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Godfrey Signed/ Lemar Marshall released PFT (merged)


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Lemar Marshall was a class act. Not the greatest linebacker, but made the most out of his ability -- and played a big part in getting us to the playoffs with his incredible deflection/pick in the Eagles game.

Would have liked to see the team give him more props on his way out. He deserved it.

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I don't get the move....maybe his performance vs. the Steelers verified signs that he wasn't on the level they needed/wanted him to be but it's awful late in the pre-season (hell training camp has already broken) to make this move on a guy who'd probably be the top fill in player if one of the starters went out.

Then to replace him, you bring in a guy expecting to retire at 34 and a former Cowboy no less :doh: :rolleyes:

I liked Lemar if only for the fact he overachieved, but if it makes the team better to make this move; you gotta do what you gotta do.

My problem is with the timing and who they brought in to replace him.

Maybe Godfrey is the better player-- I hope so. And maybe Sartz and Blades have excelled to the point that Godfrey is only needed to be a 1 year stop-gap player.

Still it's a suprising move.

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Can someone 'splain why we would release an LB who knows the system and then pick another one who doesn't?! An 11-year veteran? If they want to clear up a roster spot or just start the culling early, fine. But to get rid of him and then sign another LB -- especially when we have (an albeit injured) Marcus, London, Rocky, Blades, etc?!

I don't get it!

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Can someone 'splain why we would release an LB who knows the system and then pick another one who doesn't?! An 11-year veteran? If they want to clear up a roster spot or just start the culling early, fine. But to get rid of him and then sign another LB -- especially when we have (an albeit injured) Marcus, London, Rocky, Blades, etc?!

I don't get it!

Knowing the system and being able to execute it are two different things. But I wonder why we didn't try to get something for Marshall. ??? Something is up with this sudden cut, I think maybe attitude issues may have forced this. But I really don't know.

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Can someone 'splain why we would release an LB who knows the system and then pick another one who doesn't?! An 11-year veteran? If they want to clear up a roster spot or just start the culling early, fine. But to get rid of him and then sign another LB -- especially when we have (an albeit injured) Marcus, London, Rocky, Blades, etc?!

I don't get it!

Godfrey has played for Williams before so while he won't know the system great right now, he has some foundation in it. I was not aware that Godfrey was also the playcaller for that defense so he may know it better than I anticpated thinking he was strongside for Williams.

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Marshall was a horrible middle linebacker, possibly the worst in the league last year. It's one of those things where you say big deal because he was going to have zero impact on the team this year.

Based off his role last year, just about any athlete would be upset with not seeing the field. So far as team chemistry goes it may have been determential to keep him around.

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I absolutely love the Godfrey signing even at the expense of Marshall. As other posters have said Blades is the real deal. I was praying we would draft the guy even earlier. Godfrey is one of those players like Fletcher who has a nose for the ball. He always makes sure tackles and makes his teammates better. Yes he's old but who cares if he can give us this year. Marshall was never going to be starter again with the way our team is set up. Always go with the better talent in that situation. Godfrey > Marshall

:cheers: Another bonus that most still don't understand is Randall Godfrey was the starting MLB for GW in Tennesse when the Titans ranked #1 in total Defense.

He is GW disciple, reminds me alot of London Fletcher, and knows GW scheme from his playing days with Titans and that was a very good D back then.

Now when this guy comes and makes plays and leads by example alot like London has, then I wanna hear back from all these pessimist about why we shouldn't of cut Marshall and added Godfrey.

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this is simple to me.

Lemar was solid as a pass defender and off the line tackler.

Our weaknesses were run defense and pass rush. Lemar was very bad at these things because he was too light and got pushed around by lead blockers and O-linemen.

Bye, Bye Lemar. Hello Godfrey, more of a run stopper and a bit better at rushing the QB.

Our DB depth can handle coverage.

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:dallasuck I wonder if Dallas fans are upset about us getting Randall Godfrey?

b/c you know they would much rather have him, especially playing under Wade Phillips w/ the Chargers and all.

Randall chose the team/coaches that seemed to have more success w/ him in years pasts.

I don't think the jealousy will arrive much until after Godfrey makes some big plays against the Cowpukes.

Wonder if they would actually let him retire as Cowboy after he helps beat down his former team :laugh: :laugh: joining his former teams biggest rival.

Man I can sense the jealousy coming :applause: :applause: :applause:

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Wonder if they would actually let him retire as Cowboy after he helps beat down his former team :laugh: :laugh: joining his former teams biggest rival.

Man I can sense the jealousy coming :applause: :applause: :applause:

Considering he was only with the cowboys for 3 or 4 years, they apparently didn't care all that much about him in the first place...and considering he is with his 5th team, I don't see him really retiring with any particular team.

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Considering he was only with the cowboys for 3 or 4 years, they apparently didn't care all that much about him in the first place...and considering he is with his 5th team, I don't see him really retiring with any particular team.

Check your info before you insert foot.

1. His longest stint w/ any team was w/ the Cowboys

2. He mentions retiring as a Cowboy http://bolttalk.com/?p=1909

Considering he's mentioned retiring as a Cowboy and this is another littl something about he would like to play for Wade Phillips in Dallas.

See where im coming from now? http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20070221/news_1s21godfrey.html

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have you seen how he's missed every tackle in the preseason? a huge reason why the team was the 31st ranked defense last yr.

true that. i said this time after time on this site. lemar couldnt shift the line in the right directions to stop the run, couldnt line the linebackers in the right spot to fill the gap to stop the run. got the corners all confuse. i have no feelings about this move. its like he wasnt on the team last yr. marcus should of played middle more efficiently..everybody be happy. we just picked up godfrey. hes proven, part of g.williams ranked number 1 d in ten.. why did we pick him... wonder know the inside scoop.? go to nfl.insider.. haha jk.... this is my scoop.. we will have four good linebackers in there. when phillip daniels is tired, marcus will replace him while godfrey plays sslb. london mlb. and rocky wslb. now imagine this package.

DLs..carter. golston/salevea. griffithn. washington.

LBs. mcintosh.fletcher. godfrey.

CBs .springs. smoot.

S. taylor and landry..

Tell me thats a d to be wreckin..

Good things are happening.. lets look up

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true that. i said this time after time on this site. lemar couldnt shift the line in the right directions to stop the run, couldnt line the linebackers in the right spot to fill the gap to stop the run. got the corners all confuse. i have no feelings about this move. its like he wasnt on the team last yr. marcus should of played middle more efficiently..everybody be happy. we just picked up godfrey. hes proven, part of g.williams ranked number 1 d in ten.. why did we pick him... wonder know the inside scoop.? go to nfl.insider.. haha jk.... this is my scoop.. we will have four good linebackers in there. when phillip daniels is tired, marcus will replace him while godfrey plays sslb. london mlb. and rocky wslb. now imagine this package.

DLs..carter. golston/salevea. griffithn. washington.

LBs. mcintosh.fletcher. godfrey.

CBs .springs. smoot.

S. taylor and landry..

Tell me thats a d to be wreckin..

Good things are happening.. lets look up

:cheers: Now you guys are starting to see this for what its worth, now if the rest could think outside their little pessimistic boxes :laugh:

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true that. i said this time after time on this site. lemar couldnt shift the line in the right directions to stop the run, couldnt line the linebackers in the right spot to fill the gap to stop the run. got the corners all confuse. i have no feelings about this move. its like he wasnt on the team last yr. marcus should of played middle more efficiently..everybody be happy. we just picked up godfrey. hes proven, part of g.williams ranked number 1 d in ten.. why did we pick him... wonder know the inside scoop.? go to nfl.insider.. haha jk.... this is my scoop.. we will have four good linebackers in there. when phillip daniels is tired, marcus will replace him while godfrey plays sslb. london mlb. and rocky wslb. now imagine this package.

DLs..carter. golston/salevea. griffithn. washington.

LBs. mcintosh.fletcher. godfrey.

CBs .springs. smoot.

S. taylor and landry..

Tell me thats a d to be wreckin..

Good things are happening.. lets look up

man.... rogers got dropped pretty quick

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man.... rogers got dropped pretty quick

sad but true.. we picked up so much corners cause rogers isnt cuttin it.. but rogers wouldnt be bad in nickle and dime packages..

the package i posted was for 3rd and 4th downs where we bringing the heat and will leave our cbs one on one. smoot is known more as a one on one defender.. sorry carlos

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I dont understand this move. Yes Lemar's play dropped off dramatically last year but he still has shown more than Khary Campbell has ever shown. Yes, Lemar was not properly aligning the players at MLB. Ok that's understandable. He still could've play both outside LB positions. Campbell may be a good ST player but damn how many good ST players are we going to keep at the expense of better position players?

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sad but true.. we picked up so much corners cause rogers isnt cuttin it.. but rogers wouldnt be bad in nickle packages..

the package i posted was for 3rd and 4th downs where we bringing the heat and will leave our cbs one on one. smoot is known more as a one on one defender.. sorry carlos

Carlos is a better corner than Smoot. Yes Smoot can hold on to the football but in terms of coverage Carlos is better.

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See this is what makes me sick of the Skins! Why do you release a linebacker like Marshall to bring in a guy who is ready to retire and is older than the guy he is going to replace! And you have to pay 300 thousand more to get him to play?

Marshall has been a good linebacker for the Skins for years and never a problem on or off the field. The Skins continue to go after guys whose best years are behind them and only come here for a check! The Skins really need a general manager in the worst way, Gibbs and Williams are letting go quality players for has beens!

This move stinks!!

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See this is what makes me sick of the Skins! Why do you release a linebacker like Marshall to bring in a guy who is ready to retire and is older than the guy he is going to replace! And you have to pay 300 thousand more to get him to play?

Marshall has been a good linebacker for the Skins for years and never a problem on or off the field. The Skins continue to go after guys whose best years are behind them and only come here for a check! The Skins really need a general manager in the worst way, Gibbs and Williams are letting go quality players for has beens!

This move stinks!!

Ryan Clark, Antonio Piercer, Walt Harris... yeah the trend is definitely there. Still think that Marshall really stopped producing last year. He got beat out by 2nd year and rookies at camp. Sometimes you have to let youth replace old players. I just don't know why they would go with Godfrey. Unless its to add an insurance for Marcus Washington...

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