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Godfrey Signed/ Lemar Marshall released PFT (merged)


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the only reason imo he could have been released is maybe he was very disgruntled about losing his starting spot and now being moved back to the outside behind rocky. other than that i dont see why we would let him go, i think he could be very valuable to this team.

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Most of you on this thread apparently did not watch our defense last season, and have had your cable disconnected throughout the ongoing preseason. Did you guys see Lemar play last year? He was a bum! He got shoved around like a rag doll. Did you see him in the first two preseason games so far? He looked even worse than he did last season. I am not surprised by the release, I am surprised at the outburst from the fans.

Lemar's weak play at MLB is one of the major reasons why we sucked last year. Do you think the FO signing Fletcher and drafting Blades was just a coincidence? They knew what they were doing. They then went ahead and drafted another linebacker in Sartz, who has been surprisingly good this preseason. So that leaves us with Fletcher, HB Blades, McIntosh, Washington, Sartz, Khray Campbell (special teams ace) at linebacker, and hence, Marshall became expendable.

Sorry guys, but stop reacting based on emotions and actually watch some games and see each player's contribution towards the team before coming here to vent 'cos your favorite personality was let go off. Believe it or not, after watching the entire four (4) quarters of the WAS-PIT game, I knew Marshall's days were numbered.

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I was originally going to reply to one of Lombardi's numerous postings (already LKB ;):D ) on the topic, but I'll just put it here:

I liked Lemar, but I think Lemar overachieved beautifully for awhile (04/part of 05) then began to decline followed by nagging injury. There may be more to it, but I have been seeing him as on the bubble for awhile. He dropped almost 30 tackles from 05 to 06 (one less game) and went from 4 int's to zero. He also was weak tackling when he did get there and we schemed assistance notably more often than in 05. It doesn't take a stretch for me to see Godfrey, given his specifics, as a step-up from current Lemar (who is still on a decline it seems) being added to K. Campbell as another veteran in the depth chart (if he sticks). The move doesn't throw me like its throwing some others here. I have enough concerns, but this isn't one of them.

That will happen when you have zero tackles in a game when the other team runs the ball down your throat as well. So maybe it's two less games? A MLB not registering a tackle is embarrassing.

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You can't have it both ways. People always complaining that we don't have enough young players and develop our own guys but threaten suicide when a vet is cut because he is not performing well.

Clearly, Williams thinks Godfrey is an upgrade over Marshall...and I agree. And we have Rocky and Blades having tremendous pre-season with Sartz doing OK. Even Khary Campbell has looked quite good. So Marshal is an odd man out and Gibbs/Williams probably wanted to let him go now to see if he could latch on somewhere else.

As Jumbo said....we have other things to worry about....the loss of a backup vet when Rocky, Blades and Fletcher have been tackling machines and the LB core has arguably been the star group so far this pre-season makes the loss of Marshall a non issue in my mind.

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Well we couldnt tackle last year I still have Nightmares of Tiki Barbar rough running on us. The coaches felt he wasnt doing the job and upgraded. I dont see that the problem is he wasnt a starter and if he can play someone will pick him up. He has been here for 5 or 6 years and couldnt win a starters job.

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Some of you all are missing the issue.

The issue is not whether we should have cut Marshall or Blades or whoever to get Godfrey.

The issue is why we would cut anyone to get Godfrey.

He is an old linebacker considering retirement who has been playing in the 3-4 for the last 5 seasons or whatever. He has been a free agent that no one thought enough to sign since the NFL draft. Now we are bringing him in after training camp to learn our defense. And he will take PT away from the young guys.

We were fine with what we had. It's like they had to make a move just to make a move. Marshall was a vet who could play all three positions, knew the defense, and was not a problem.

Forget who we cut, though. Why did we cut anyone to get an ancient has-been?

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Some of you all are missing the issue.

The issue is not whether we should have cut Marshall or Blades or whoever to get Godfrey.

The issue is why we would cut anyone to get Godfrey.

He is an old linebacker considering retirement who has been playing in the 3-4 for the last 5 seasons or whatever. He has been a free agent that no one thought enough to sign since the NFL draft. Now we are bringing him in after training camp to learn our defense. And he will take PT away from the young guys.

We were fine with what we had. It's like they had to make a move just to make a move. Marshall was a vet who could play all three positions, knew the defense, and was not a problem.

Forget who we cut, though. Why did we cut anyone to get an ancient has-been?

You are half-right.

I do think that Godfrey is and will be a better LB than Marshall come September. And with injuries, I fully expect Godfrey to make at least one start this season.

So, the question is not why Godfrey?

The question is, why now?

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So' date=' the question is not why Godfrey?

The question is, why now?[/quote']

im assuming they thought marshall might have just had a down year in 06, they wanted to give him a shot starting in 07, he played pretty poorly, couldnt cut the mustard, so they dumped him. another example of the team not giving up on vets too quickly. i dont think this will hurt us because blades and campbell are ok for depth and godfrey is a decent addition.

i think godfrey wasnt recruited because everyone was under the assumption he was retiring.

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Looks like he really considers himself a Cowboy :puke:



Chargers linebacker Randall Godfrey said he is calling it quits after 10 NFL seasons.

Godfrey said Friday that he soon will sign a one-day contract with the Cowboys, so he can finish his career where he started it.

Godfrey started his career with the Cowboys in 1996 before leaving in 2000 for a three-year stint with the Titans. He played for the Seahawks in 2003.


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Marshall did not play well last year. We drafted LB to get younger at the position. Marshall probably wouldn't have been resigned after this year so apparently GW feels Godfrey will be better for 1 year as opposed to Marshall. I haven't seen him practice this year like the coaches have but apparently they were not impressed. We would not release him if he was valuable to us just because he would want more playing time elsewhere. He's not a star LB that could command that, and there would be no guarantee that a team would want him as a starter. He filled in admirably for Arrington a few years ago then moved to MLB where he was to small. That was one of the big reasons our run D suffered last year. I thought he would be a good backup to have but the coaches felt otherwise. They know more than any of us. And quite frankly I have more faith in the front office than I ever have. I truly believe we are on the right path and we finally have consistency on our team with no coaching turnover.

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Marshall did not play well last year. We drafted LB to get younger at the position. Marshall probably wouldn't have been resigned after this year so apparently GW feels Godfrey will be better for 1 year as opposed to Marshall. I haven't seen him practice this year like the coaches have but apparently they were not impressed. We would not release him if he was valuable to us just because he would want more playing time elsewhere. He's not a star LB that could command that, and there would be no guarantee that a team would want him as a starter. He filled in admirably for Arrington a few years ago then moved to MLB where he was to small. That was one of the big reasons our run D suffered last year. I thought he would be a good backup to have but the coaches felt otherwise. They know more than any of us. And quite frankly I have more faith in the front office than I ever have. I truly believe we are on the right path and we finally have consistency on our team with no coaching turnover.

Fine. Agreed. But we couldn't get ANYTHING for him???

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Looks like he really considers himself a Cowboy :puke:



Chargers linebacker Randall Godfrey said he is calling it quits after 10 NFL seasons.

Godfrey said Friday that he soon will sign a one-day contract with the Cowboys, so he can finish his career where he started it.

Godfrey started his career with the Cowboys in 1996 before leaving in 2000 for a three-year stint with the Titans. He played for the Seahawks in 2003.


Great.. so we sign a 34yr old " broke back" and now the Giants can sign Marshal and tear into us again up in the meadowlands this year.. :doh:

What is this FO THINKING???

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This must have a lot to do with Marshal not being happy

that would be my guess, if he was ****ing about being demoted or something, it may have been a chemistry move to get rid of him. Who knows, maybe he asked for his release believing he could start somewhere else.

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