because he started losing control and was in stroke range in BP.

I'm sad to say that last night, my Mom appeared to be giving up. I hope it was because she was in discomfort and was still medicated from the surgery. We need her to get the will to survive. She is a strong, farm woman, but she is so worried about being a burdon to her familly that she wanted to let go.

The tumor was described as a solid mass surrounding the entire Thyroid. They couldnt remove it due to the bleeding that was caused by just taking the biopsy.

I know that cant be positive news, but keep hoping and praying with all my heart that it is treatable.

God bless you all for all of the positive energy and prayer you have sent.

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Dear ES bretheren,

A couple of hours ago I received a phone call from my younger brother. He asked me to sit down. My mother had what we thought was a fairly easy and routine surgery to remove part of her thyroid. She had been told they wanted to do a biopsy just in case. When in surgery the Doctors found that her entire thyoid and the surrounding area were filled with cancerous cells. They were unable to remove the cancer. There is a 50/50 chance that my mother has anaplastic thyroid cancer, which from research, I've learned has a low 5% survival rate and an 80% chance of not making it past a year. My father, who has had issues with high blood pressure and stroke is doing very poorly since he got the news. I fear I will lose both of my parents.

I am literally lost in despair right now. I live 800 miles away and feel so utterly alone and helpless in dealing with this horrible news.

I simply dont know what to do, think, or say. I have very few close friends locally whom I can turn to.

I know that my politics and points of views have alienated me from many of you here, but I dont know where to turn to for support.

I need you.

politics, religion, and views aside...family is family...thoughts and well wishes to you and yours.

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Hey there,

God has a plan and none of us know what that plan is.

All we can do is try to survive AND more importantly, have faith in the Lord...every day...every way.

I pray for you, your mother and your father.

You know ES is here, whenever you need us...every day...every way.

God Bless,


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Hold strong SS. Be with your mother and be present for her. Mentally, physically, whatever. She loves you and she knows you love her. You just need to do what you can and let God's will be done my friend.

I will continue to pray for you and your family.

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SS you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

I don't care what your politics are...there are more important things than that in life. I may not always agree with them...but at least I understand where you are coming from and I will respect you for that.

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You'll be in my prayers as well. I hope she'll be okay.

Just as an aside, my aunt was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer and given six months to live. She was with us for 15 years before eventually succumbing. So, don't give up if the worst is realized. Just enjoy every day you have with her.

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Death is part of the natural cycle of life. If it is time for your mother to go, its important to concentrate on the memories of her life and celebrate the years you've had to share with her. Do not dwell on the fact that she is leaving, be grateful that she was here in the first place. Ultimately, you will always feel a sense of loss when you remember her but you will move on and continue to have a happy life and you will always cherish the time spent with her.

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You are all so great! I'll never forget the kindness and compassion that has been sent my way in this thread.

I keep learning more and more troubling statistics on aggressive thyroid cancer. It's looking pretty bleak. Does anyone know of any survivor stories or testimonials on different treatment opitions? There is alot on the web, but I'm getting very conflicting things to sort through. I would like my mom to read about others who have made it through.

BTW, I got to speak with her for a little bit and she is being her typical self. Full of "I'm fine's" and If it's Gods Plan" statements. Shes tough as nails but I know its a facade to help ease the fears of her children and husband.

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SS, my dad was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (on Christmas) which is about the worst disease you can get outside of Ebola. He got diagnosed much the same way as your mom, they found it during what was suppossed to be routine surgery on his gall bladder. He's in the middle of chemo and radiation right now. It sucks, but he's a trooper and we think he's going to be fine. I hope the same goes for your mom.

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You are all so great! I'll never forget the kindness and compassion that has been sent my way in this thread.

I keep learning more and more troubling statistics on aggressive thyroid cancer. It's looking pretty bleak. Does anyone know of any survivor stories or testimonials on different treatment opitions? There is alot on the web, but I'm getting very conflicting things to sort through. I would like my mom to read about others who have made it through.

BTW, I got to speak with her for a little bit and she is being her typical self. Full of "I'm fine's" and If it's Gods Plan" statements. Shes tough as nails but I know its a facade to help ease the fears of her children and husband.

SS, you might want to drop LiveStrongSkins a PM - he's a motivational speaker for cancer patients (he is a survivor himself).

I'm very sorry to hear about your mom - you are in all of our thoughts... you too PB.

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Rince: Good advice, I'll definitely send a PM. Thanks for the kind thoughts. I appreciate them all more than you could imagine

PB: I am so sorry that you are also going through this (that goes for the others who have also been fighting this disease themselves or for their loved ones) I take extreme solice in the fact that there are survivors and testimonials of success out there.

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