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Godfrey Signed/ Lemar Marshall released PFT (merged)


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Wow, suprising. I never was a big Marshall fan. Not a good tackler. Maybe he didn't like his demotion. Not sure about Godfrey, are we really going to see him on the field? I hope one of the young guys is stepping up and Godfrey is just a cheap body familiar with the GW system this late in preseason.

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Why didn't we at least try to get something for Marshal. You can't tell me that no other team is going to want him, has a two years of starting experence. We could've easily gotten a 5th or 6th round pick for him. This is just completly stupid.

Gotta agree with that. WTF happened behind closed doors?

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They didn't release him because he wanted more playing time. If that were the case, they would have told him to have his agent find a team that would give him more playing time and a deal could be made. He was released because he has no marketable value. He only had value to the Skins because he knew the system - and that evidently wasn't enough.

I fully expect that he will clear waivers, indicating that no one else thinks he's worth over $1M either. Then he will be picked up at the veteran minimum and probably released before the first game.

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Need us not forget that Godfrey has been good, very very good in as early as the games he played for the Chargers last year. He also has alot of leadership ability but we have enough leaders on this D with Fletch,Washington etc. All in all as a player THIS year, Godfrey is a better player.

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Wow, just wow. How does LM go from being a starter last season, to being cut this season before cuts are even made... You are telling me that he wasnt even good enough to be our #6 or 7 LBer???

That doesnt make a lick of sense. And here I thought we had a sensible offseason.

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Wow, just wow. How does LM go from being a starter last season, to being cut this season before cuts are even made... You are telling me that he wasnt even good enough to be our #6 or 7 LBer???

That doesnt make a lick of sense. And here I thought we had a sensible offseason.

LOL, we did have a sensible offseason. It's now preseason and going on regular season, so maybe it's time to be foolish.

I trust the coaching staff, but am dumbfounded, just to simply release him.

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Did anyone predict this in the "Surprise release" thread? This is definitely a surprise to me. I hope he does well wherever he goes.

I don't get how GW seemed to boast on how we have a versatile LB in Marshall, who can backup any position but then do something like this. Hopefully this move doesn't make us look like past moves have (Pierce, Duckett). Best of luck to Marshall though.

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Yea, I think it came down to size.

Marshall - 6'2 225

Godfrey - 6'2 245

My take is that they think Godfrey can be as versatile (minus the teams) plus he's more suited to step in for the Sam than Lemar, who is best a Will, if not a large saftey. I guess Campbell/Sartz/Blades/Trucks have been playing well. Lemar played kind of soft last year, guess he fell out of graces. Can't rule out a mercy cut too, to allow him to catch on somewhere's else.


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I was originally going to reply to one of Lombardi's numerous postings (already LKB ;):D ) on the topic, but I'll just put it here:

I liked Lemar, but I think Lemar overachieved beautifully for awhile (04/part of 05) then began to decline followed by nagging injury. There may be more to it, but I have been seeing him as on the bubble for awhile. He dropped almost 30 tackles from 05 to 06 (one less game) and went from 4 int's to zero. He also was weak tackling when he did get there and we schemed assistance notably more often than in 05. It doesn't take a stretch for me to see Godfrey, given his specifics, as a step-up from current Lemar (who is still on a decline it seems) being added to K. Campbell as another veteran in the depth chart (if he sticks). The move doesn't throw me like its throwing some others here. I have enough concerns, but this isn't one of them.

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I think its soo funny that there is such a difference in reaction between Letting go of Lemar Marshall and when we let go of Holdman.

They are both the same player. Undersized avg tacklers, who are weak against the run. We lose nothing by cutting him. We are upgrading at our lower LB ranks, just like we did with our CB's.

What do all want? To cut Dallas, Blades, Trucks? Be real people. This happens every day in the NFL. Lemar Marshall got RUN OVER last year.

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With this FO - who knows the rationale why someone is traded, or let go. Some of the moves just don't make sense.

Lamar Marshall was a decent player. Maynot be the best... but, did contribute.

The FO keeps making blunders ... wish someone would sack them!

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I think its soo funny that there is such a difference in reaction between Letting go of Lemar Marshall and when we let go of Holdman.

They are both the same player. Undersized avg tacklers, who are weak against the run. We lose nothing by cutting him. We are upgrading at our lower LB ranks, just like we did with our CB's.

What do all want? To cut Dallas, Blades, Trucks? Be real people. This happens every day in the NFL. Lemar Marshall got RUN OVER last year. Get over it people.

Sartz and Trucks haven't impressed me. I haven't even noticed that Sartz was playing. I guess they're both better than Marshall?

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I was originally going to reply to one of Lombardi's numerous postings (already LKB ;):D ) on the topic, but I'll just put it here:

I liked Lemar, but I think Lemar overachieved beautifully for awhile (04/part of 05) then began to decline followed by nagging injury. There may be more to it, but I have been seeing him as on the bubble for awhile. He dropped almost 30 tackles from 05 to 06 (one less game) and went from 4 int's to zero. He also was weak tackling when he did get there and we schemed assistance notably more often than in 05. It doesn't take a stretch for me to see Godfrey, given his specifics, as a step-up from current Lemar (who is still on a decline it seems) being added to K. Campbell as another veteran in the depth chart (if he sticks). The move doesn't throw me like its throwing some others here. I have enough concerns, but this isn't one of them.

I agree completely, but didn't he have ANY value? This seemed so sudden, did we even try to shop him? Seems we could have got a sack of practice balls or something for him.

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Yea, I'm not to happy about Lemar Marshall being released...he was a good fit for our defense. He could back up every linebacker position. Godfrey is bigger, but does he have the speed of Marshall. Our defense is all about being quick, knowing your position and gang tackling this year.

That was G Williams decision...he loves to bring in old washed up players/coaches of his.

I hope Godfrey picks the defense up fast!

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it definitely is. :mad:

why would we do this? We just keep getting old washed up players. Godfrey hasn't been good in years. Now our LB's are Godfre (over 30) Flecther (over 30). Washington and Rocky are the only ones under 30 but I think Washington turns 30 next year. HB Blades, and Sartz better start geting prepared to play.

Isn't Lemar Marshall going to be 31 this year?

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What do all want? To cut Dallas, Blades, Trucks? Be real people. This happens every day in the NFL. Lemar Marshall got RUN OVER last year.

I would be perfectly happy with cutting Trucks in favor of Marshall, yes.

Sartz isn't much better, but we have a draft pick invested in him.

It took Rocky ALL YEAR to get on the field, and he only had to beat out Holdman.

No way is Sartz or Trucks liable to see any action this year short of catastrophic injury.

Marshall could have stepped in and subbed for a variety of LB positions RIGHT AWAY.

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