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Last update on my Mom's fight with cancer (05/10/12)


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SS I'm right there with you friend. My mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last July (extremely rare in a caucasion woman). Was only given a 5 percent chance to beat it. My mom joined yours in heaven this morning around 1115am. Cancer is just a big **** you to the human race. So sorry for your loss and everyone else that has lost a loved one to cancer.

*edit* our stories are rather similar. My mom was here at home though and fought like champion to stay alive for 48 hours to allow her family from NJ to get to VA and myself to get in from Tahoe. Had a pulse of 140+ for over 2 days. I got in at 10am this morning and was the last fAmily member to make it home. She was on so many drugs that she couldn't respond to anything, but I know she heard my final words that she was free to go home. 30 mins later she was gone. So we all got to say a final goodbye which helped A LOT. SS at your moms service, be sure to celebrate her life instead of mourning. Your mom like mine lives on thru all the people they touched. God Bless SS.

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Like others, I want to pass on my best wishes as I did earlier in the thread, but I do want to emphasize two small gifts.

One: She got to share a last moment with you and knew she was surrounded by family and love. That's a wonderful thing to be embraced and to get a chance to embrace the ones who meant so much to her.

Two: She got to choose. When she asked to have the tube removed she made the decision. I strongly believe that there is a good time to pass. That there is a point where one is living, but not alive. I also like to believe in another life or after life or heaven, so the ability to leave when life is over is only just a beginning.

All the best.

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