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The Official ES Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread


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The most hyped Nintendo Wii game to date. This is the place to talk and exchange Wii numbers, build up hype etc. We are less than one week away from the release of this epic game.


For those of you getting this, I had better hear alot of you talk about actually taking advantage of the online multiplayer. I look forward to battling you guys.

So until Sunday let the discussion begin!

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this game is pretty good. it is very balanced now. even the heavyweights are good especially dedede, and they made the fast characters have less kill moves(pit, metaknight).

So until Sunday let the discussion begin!

what if you know someone that has a japanese wii and has a japanese copy of brawl??

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I got a Wii for my birthday. I haven't played video games much since the days of super nintendo. Is it too late for me? I was pretty good at the bowling and baseball games that came with it, but this super smash brothers thing looks like it might be too complicated.

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I got a Wii for my birthday. I haven't played video games much since the days of super nintendo. Is it too late for me? I was pretty good at the bowling and baseball games that came with it, but this super smash brothers thing looks like it might be too complicated.

you dont have to use the wiimotes. you can use the gamecube controllers, and the clasic controller.

the wiimote is really hard to use in my opinion. its to hard to jump. you have to use the up arrow to jump and the button on the back is block, and holding it sideways makes it sooo much harder. haha. the oldschool gamecube controler is the way to go.

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I got a Wii for my birthday. I haven't played video games much since the days of super nintendo. Is it too late for me? I was pretty good at the bowling and baseball games that came with it, but this super smash brothers thing looks like it might be too complicated.

the great thing about the smash brothers series is that the controls are really simple and easy to get accustomed to. but, that doesn't mean you'll necessarily do well against other people.

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he really did get better in melee compared to the original. its also pretty cool that projectiles that hit him in the shield don't hurt him.

yeah i wasted a lot of my HS days playing melee. My little brother has the wii right now at home, I get off spring break on sunday, the day it comes out :mad:

Oh well at least it'll keep my my gpa from going low.

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yeah i wasted a lot of my HS days playing melee. My little brother has the wii right now at home, I get off spring break on sunday, the day it comes out :mad:

Oh well at least it'll keep my my gpa from going low.

i get off FOR spring break this weekend. unfortunately, though, i still haven't procured a wii...

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i get off FOR spring break this weekend. unfortunately, though, i still haven't procured a wii...

One of the sadder posts of I've had to read. My condolences. I figure most people will be the same skill level in Brawl since the gameplay won't change too much.

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I'm up, its too bad we can't even communicate with each other unless we use some 3rd party PC program.

I don't blame Nintendo for not putting a communication feature in, yes I think it sucks, but the Wii is targeted for all ranges of people and having to listen to the idiots that are on Xbox live I can see why they wouldn't want a mom or dad or young kid hearing some of the stupid **** people talk about.

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