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ES: Sean Taylor Out for At Least 3 Weeks Per Press Conference (UPDATED)


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We probably would've lost to Dallas this weekend, whether Taylor was in or not. Now we'll just get killed by them.

However, the Bucs, Bills, and Bears can all be beaten without Taylor. And now it seems like our offense can compete (needs to score in the ****ing redzone), which helps out our situation. I'm hoping that GW will blitz their asses off now that Taylor is out for awhile. "Bend but don't break" won't work here, we'll just break. Might as well blitz.

BIG if though.

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move landry to fs and put prioleau at ss. thats really all that is left to do. one more injury to anyone = season over.

If we lose to the bucs, might as well put all our practice squad in and hope for a high draft pic we can later trade off and get another stellar wr like mr. lloyd. lol.

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Very tough loss, needless to say.

Big question here: will he be back for the Bucs? That's a much bigger game than Dallas for the playoffs (yes, yes, fire gibbs, we suck, yatta yatta). Never had us penciled in to win in Dallas in the best of circumstances. But the bucs, bills, bears sequence is the one that really matters.

Thanks for bringing this up - I am not sure how people think the season is over. I like to think the season has just begun. The training wheels have come off of JC - crossing my fingers on this.

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I would put Springs at FS and let Eubanks and Smoot play corner with Macklin and Torrence backing up. The problem with the Skins defense ... as I see it ... are the LBers ... Fletcher has slowly regressed and McIntosh seems lost out there. RGodffrey is little better than Mr. 57. The Boys will be able to run at will gainst the Skins and will not even need TO. Oiy vey!

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PP is downright awful. He's been disappointing the entire year and I used to be a fan of his.

Taylor is one of the few bright spots on the team that made it fun to watch even when everything is going wrong.

I think they should explore moving Springs to FS and keep Landry at SS. Smoot, Torrence, Eubanks, and Macklin might impress. I'd rather have Springs' ball skills than PP whiffing at ball carriers and balls...

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Its not even that fun to watch our defense without sean in there...

True indeed. If we can get Marcus W back on in the line up, hopefully that will help out a little bit. LL needs to play solid next week, although I think they'll try and match him up with Witten.......and if thats the case we're screwed. PP needs to step up and play solid. All he has to do is rome around down field and not get burnt.

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wow, this is certainly what happens when you flush your draft picks down the toilet. When your starters get injured (which happens to every team), there is a frightening drop-off in talent. Let's hope that our (dare i say) depleted secondary can hold up against a highpowered Cowchip team. And lets also hope that we will actually keep out draft picks going in to April and not trade them off for some washed-up veteran.

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