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Last update on my Mom's fight with cancer (05/10/12)


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Unfortunately I don't have any uplifting stories.. so I'll say again my thoughts are with you and your family, and if your mom wants to put on the happy face, put it on with her. If she's decided the be upbeat, I would assume nothing would make her happier than having her family spend what may be her last few months with her happily rather than tearful.

Usually I stay out of support threads because I never know what to say without sounding corny and insincere. So stay strong, let your parents know you're going to be fine. As a parent myself, that is my biggest fear of dying is that I haven't finished my job yet. If you let them know your life is going to be fine and that they've done a great job in raising you (which by reading your thoughts it seems they have) I doubt anything could give them more peace of mind.


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Screw politics. We are all here for you, as much as we can be in this brave new cyberworld.

Don't lose hope.

My mother had cancer, and was told she had a 20 percent chance of surviving 5 years. She totally beat it, and lived two decades longer before passing away in an accident. Keep your hope alive.

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Should you want to talk, try talking to cancer information specialists through The American Cancer Society Information Center. Their phone number is 1800.227.2345. It's a 24/7 hotline. They may have resources that you find useful whether it be medical info, hospice info, or councilors.


They used to be manned by a compnay Quintiles when I worked for another branch of Quintiles. I won't swear who has the contract to provide specialists now, but the people on the other end of the phone should be knowledgable or able to conect you to somebody who is. Honestly with any serious medical condition, the hardest part is not finding answers to your questions but finding what questions you should be asking. Talk to those in the know..ie not us on a message board.

Good luck. I know this won't be your favorite stretch of time, but make of it what you can. Love and be with your family to what ever extent you can. Good luck.

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Alas..I have no uplifting stories either. And I'm not a brethren..I'm a sisteren...:). I wish you and your family peace and wellness. I'm sorry you're having to suffer thru this. Good idea to visit them soon. It will do your heart a world of good. Have a safe trip and God be with you.

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To echo what RDSKNfaithfull said, the world of cancer is constantly changing. When I researched my cancer and its advanced stage, everything I read had me in the grave. I would sit there and cry at my computer for hours. Most of it may have to do with its rarity and just not being able to get an aquedate amount of case studies.

The way you have reached out shows me all I need to know to know that your mother has an amazing support system. Thats ingrediant number 1 to beating cancer.Please remember what I explained to you about "the average joe" outlook. Outside of the cancer world we are looking at what we can do tommorrow, next week, next year, next decade. The truth is no one can really guarantee that and most people live for the future so much that they never truely take advantage of today. Please, please remember that ANY journey starts with the first step. The end result you aim for isnt going to be something that happens over night, and sometimes it can look like its in doubt because time can be intimidating. The hardest thing you can do is train yourself to enjoy life on a day to day basis.. but once you actually do it you will find more out of your life then you ever have. I have move past my battle with cancer but I still feel very privelidged to live my life day to day. I get to enjoy the little things about life and I'm only 23. Your mom CAN do it, and you have absolutely NO REASON to not believe that. Stay off the internet because you will only wear yourself out mentally when your mind is needed elsewhere! Let's take your worst case scenario and put it out there. You say a 5% chance if it is that subtype. 1.) Those are probably stats published 6-10 years ago even if its dated at 2008. 2.) The sample of those stats is probably very skewed, its not like something on a more common level such as diabetes or heart disease 3.) Theres no way to take into account her personal mental make up and will to live. Continue to fight man.. were all fighting with you. It takes a village and a hopeful mind to beat cancer. It's hard to keep that mind hopeful when you surround in negativity. Reguardless of statistics, the only important question from those stats is is it beatable? Yes, people beat it... how often that happens is not of your concern because your mom is a seperate situation that brings something different to the table! keep us update and please remember cancer is two steps up, one step back. Even with the steps back you still are moving forward so dont let challenging news give you the impression you are going backwards.

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As a parent myself, that is my biggest fear of dying is that I haven't finished my job yet. If you let them know your life is going to be fine and that they've done a great job in raising you (which by reading your thoughts it seems they have) I doubt anything could give them more peace of mind.


Wow Bang, great advice! I am sure this will give her much comfort. Good call.

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My wife and I Pray for Strength to you and yours


To others on this website that have gone through a similar situation recently

You are not alone

My wife and I live in anticipation of two similar circumstances

Cherish time spent with those you love

God Bless

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I'm so sorry to hear your news, SnyderShrugged. We will pray for you and your parents every night. As someone who lost her dad in 2001 and her mom in 2005, I say please try to go visit them as soon as you can. These things can be quick, and there are few times in life when you are given that rare chance to be there for the ones you love when they really need you. You would not regret it, and I think the blessing on both sides could be one of the biggest of your lives. :2cents:

God bless you and be strong.....

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Hey friends (And I really feel strongly about that title for you all)

Today was a new day. Mixed feeling and news. Mom is feeling extremely tired but seemed in decent spirits. Her faith is very strong and we know she is leaning on God for help in getting through this. Dad seemed much better. I think he, like the rest of our family are starting to come to terms with this. Our family has been galvanized back into the solid unit that I recall as a child. I know that will certainly help.

I'm very glad that I've decided to take off of work at the end of the week to go see them. My father thinks that they may have to leave to whatever out of state facility they are sent to as early as Friday. It all depends on what is learned when they get the verdict on type on Thursday.

A good friend of mine said that there have been thousands of recoveries from various diseases at a place called Hippocrates resort in Palm Beach Fl.. I've done some research and we may have Mom go there after the medical parts of her treamnets are concluded. They teach her how to eat and think better to support the healing. We certainly dont feel it should be a treatment replacement, but maybe some lifestyle changes can aid in the healing process and extend her life in a comfortable manner.

All of your kind thoughts and prayers via posts and PM's really made a significant difference in my own personal healing and acceptance of this awful situation. There were a few notes that literally brought me to tears, but the good kind.

I am so very blessed to be a part of this community!

Heck, Maybe I'll even tone down my Ron Paul support to make me more tolerable going forward! LOL

Thanks again to each and every one of my brothers and sisters here who have held me up in one of the toughest times of my adult life so far. Knowing that I can vent, unload and reach out to you when needed will certainly have a sustaining effect on me.

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such great news!! i am really glad that your family is coming to terms and sticking together. that is a sign of a true family.

dont change a thing about your ron paul points of view. those views help make you who you are...

LOL, I definitely wont change them, but maybe I can keep from annoying everyone with a bazillion Pro-Paul posts!

Actually, my wife forced me to still attend the book signing and rally today. I had been pretty glum around the house. It did help some.

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If there's anything to learn from the story of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, it's that political disagreements, such as they are, should be put aside when the interests of true friendship, amity and love are at stake.

I can only hope that you are visited by a miracle and failing that, the most noble and pleasant comforts find your parents before their time comes to an end here on our mortal plane.

For any more, I'd tell you to PM me, as I have some experience in this tragic era (but far more suddenly, I suppose.)

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If there's anything to learn from the story of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, it's that political disagreements, such as they are, should be put aside when the interests of true friendship, amity and love are at stake.

I can only hope that you are visited by a miracle and failing that, the most noble and pleasant comforts find your parents before their time comes to an end here on our mortal plane.

For any more, I'd tell you to PM me, as I have some experience in this tragic era (but far more suddenly, I suppose.)

I've certainly learned that lesson here, loud and clear.

I had feared that we mirrored society to much and maybe couldnt get passed out political views, but that fear was certainly unwarranted.

It sort of feels like my whole family is collectively holding its breath to hear what comes next. I read most of the posts here to my little brother last night over the phone when he was struggling. They helped him as well.

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