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Cannabis Machine Hits L.A. (merged)


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I think these are a WONDERFUL idea......

They give the FBI a place to stake out and start picking up all the morons dumb enough to be doing this **** since the California police departments won't actually do their job. I also believe that the FBI should be sending the bill for these stakeouts to the Governor's mansion in California because the FBI would be doing the STATE's job.

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I think these are a WONDERFUL idea......

They give the FBI a place to stake out and start picking up all the morons dumb enough to be doing this **** since the California police departments won't actually do their job. I also believe that the FBI should be sending the bill for these stakeouts to the Governor's mansion in California because the FBI would be doing the STATE's job.

all these morons who are PRESCRIBED marijuana and other drugs?....


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all these morons who are PRESCRIBED marijuana and other drugs?....


twenty-eight, if it were legal I am one of those people who could be PRESCRIBED marijuana. I have serious genetic glaucoma issues in both eyes and have been on eye drops daily for pretty much my entire life. I had surgery on both eyes for it while I was in college.

I will still tell you that even if marijuana could CURE my glaucoma I would not take it. The same way my father would have refused it for the pain during his cancer battle. I've discussed this many times before here at ES; I believe that the negative side-effects and the moral issues surrounding the use of marijuana GREATLY outweigh any positive medicinal benefits of the plant.

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twenty-eight, if it were legal I am one of those people who could be PRESCRIBED marijuana. I have serious genetic glaucoma issues in both eyes and have been on eye drops daily for pretty much my entire life. I had surgery on both eyes for it while I was in college.

I will still tell you that even if marijuana could CURE my glaucoma I would not take it. The same way my father would have refused it for the pain during his cancer battle. I've discussed this many times before here at ES; I believe that the negative side-effects and the moral issues surrounding the use of marijuana GREATLY outweigh any positive medicinal benefits of the plant.

I wasn't aware of any of that Mass, thanks for sharing. I might not agree with you but I totally respect your decision. No part of you actually wants to try it? What if it makes your everyday life easier? We don't really have to get into all this....It's your life...live it the way you want....to each his own:cheers:

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I wasn't aware of any of that Mass, thanks for sharing. I might not agree with you but I totally respect your decision. No part of you actually wants to try it? What if it makes your everyday life easier? We don't really have to get into all this....It's your life...live it the way you want....to each his own:cheers:

No part of me has any interest in it, twenty-eight. So far as I'm concerned the side-effects are something that I have less than no interest in experiencing. Part of it is that I have serious "control" issues. I don't like feeling "out of control" or high.

Come on, Mass, you telling me you don't take aspirin?

Let me ask you this, what HAVE you taken in the past?

I will take Advil on occassion, and I've used Nyquil and Dayquil products (which don't make me drowzy for some reason). I do my best to not take any more medications than I absolutely have to. Up to the point where I had 31 teeth extracted in an 8 day period a couple years ago on just Advil because I will not take Vicadin or Percacet. They make me feel loopy, out of control, and sick to my stomach.

Do you drink?

On rare occassion and almost never to excess (been drunk twice in my life). I don't EVER drink if I will be driving later that day. Even if it's going to be 4 or 5 hours later. I almost never drink beer (which I hate the taste of) but I will have an occassional shot or mixed drink of an evening. I don't care for the taste of most wine either.

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ummmmm......what? I've never seen or read anything that would even come close to confirming this.

It's well documented that smoking causes cancer, so I think its safe to completely ignore what kind of smoking it is. I mean, its not like cigarrettes contains tar or cyanide or anything else that isn't usually present in marijuana. Also, pot reminds me of Pol Pot who was a pinko commie ****... so it absolutely must be bad for you.


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I used to smoke pot untill about a year ago. I will have to say this, I drove much better high, than I do when I'm drunk. I could have been high as a kite and would stay perfectly straight in the lane and right at the speed limit. I still drink and don't think pot should be illegal eventhough I quit smoking it. All the arguments I've heard over the years (as far as keeping it illegal, and yes I've heard them all) just don't really make a whole lot of sense to me (leagally speaking).

BTW, that was some crucial ass nugs coming out of that machine and the guy running that store was smacked like ****.

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Typical pot thread on extreme. Always the debate on which is worse, or whether or not it should/shouldn't be legal.

Fact is it is in certain parts of the country it is legal, and it's also a fact it does help some people with medical conditions. Those facts however are non debatable at least by us here.

I for one am glad to see that there is a little more control being put on. There are a lot of people abusing the system out there.

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I think these are a WONDERFUL idea......

They give the FBI a place to stake out and start picking up all the morons dumb enough to be doing this **** since the California police departments won't actually do their job. I also believe that the FBI should be sending the bill for these stakeouts to the Governor's mansion in California because the FBI would be doing the STATE's job.

Actually it would probably be the DEA doing the staking out/arresting/billing.

I think the WOD would be better waged if we left John Q. Stoner alone and went after dealers. Now, if someone gets into an accident and they are found to be high, then tack it on as an additional charge.

But I could really care less about some guy stoning up in his basement.

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Typical pot thread on extreme. Always the debate on which is worse, or whether or not it should/shouldn't be legal.

Fact is it is in certain parts of the country it is legal, and it's also a fact it does help some people with medical conditions. Those facts however are non debatable at least by us here.

I for one am glad to see that there is a little more control being put on. There are a lot of people abusing the system out there.

It's only legal statewide. The DEA can still make arrests (of course this would never happen because conservatives support states' rights :rolleyes: )
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it's all in the individual hits. You have to breathe in a sizable amount and hold it 15-20 seconds before letting go. Do that a few times and you'll be playing space tennis with some meteorites for a good 20-30 minutes.

at least....that's what, uh, my friend told me.

How did your friend get a hold of some of this? Did he buy it online?

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1) Betting that tobacco vending machines are illegal, there.

2) OTOH, I suppose that weed isn't as bad for you.

Weed's apparently much worse. Didn't the study that came out recently that one joint does the same amount of damage as 20 cigarettes?

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I don't think I believe any of them fully, that's why I said "apparently" in my original post. None of them have that big of a sample size to begin with, and the articles don't say what portion of those small samples are from heavy smokers.

The newest study does make sense in that I'd believe that researchers could observe and test for the amount of carcinogens inhaled, and then compare.

I'm all for legalizing weed. Could tax the hell out of it.

But, think of the unemployment rate:

Counselors, parole officers, correction officers, judges, cops, DEA, prosecutors, judges, Coast Guard, etc...

Would the loss in jobs be recreated by the new grass industry?

I don't think so, if anything it would create jobs because now people have to really regulate things, and it wouldn't be as black and white as it is now.

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I'm all for legalizing weed. Could tax the hell out of it.

But, think of the unemployment rate:

Counselors, parole officers, correction officers, judges, cops, DEA, prosecutors, judges, Coast Guard, etc...

Would the loss in jobs be recreated by the new grass industry?

Believe me, the individuals in those jobs would be more than able to find enough work to do that they wouldn't be unemployed.

As for making it legal and taxing it, I have the same theory that I do on cigarettes, alcohol and a number of other items..... If it's so terribly that we need a "sin tax" on it, it shouldn't be legal to begin with. But that's just me, the guy who puts morals and values before just about anything else.

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