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Please Sell the Team Mr. Snyder ("Snyder Sux" Thread Merged - M.E.T.)


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We all heard the comment "If it ain't broke don't fix it" by Snyder when asked about hiring Gibbs replacement. If Dan hires Fassel, I view that as breaking his word (and our trust). I will have lost all faith in Snyder and will soon believe his word means nothing. Please say it ain't so. Anybody want my season tickets?

That is not accurate. His response was to the front office structure. He was referring to making the decisions with Vinny when he made the comment about if ain't broke. Go back and watch the press conference.

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Yeah, I think judging the effectiveness of an owner is based on two criteria: hiring the right top executives, and giving them the resources to do their jobs. Snyder has certainly provided the resources, but he's had mixed results with picking the right top exec's.

I'm okay with Fassel as HC if Williams and Saunder stay.

Now, why would Williams stay and be a servant to a reject has-been coach?

I don't think Snyder wants to give into Gregg Williams contractual terms.

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And anyone who thinks snyder is actually still a fan is beyond gullible. His spending of large amounts of money are elaborate charades designed to trick people into thinking he wants to win when in actuallity all it does is trick people into buying his cheap novelties and INCREASING the VALUE of his company.

I can't stop laughing at your post. Would you kindly explain your logic? What charades and novelties do you speak of, and how do they increase the value of the team?
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For the first time since I've been alive, I'm thinking of jumping ship on the Redskins. Sure, in the past 4 years I've drifted more towards thinking of myself as more of a football fan and have hung around more open forums than this, but I still felt the pain of a Redskins loss, and the joy of a Redskins win. I've watched every game that I could, and throughly enjoyed this.

Now, here we are on the eve of the possible hire of Jim Fassel. You know what, sure I think he could be a decent coach... but this isn't about the coach, this is about the team. For 7 years I haven't thought too many bad thoughts about Snyder. Going through the Jeff George Experience, seeing Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders come to this team.... followed by Spurrier era... followed by the last 4 years of Gibbs 2.0. There was something about Gibbs leading the Redskins that gave me confidence no matter what happened, the team would rebound, be resillient, and give their full effort.

I don't know about you guys, but with Gibbs as Captain, Redskins fan is an easy ship to sail on.

To be quite frank, I didn't expect Snyder to hire Gregg Williams right away, I wavered back and forth after Gibbs' retirement, would I like Cowher? Does it matter to me if Snyder doesn't hire someone I want as coach of the Redskins? As Schwartz and Caldwell and Meeks interviewed for the job, I saw this names and thought, "Fresh faces, not bad, I could live with them."

Now I hear that Snyder wants to hire Jim Fassel, and I sit here on the edge. I've got one leg out of the boat. I know Snyder is a fan, and the most important fan, but why is he doing this? Does he not care about the fans? Does he not think that we are important? I think most fans are split Rod Gardner on whether Williams should get the job, but I'd think there is an overwhelming support that it not be Jim Fassel. Yet here is our owner, going out and finding his "name"... notice I didn't say "big name". Jim Fassel isn't a big name... he's a name, a stale name, a name that got fired before... an old name... a friend of Cerrato name.

For the first time I am really thinking about not being a fan of the Redskins. That's right... NMF = no more fan. If Snyder hires Fassel it will mark a moment where I turn on the owner. I've put up with all of his 7 or 8 years of silly FA hirings. But now this.

I just want to finish this rambling, semi-coherent post by saying one thing. In Gibbs I trust. Joe Gibbs wants Gregg Williams to be the coach. Snyder is a BS artist if he claims to be a "Redskin fan" and then goes out and does exactly the opposite. A Redskin fan would realize he's a fan.. and Joe Gibbs might know a thing or 2 about coaching and football.

I'm sorry, I'd be upset by the Fassel hiring. I'd feel like Snyder was betraying something bigger than just he next coach of the Washington Redskins. I just don't see the logic in this... I'm sorry. I could probably understand hundres of other coach hirings... but this Fassel thing will just proove what people have been saying about Snyder from day 1. That he's foolish and just throws money at problems without putting forth any thought. I've always defended the owner of my team as a guy who cares about winnning and football... but if this thing goes down, I don't know.

I just want to see Snyder do something fresh, new, exciting, different... I thought he hired those coordinators who hadn't got a chance because maybe he's thinking "well what if Williams doesn't work out... I'd want to try to have someone new..." I thought he was taking his time for some reason, rather than stalling for a bigger name.

I'm sorry Dan, but if you go through with Fassel, you might want to put my in the NMF group... New More Fan. I've never stopped rooting for the Redskins, through the darkest times of the Spurrier or Turner eras, after Pettibone, through the mediocrity... but now, if this happens... I'll have to admit that all the people who have had their fangs in it for that greedy Snyder fellow might've been right...

Sorry this went a bit long, but I'm really disturbed to hear this news. When I think about how Snyder would be willing to gut the team, especially the defense... and hire someone else to coach Gregg's guys... yeeesh... it just looks, sounds, and feels foolish.

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I'm sorry Dan, but if you go through with Fassel, you might want to put my in the NMF group... New(!) More Fan(!).

Freudian slip? :)

You're not going anywhere, Ferg. And neither am I, despite a momentary lapse in judgement last night.

Just hang tight, bro. We're all apprehensive right now. It'll sort itself out. Things will get better. One way or another.

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Well, you are a bit of a dreamer if you thought that every week we gave our best on every play in every game just because JG was here.

We hardly ever did that.

JG got us over the hill players that cost us alot of money and never performed and meddled so much in GW's affairs and Al's that he hurt the team chemistry and never really started coaching until the NASCAR season was over.

JG gave us a barely .500 record over the last 4 years.

He is as good as Fassel at this juncture probably.

Fassel had a barely .500 record in his time with the Gnats.

We dont want another coach like Norv, JG2, or Spurrier.

We need someone that knows how to win.

We need Al, Cowher, Grimm, or McDaniels.....maybe GW....if he has learned his lessons, but not Fassel.

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Maybe you're right honorary, but I don't know. I've never really turned on an owner before, but I would have a hard time knowing that Snyder says all the right things but acts like he knows what he's doing. Maybe Snyder doesn't know what he's doing... we're all waiting for something brilliant, right?

Does he really think fans will stick with the team if he hires Fassel? The fact that he seems to be considering hiring Fassel... is amazing. Man, I'd rather see him hire John Madden... the hockey player! I expected Snyder to make a quick hire (he's done so in the past)... the only logical explanation for this is that Snyder is stalling to get someone who is playing in the Super Bowl. I don't know if they can interview or not during this off-week... but I hope it's someone from the Patriot's staff... just as long as it's not Kevin Gilbride...

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You people thinking of jumping ship with a Jim Fassel hire can go ahead and turn in your memberships now please...

I'm not gung-ho about this hire either,but I would feel pretty stupid to turn in my Redskins card only to see Fassel turn in a couple of Lombardi trophies...

I am and will always be a Redskins fan through and through...You people who are fans only when the team is on top or fitting your own peronal desires,make me realize how many patriots fans we have now since before 2001 and after!Pretty pathetic if you ask me...

Luke warm fans....If you want everything PERFECT,you know where to go!

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Maybe you're right honorary, but I don't know. I've never really turned on an owner before, but I would have a hard time knowing that Snyder says all the right things but acts like he knows what he's doing. Maybe Snyder doesn't know what he's doing... we're all waiting for something brilliant, right?

Does he really think fans will stick with the team if he hires Fassel? The fact that he seems to be considering hiring Fassel... is amazing. Man, I'd rather see him hire John Madden... the hockey player! I expected Snyder to make a quick hire (he's done so in the past)... the only logical explanation for this is that Snyder is stalling to get someone who is playing in the Super Bowl. I don't know if they can interview or not during this off-week... but I hope it's someone from the Patriot's staff... just as long as it's not Kevin Gilbride...

I cracked the code. Check the Andyman thread. :)

Look, man. I understand your frustration. Hell, I think it's justified. I don't want to see Fassel in here any more than you do. But consider for a moment that Spurrier was an "amazing" hire. I don't know about you, but I was excited when I heard we got him. (I quickly learned to be disappointed, again, but he was the "flashy" hire at the time.)

Who knows what Snyder's thinking. But as a self-made multi-billionare, who bought his favorite sports franchise in his mid 30s, one more time, I'll take my chances.

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The only public comment Snyder has made was at Gibbs press conference, that the team wants to build on what Gibbs started and keep stability

Since then nothing, he has taken his time to interview people, to make sure he has the best choice for the Redskins, he hasn't interview anyone flashy or a big name

for all we know he could be picking their brain as much if not more than interviewing them

nobody knows what's going on outside of Snyder and maybe Cerrato... and anything reported in the media should be taken with a grain of salt until Dan officially makes the hire

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if you can jump ship on the 'skins, you're not a true fan. it's that simple.

if you're a true fan, you'll be pissed, but you won't be able to jump ship. there have been PLENTY of times that i have wished that i was able to not care about this team. it's not possible for me.

well put!:cheers:

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I would never think of jumping ship. It hasn't even come to mind. If you need help getting off, some of us can push you :)

Even if Fassell gets the job, he may become a great coach or he could be a stinker. We do not know. Is he my first choice? No, definitely not. However, I am in no position to say who we should and should not hire.

I do know that whoever becomes coach will get my support until they prove that they do not deserve it.

Also, just because Snyder does not hire who the fans want him to hire does not mean that he does not care about the fans. I know Snyder will hire who he thinks can do the best job. He is more qualified to make this decision than any of us. If he hires the best person for the job, then I think that means he cares.

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As has been stated and I believe it bares repeating: Until there's a press conference announcing whom the new Head Coach is, you shouldn't worry about what the media says. The media knows as much as we do and that's that Dan Snyder hasn't hired anyone.

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if you can jump ship on the 'skins, you're not a true fan. it's that simple.

if you're a true fan, you'll be pissed, but you won't be able to jump ship. there have been PLENTY of times that i have wished that i was able to not care about this team. it's not possible for me.

In reality land which is just beyond emotion land the Redskins are nothing but a product being sold like a car, truck or anything else.

Their are two types of fans -

1. Emotional fans - that will buy anything and settle for anything if it comes from a name/organization you trust.

2. Logical fans - that know beyond all of the hype and emotion a product is being sold.

Just because your emotions overrule your logic with regard to this product does not mean those that expect more from a product are lesser fans.

The fact is emotional fans are giving Dan Snyder a free pass to put out a crappy/lesser product by their compliance/silence. If a grocery store charged you for a full chicken and only gave you the wings would you continue to support the store or would you demand some changes be made?

Common sense folks.....just because you are a fan does not mean you are required to give up on logic. If you do not demand a better product you won't get one. It really is that simple.

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In reality land which is just beyond emotion land the Redskins are nothing but a product being sold like a car, truck or anything else.

Their are two types of fans -

1. Emotional fans - that will buy anything and settle for anything if it comes from a name/organization you trust.

2. Logical fans - that know beyond all of the hype and emotion a product is being sold.

Just because your emotions overrule your logic with regard to this product does not mean those that expect more from a product are lesser fans.

The fact is emotional fans are giving Dan Snyder a free pass to put out a crappy/lesser product by their compliance/silence. If a grocery store charged you for a full chicken and only gave you the wings would you continue to support the store or would you demand some changes be made?

Common sense folks.....just because you are a fan does not mean you are required to give up on logic. If you do not demand a better product you won't get one. It really is that simple.

stop with the nonsense.

if you can QUIT ON THIS TEAM, you are NOT a fan.

that's not to say you can't question, criticize, lambaste, whatever. look at my post history. i've been very critical of this team. like i said, there have been plenty of times that i have WISHED that it were possible for me to not care. i can't.

you can hate dan snyder. you can hate the coach. you can hate the players for all i care. you can question the direction. but if you give up on this team, this franchise, you aren't a 'skins fan. you're more kin to a cowboys fan.

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