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Cannabis Machine Hits L.A. (merged)


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MSF, If I had glaucoma (and had to deal with Pats and Sox fans on a daily basis), I would be smokin de herb all day long man. It really relieves the pressure on your eyes and has a claming effect, plus if you're uncomfortable smoking it you can make delicious weed brownies.

My glaucoma is dealt with just fine through normal methods. As for dealing with the Patriots and Red Sox fans, you do eventually learn to ignore them for the most part. It's not about smoking it or eating it. It's about having anything to do with it, period.

Respect for your decision to stay straight edge, but just remember "a little ganja never hurt no one"

Thank you for the kind words, but we'll have to disagree on the idea that weed has never hurt anyone.

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MSF's view is common among those against smoking pot. Understandable, but I've always wondered what brings on this belief that smoking is bad. Unhealthy? Maybe, but that's the choice of the user and should not be of anyone else's concern. Eating McDonalds every night is just as unhealthy, but is not outlawed. So health obviously isn't a factor.

Morally, I have trouble understanding what the problem is. This may not apply to MSF, but I think that the root of the idea that smoking pot is morally wrong has to do with the conservative sides of religion.

The most reasonable argument for its ban would be that the production rate of employees in the US would drop significantly.

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I think the real reason why pot is considered as wrong is the fact that it is promoted that way. Religiously it is okay to consume pot because it is wholly organic, but the US society has made it out to be this powwerful mind altering sustance that can lead to other more powerful mind altering substances. The war on drugs is terrible for this because pot should not be lumped in with cocaine, heroin, meth or any other maunfactured narcotic.

Contrary to popular belief the Government is not keeping pot illegal because of morality issues they are keeping it illegal because the alcohol industry is such a huge contributor. If pot was legalized the alcohol industry would take a HUGE hit because why drink and feel like crap the next day when you could smoke some pot and feel fine the next day. Alcohol is easier to control because it has to be manufactured. Not to mention the fact that it is easier to detect use.

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Contrary to popular belief the Government is not keeping pot illegal because of morality issues they are keeping it illegal because the alcohol industry is such a huge contributor. If pot was legalized the alcohol industry would take a HUGE hit

Hmmm, never thought about it that way. definitely makes sense

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i didn't want to start a new thread about this idea, but it's a pretty stoner idea, so I'll just put it in here. Can you imagine life without labeled days? Without any sense of structured time measurements?

I don't think it would make that much of a difference. The daily cycle of the sun and our own circadian cycles would function much as a current clock or calendar, and did before man began keeping "structured time".

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Weed should be legal. Having said that smoking too much weed makes you act like a dumbass. People that do develop their own accent and manner of communicating as if they were born the Republic of Marajuana and come equipped with thier own culture. Those people are nearly impossible to take seriously.

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