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What's your favorite hockey team?


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How do people grow up Redskins fans, but not Wizard and Caps fans? I never really got that? Obviously it is mostly due to the fact that both teams sucked for so long. But I just thought people liked all the teams for one area or city.

Now I don't mind if people have MORE than one team. Like if someone likes the Lakers and the Wizards, I could care less. But I meet a lot of DC people who hate the Wizards. How does that happen??

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How do people grow up Redskins fans, but not Wizard and Caps fans? I never really got that? Obviously it is mostly due to the fact that both teams sucked for so long. But I just thought people liked all the teams for one area or city.

Now I don't mind if people have MORE than one team. Like if someone likes the Lakers and the Wizards, I could care less. But I meet a lot of DC people who hate the Wizards. How does that happen??

I have never really got into "The Bullets", I have always been a fan of the Caps. I remember going to a playoff game, I think it was in 1990 against the NJ Devils, what a great time. I really don't watch much hockey, however I will be watching the game this Friday. Ovechkin has caught my interest again,(go ahead and call me a fairweather hockey fan).

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I'm a Canes fan. Comes from being born in NC. I didn't get into hockey until the Whalers moved and then it was my family that got me into it, so I became a Canes fan. Of course my dad had lived in southern Maryland for a long time which is why he was such a big Skins fan (and why I became one). I still support the Caps though and I do root for the Pens on occasion (as a result of living in Pitt).

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Pittsburgh Penguins. I used to listen to Caps games on the radio with my dad when I was little then I didn't follow hockey for awhile. I started watching Mario and Jagr and have been a Pens fan since.

Nearly all my Caps related memories come from Kolbe and the radio team dating back to the series in early 2001 between the Capitals and the Penguins. In addition , the final 3 Caps games of the regular season were all on the radio here since there was no cable back then , or now in this house. :(

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The Caps. Unfortunately, I didn't get into hockey until I went to school at Michigan State and the won the national championship while I was there. So I missed the epic Capitals - Islanders multiple overtime classic playoff game.

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New Jersey Devils!!!!

I was born and raised in northern New Jersey, but I was raised to be a Redskin fan by parents who used to live in PG county. I also follow the Nationals, as I refuse to root for a New York team... or a Philly team.

But as far as basketball, college football, and hockey...

Nets, Rutgers, and the DEVILS!!!

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