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Please Sell the Team Mr. Snyder ("Snyder Sux" Thread Merged - M.E.T.)


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I posted this in another thread, but seems to fit here better

You know who's fault this is?...every single one of us. We could make a stand and not show up to games and not buy merchandise. Everyone says this is Dan's team he can do what he wants. I call B.S. This is a fan driven profession. If the stadium was half empty and no sales of merchandise how long do you think it would take him to realize he is accountable!! To every single f***** one of us fans.

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So... are you saying Snyder must go?

LOL! Ok, that is the absolute funniest thing i have seen all day. :laugh:

Its only funny because its true though, :( and i have tried to fight it for so long but.... maybe... just maybe.

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Well, yeah, except firing his lackey and bringing in an ACTUAL FOOTBALL GUY to run this team as GM and turning the authority over him. That would require relinquishing control.

Spending and making money does not make a successful owner. Lombardis do. And he has 0. So he is FAIL at owner.

Vinnie IS a football guy. You may not like some of his decisions, but his career defines what a football guy is.

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I agree. I'd love nothing more than for him to sell this team. He's getting ready to break a team apart that came together and bonded emotionally to accomplish great things. With everything as is, a solid draft and getting our injured players back would have made us a force. Instead, not only will we have to learn a new offense, but we will have to learn a new defense as well. He is trying to make another splash but this time he is making himself look like a joke. I'm embarrased to be a skins fan right now. Even if he hire Gregg, I'm embarrased we gave Fassel/Ryan a thought.

I couldnt agree more. :cheers: I would just hate to see this team fall apart.

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Honestly, Dan Snyder needs to be very VERY careful this year in his decisions.

Right after Steve Spurrier left almost exactly 4 years ago , Snyder's standing with the fans was very VERY low, right up to the point where just about everyone wanted him out.

The Joe Gibbs hire saved him in the eyes of the public, and was a huge win for Snyder. Now that Gibbs is gone, everyone is watching closely to see what direction he will take.

If the Redskins flop for a few years, much like how they have been during almost all of Snyder's tenure, it could alienate a large portion of loyal Burgandy and Gold loving fans.

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Is there any way we can force Snyder to sell this team? Sorry guys, but if he makes Fassel our next head coach, our owner hasn't learned a thing, and needs to be booted.


And anyone who thinks snyder is actually still a fan is beyond gullible. His spending of large amounts of money are elaborate charades designed to trick people into thinking he wants to win when in actuallity all it does is trick people into buying his cheap novelties and INCREASING the VALUE of his company.

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The grass is always greenier over the spetic tank. If you think we have the worst owner in this league then you need to do us all a favor and get another team. Take a stong look around the league and then tell me where we are. Some of you guys make me sad to be a Redskins fan, what a pessimistic bunch.

I also have news for you, we aren't in any worse shape than we were when Gibbs was here, we got lucky as hell that NO and Minn decided to completely tank the end of the year to let us sqeak in the playoff this year.

Like someone above me said, I'd be willing to bet you dollars to donuts that 99% of the current GMs, HCs, players and everyone in between would kill to have Dan as an owner. He loves this team, he's a Redskins fan, thats why he bought the team. He wants the same goal as us, stop being fair weather and see how it goes.

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It is unbelieveable how this fanbase has gone from hating to loving, back to hating Dan Snyder in about six months. I have never liked the guy. and have never changed my stance on him since he bought the team. I have always thought we would never win big with his ownwership.

I do think it is so humorous how there were so many ES member's saying after the Sean Taylor funeral, how he was so great and had changed so much. Now we are all reading all the posts of how he has ruined the franchise with the supposed hiring of Fassel. It is so funny how people are so fickle. let me tell you this guy has never changed and never will.

I think what he did for the team during Sean's funeral was the right thing to do, but I also think that any other owner would have done the same thing. I will never change my mind about this greedy man, he has ruined a storied franchise.

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I will not repurchase season tickets with a Fassel hire. I might even root for us to lose as sick as that sounds. Just so that he might learn a lesson.

Gee how thought provoking. Certainly worthy of it's own....merge.

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I think that Snyder would be considered a great owner if he had managed the team correctly after the '99 season. We had Johnson, Davis, ect. and all we really needed was to bolster our defense (which ranked somewhere around the bottom). But he decided to bring in "Neon", Carrier, and the whole lot of players to try and make this franchise a super bowl team when that is not how to build a winner.

Actually he did bolster the defense we were number 4 that season

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And anyone who thinks snyder is actually still a fan is beyond gullible. His spending of large amounts of money are elaborate charades designed to trick people into thinking he wants to win when in actuallity all it does is trick people into buying his cheap novelties and INCREASING the VALUE of his company.

Yeah! It's all a conspiracy! I saw Dan Snyder on the grassy knoll and Vinnie was in the schoolbook depository...

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It is unbelieveable how this fanbase has gone from hating to loving, back to hating Dan Snyder in about six months. I have never liked the guy. and have never changed my stance on him since he bought the team. I have always thought we would never win big with his ownwership.

I do think it is so humorous how there were so many ES member's saying after the Sean Taylor funeral, how he was so great and had changed so much. Now we are all reading all the posts of how he has ruined the franchise with the supposed hiring of Fassel. It is so funny how people are so fickle. let me tell you this guy has never changed and never will.

I think what he did for the team during Sean's funeral was the right thing to do, but I also think that any other owner would have done the same thing. I will never change my mind about this greedy man, he has ruined a storied franchise.

Do some of you even bother to look before you start a new thread? Yeeesh.

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"And Cerrato did a nice job this year with the depth."

I agree, the Redskins had good depth this year. UNlike in previous years, before Gibbs, when Cerrato hired any big name has-been available.

Thus, I would not credit Cerrato unilaterally in finding depth. In fact, I would guess the Skins found quality depth in spite of him

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We all heard the comment "If it ain't broke don't fix it" by Snyder when asked about hiring Gibbs replacement. If Dan hires Fassel, I view that as breaking his word (and our trust). I will have lost all faith in Snyder and will soon believe his word means nothing. Please say it ain't so. Anybody want my season tickets?

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