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It’s Official: Bush Is Objectively The Most Hated President In History


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I don't know about hated but he's the dumbest president I've ever known since I've been alive. I didn't agree with his daddy's policies but I at least though his father was competent. For some reason he doesn't seem to have a clue to me. :2cents:

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Man! Republicans have got their Presidential criteria nailed down today! Between the bowling score and his terrorist name, I don't even know why we're bothering to have an election.


Why not just give Mccain the trophy now!

****ing republicans. :doh:

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I don't know about hated but he's the dumbest president I've ever known since I've been alive. I didn't agree with his daddy's policies but I at least though his father was competent. For some reason he doesn't seem to have a clue to me. :2cents:

Bush is a bad public speaker

His administration sucked/suckes

his spending has been out of control

...I dont' think he has been a good president, but I still don't think he is a stupid person.

I mean, damn....he was smart enough to full the country into electing him president of the united states.................twice!!!!

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I don't know about hated but he's the dumbest president I've ever known since I've been alive. I didn't agree with his daddy's policies but I at least though his father was competent. For some reason he doesn't seem to have a clue to me. :2cents:

It's funny that people call him "dumb", but you've never seen him have a moment like Kerry: I voted for it before I voted against it... Or the "global test" remark, which probably sealed Kerry's fate. Or have a 20 year relationship with someone like Jeremiah Wright, or make a total gaffe like the "bitter" statement, or bowl in front of people when you don't know what the hell you are doing. There was no need to explain to GWB the definition of "is" and there was no "intern scandal"... Bush also doesn't claim he invented the internet.

Bush may not be the brightest, but he does know how to read people better than any of those folks the Democrats have put forward. What the democrats haven't learned from the last 4 elections is that both GWB and their own Bill Clinton are both likable and personable. They aren't snobbish elitists, but they are down to earth (even though they were both Ivy League).

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Poor morons. Once again, the anti-everything-Bush crowd has to mislead people into thinking the President is worse than he is. Or, more importantly, worse than their heroburger, Bill Clinton.

Of course, you have to work pretty hard to make him out to be worse than an rapist. So, they magically transform the word, disapprove, into, hate. Which kinda rhymes with, rape. Good for them. :applause:

As for those spinning a reason why the Dems are not trying to impeach the president, give it up. If they could, they would. If they can, they will. They will not rest until they pay back the Reps for impeaching Clinton. Just like the Reps were waiting to repay the Dems for Tricky Dick. Bill Clinton fell into their laps.

The revenge vote is the only reason Hillary ever had a chance. I'd bet 80% of her support is revenge driven. Though none will admit it.

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Congress should start a vote no confidence amendment.

After the democrates won a majority they tried to write a centure bill on the president for lieing to congress. It failed. You need a super majority to do anything in congress because of filibuster and veto issues. The democrates don't have the votes. Not to centure the president, certainly not to impreach him.

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After the democrates won a majority they tried to write a centure bill on the president for lieing to congress. It failed. You need a super majority to do anything in congress because of filibuster and veto issues. The democrates don't have the votes. Not to centure the president, certainly not to impreach him.
And don't forget that they promised not to. To go back on that promise would expose their (and the Reps) thirst for power.
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Poor morons. Once again, the anti-everything-Bush crowd has to mislead people into thinking the President is worse than he is. Or, more importantly, worse than their heroburger, Bill Clinton.

What's to mislead? His ratings are what they are.

Look at this. It's scary how consistently his approval ratings have declined for his entire second term:


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Bush is a bad public speaker
I would rather have a poor public speaker who says something unpopular than a silver tongued devil who keeps misremembering.
His administration sucked/suckes
A fully researched, unbiased statement with plenty of facts to back it up.
his spending has been out of control
What is the best way to keep the country out of a recession? It involves the words government and spending...
...I dont' think he has been a good president, but I still don't think he is a stupid person.
An objective quote? You were on such a roll!
I mean, damn....he was smart enough to full the country into electing him president of the united states.................twice!!!!
Some would call that being the better candidate. Or are you inferring that the geneal public is stupid?
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It's funny that people call him "dumb", but you've never seen him have a moment like Kerry: I voted for it before I voted against it... Or the "global test" remark, which probably sealed Kerry's fate. Or have a 20 year relationship with someone like Jeremiah Wright, or make a total gaffe like the "bitter" statement, or bowl in front of people when you don't know what the hell you are doing. There was no need to explain to GWB the definition of "is" and there was no "intern scandal"... Bush also doesn't claim he invented the internet.

Bush may not be the brightest, but he does know how to read people better than any of those folks the Democrats have put forward. What the democrats haven't learned from the last 4 elections is that both GWB and their own Bill Clinton are both likable and personable. They aren't snobbish elitists, but they are down to earth (even though they were both Ivy League).

Man you can tell when Budh is lying or is unsure of himself. He starts blinking alot. He also needs to turn the book that he's looking at right side up before reading to a class of little kids. It had to be embarssing for a kid to come up to him and turn his book up correctly. How dumb can you be? Like I said I'm not republican but at least I felt that his daddy was competent some what even though I didn't agree with him.

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but lying to the public to go to war that kills hundreds of thousands of people certainly is...or going along with wiretaps after being told it is unconstitutional....should i go on?

Yeah yeah some ole ignorant libeal talking points that are unfounded.

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I would rather have a poor public speaker who says something unpopular than a silver tongued devil who keeps misremembering.
So you would rather have George W. Bush than Reagan. Interesting.
I was referring to GW vs Hillary. And you knew that.

I don't like the ownage concept very much, but you sir, just got smacked.

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Like he was popular with you guys during record employment , when the Hussein Brothers and Saddam himself were killed/captured, or when the gas prices were low.

When he should have been liked/ loved you liberals were doing the Yeah But every chance you got to the point that it was obvious you were rooting for failure.

I still remember when there was nervousness among liberals on CNN when they thought we caught or killed Osama bin laden.

Liberals always lick then stick their fingers in the air to see which way the POPULAR winds blow and go in that direction.

Doing what is right doesn't mean that is it going to be popular.

But its true that Liberals, socialists and communists have been Hating from the Start.

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I don't know about hated but he's the dumbest president I've ever known since I've been alive. I didn't agree with his daddy's policies but I at least though his father was competent. For some reason he doesn't seem to have a clue to me. :2cents:

Dumbest?? Yeah it was really dumb to let the biggest liberal in Congress to write the largest Education bill in history and very foolish to try to copy the success in Texas of reaching accross the aisle to democrats.

I agree 100% with that.

His Dad was really stupid in not following Reagan policies and foolishly thinking that Congress was going to actually cut spending after he signed their Tax bill.

Read my lips no new taxes yet he went along with the democratic congress in raising taxes.

He should have known that after the same thing happened to President Reagan 6 yrs prior.

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