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Last update on my Mom's fight with cancer (05/10/12)


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Good morning friends,

I'm leaving for Syracuse today. I'll have a job interview along the way and plan to arrive tomorrow evening.

We will learn the details of Mom's cancer and the extent of it tomorrow. My siblings and I have each taken on an assigned role, mine is a focus on nutrition, faith, mind-body, and pain management options. Mom said she is most worried about the pain and about my Dad.

We think that she will be able to go to the Dana farber institute in Boston. Some friends we have there in the medical community are helping us with the logistics and details.

I just wanted to once again thank you all. I had a very tough time getting through the first few days of this news. I feel much better equiped now to support my Parents for what is to come. Your kindness and prayers have really been a saving grace and I will forever be in your debt as a result.

God Bless you

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I'm so glad you are with your parents and your brother learning about this illness and comforting each other. What a blessing for you all to be together at this time.

As for the pain.....the medications can do wonders for the pain....my mom had pancreatic cancer-one of the most painful illnesses, and pain meds helped a huge deal. But when she was in her greatest bout of pain as an inpatient in Hospice at 3am one time, I mean she was writhing in pain, she all of the sudden stopped, and we asked her what she saw: she was awestruck and in such amazement I cannot describe in words-she said "Love." I asked her what love looked like, and she said "Jesus", "Jesus, I see Jesus!" "Oh Jesus, I love you so much Jesus" and was talking to him with such reverence. In that instant from when she was writhing, to when she just stared up in awe at what she saw....she was delivered from pain IMMEDIATELY, and not by any drugs. I believe Jesus took her pain away: instantly. That night.

Keep that faith alive, my friend. We are all going through something on this earth for a reason, and the best parts of this life are love and family. However the greatest reward is the other side, once we've done our job on this Earth. This is just the short preview to the eternal movie. Heaven awaits! And it is beautiful.

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thanks georgiaredskin and lovetoaster, I read your comments while visiting them and they were uplifting.

Well, I have just returned home from visiting Syracuse.

We were surprised to learn that she doesnt have any of the four subtypes that are typical.

That means that she doesnt have the very deadly Anaplastic subtype either. That is the good news.

The bad news...She has a very rare form of Thyroid cancer called "Insular Carcinoma". The Dr. in Syracuse said he has only seen 3 other cases in his 25 years in the profession.

Mom will be going to Boston (MGH, not the Dana Farber institute that we had thought). She will have one of the best specialists in the business as her Dr there. She leaves Thursday and will most likely have surgery sometime next week, but we arent certain. There appears to be good chances that she will be put in a clinical trial due to the rarity. I've helped make arrangements for them to stay in an extended stay hotel while there. It has all the amenities of an apartment and there is a free shuttle to the hospital so they dont have to mess with too much Boston traffic. I think that they will like it. We plan to visit them as a whole family again in a couple of weeks right after the surgery.

mom is in very good spirits, but very tired and sore from the last surgery. She sleeps every few hours for about a half hour at a time. She is most worried over her family and especially my Dad. I overheard her pull one of their neighbors aside and tell him to please take care of my dad and to help my brother with the home front (lawn mowing, garden, farm stuff, etc).

My siblings and I have been working on converting an old milk house into a potting shed for her to do her plant hobby in. Until now, we have moved pretty slowly and we all feel pretty guilty about dragging our feet. We worked in secret on it, and hope it will be completed by Tuesday as a nice surprise for her to use before she leaves for Boston.

We all understand that it's in God's hands now and we think we have done most of what we can to prepare for any eventuality as it comes.

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Thank you for the update, SS. She is in God's hands for sure. It is comforting that it sounds like she is in the hands of the best doctors as well. And how wonderful that you all made her a potting shed for her to do her plants....that is so awesome and thoughtful. I know she will be truly touched and feel so loved, that her boys are there for her, but in such a thoughtful way. You obviously are a wonderful son.

We will keep praying for her and for you guys. Don't forget to take care of yourself during this time. I know the toll it takes on a loved one who worries so much about the sick parent. Hang in there, buddy.

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Thank you for the update, SS. She is in God's hands for sure. It is comforting that it sounds like she is in the hands of the best doctors as well. And how wonderful that you all made her a potting shed for her to do her plants....that is so awesome and thoughtful. I know she will be truly touched and feel so loved, that her boys are there for her, but in such a thoughtful way. You obviously are a wonderful son.

We will keep praying for her and for you guys. Don't forget to take care of yourself during this time. I know the toll it takes on a loved one who worries so much about the sick parent. Hang in there, buddy.

I appreciate that georgia!

As to the wonderful son, well....I'm actually pretty ashamed of my teens and early 20's. I was a bad kid and I regret virtually every act of rebellion that I did.

We actually talked about that and I took the advice from Bang (I think thats who it was) and let them know that they succeeded in raising me to be a good man despite the bad stuff of yesteryear. I also explained to both of them that the simple fact that I made it past all that stuff and am doing well now is a testiment to their work through the hard times.

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Hey!! I hate to throw my politics into this thread, but I knew there was going to be another reason for liking the candidate that I have chosen! Gosh, that could really help people with cancer so much.

"H.R. 4684: Cancer and Terminal Illness Patient Health Care Act of 2007

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to waive the employee portion of Social Security taxes imposed on individuals who have been diagnosed as having cancer or a terminal disease."


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"H.R. 4684: Cancer and Terminal Illness Patient Health Care Act of 2007

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to waive the employee portion of Social Security taxes imposed on individuals who have been diagnosed as having cancer or a terminal disease."

It ain't much, SS, but I was planning on writing my congresswoman this week anyway. I will include a request for her to support this bill.

You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers, brother. Stay strong.

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It ain't much, SS, but I was planning on writing my congresswoman this week anyway. I will include a request for her to support this bill.

You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers, brother. Stay strong.

awesome! Thats a very thoughtful thing to do hh!

I appreciate it!

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SS, I want to add that I have also learned something from this thread. Today my family will spend the day with my parents and I will make it a point to let them know how much I love and appreciate them.

God bless you and your family.

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The little things mean so much to me these days hh. My perspective on the joy that life brings has changed dramatically in the past week. I'm finally appreciating what I took for granted.

Well, in that case, I'm honored that such a simple gesture means so much. And I'm proud of you for looking at such a dreadful situation and being able to take something positive from it.

You need anything, you know where I am. :)

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SS, I want to add that I have also learned something from this thread. Today my family will spend the day with my parents and I will make it a point to let them know how much I love and appreciate them.

God bless you and your family.

That made me get misty eyed!! Thanks!

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That made me get misty eyed!! Thanks!

Just wanted to let you know that sometimes the hand that's dealt to someone else can be a valuable learning experience to an outside observer if you're smart enough to look. I truly wish that I didn't have to get this message through your crisis, never the less, I did.

Brother, know that your struggles have been appreciated. I have gotten misty-eyed many times reading through this thread. Know that there are many here that take from your experience and are here to offer our support and, in my case, my thanks.... I hope that makes sense.

God bless you......God bless your Mom, God bless your Dad and God bless your family.

May the saddest of your future be no worse than the happiest of your past.


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Just wanted to let you know that sometimes the hand that's dealt to someone else can be a valuable learning experience to an outside observer if you're smart enough to look. I truly wish that I didn't have to get this message through your crisis, never the less, I did.

Brother, know that your struggles have been appreciated. I have gotten misty-eyed many times reading through this thread. Know that there are many here that take from your experience and are here to offer our support and, in my case, my thanks.... I hope that makes sense.

God bless you......God bless your Mom, God bless your Dad and God bless your family.

May the saddest of your future be no worse than the happiest of your past.


Your post has truly and deeply moved me. Thank you for your kind heart and honest words. I'll use these in the days to come when I need strength.

From the bottom of my heart....God Bless You

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good morning folks.

I wanted to provide a brief update on my Mom and how things are going thus far.

I wish I had better news to report.

She went to Boston last week, only to be sent home after her first appointment. It seems that there was a major screw up and her biopsy results were lost for a time. Also, the Dr. in Boston had no idea that she had the surgery and they cant operate to remove the Thyroid yet due to swelling.

In short, she has to wait until early July to have any treatment whatsoever. We are very frustrated and angry over what appeares to be sheer incompetance.

Now they arent even certain of the sub-type again and that may mean that she does in fact have the very aggresive form. Also, they "forgot" to do the cat scan for the two weeks that she was waiting to go to Boston. So we still arent certain of the extent of it's spread, except that we know it is in the two closest lymph nodes to the thyroid.

The waiting is hard, for her and for us, especially if it keeps spreading.

Your prayers and kind posts have been instrumental to me maintaining strength for her and my family. I'm sure I'll need them more as time goes on.

Thank you again friends. You are a God send.

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Oh SS,

I'm so sorry for this setback. I can't imagine how much it has discouraged you.

Just know that God is in control. We have been faithful in praying for you all every night. Hang in there, buddy.

Thanks Georgia! It's that very mindset that sustains us these days.

That quote from your Dad is spot on. Thanks for sharing it!

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Thanks Livestrong, I remember that advice every day. It is so true and it sure makes the small setbacks easier to get through. I am actually doing pretty good through it so far. The anger passed fairly quickly and we take each day at face value with a strong dose of faith.

TLC, Your experiences are also valuable for me to remember and reflect upon through this. I'll make sure to listen to you too! Yours and Livestrongs stories are good lessons.

ParkCity, Knowing you guys are holding me up in prayer is definitely a major part of my sanity these days! Thank you.

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