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Cannabis Machine Hits L.A. (merged)


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haha trueee fact. it would be the (second) most prosperous vending machine in town.

lol the video didn't work for me though, do you have to have ID or anything to use the machines? how does all that work out???

Yeah it turns out that getting the weed is a gay process though. You have to have your prescriptions, show them id, get fingerprinted and a camera takes a pic of you.

All to get to access the vending machine.

I'll stick to getting it from the middle man. lol

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Bro, we used to use gas chambers as a means of execution in THIS country. :)

NOTE: Additionally, not everyone who ever died by hanging was black. (See, among others: Brown, John.)

Pot machines = Nazi Germany, capital punishment, and prejudicial murder. I'm not sure where you are going with this.


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