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The Official ES Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread


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i played a couple of matches today and it felt just like melee. maybe it was because i was using a gamecube controller. oh and did anyone else find that ball thing annoying? the one where you break and get super moves and stuff.

!! That is one of the best additions. The final smash attack.

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Yeah, thanks for kickin my ass I was happy when that Chris person joined cause at least I usually lasted longer than him. I had a little lag but nothing like when you do the play with anyone mode, so it was cool.

Yeah, Chris likes to just spam that one move with Pit. His son plays a lot better, and it's easy to tell which one you're playing. :laugh:

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Here's my friend code and a list of everyone else that's posted theirs since the game came out in the US.

Hunter_R: 4983-4587-1932

Major Harris: 3780 8694 5002

BlueinBuf: 4468 0636 2725

Sticksboi05: 1891-0868-7205

That's... not very many. We need more numbers!

If you play "with friends" you can have more than one person on the same wii. This is not true "with everyone."

mine is 3222-5249-7620.

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that was a good match hunter. sorry about it taking so long for you to get in the match, my friend kept clicking no when you tried to enter. but yea we should play again sometime.

i played against one of you guys tuesday night. i had trouble getting in, too. but it was fun.

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by the way, apparently the internet issue has been documented and its due to server issues on nintendos side. anyone else have problems playin online? worked the first night, havent gotten into one match since.

There's just too many people. "With everyone" will be tough to do during night and weekends. "With friends" should be easy to do whenever. I will add you to my list, though.

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Slacky McSlackAss: 1246-8418-3880

Hunter_R: 4983-4587-1932

Major Harris: 3780 8694 5002

BlueinBuf: 4468 0636 2725

Sticksboi05: 1891-0868-7205

madanomem: 3222-5249-7620.

da#1skinsfan: 3222-5220-7149

Ok, I have added all of you. Let me know if I missed anybody.

I recently moved, and have been without internet. Now I am finally online, and can't wait to play everybody. My friend code is 2836-0122-7134.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally played brawl for the first time last night at my friend's house. for a long time now he had been built up as THE guy to beat by both his older brother and his next door neighbor. I kicked his ass and won all three matches. whoever said Link got nerfed in this one, i disagree. his clawshot actually grabs on to ledges instead of just some random end of the stage where it provides zero help; his bombs actually launch opponents; his bow and arrow is faster to use, stronger, and actually disrupts the other player. his smash-combo is killer, his up-smash actually catches people with all three swipes instead of only hitting with one or two, and his downward aerial attack provides a killer attack. Link FTW!

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