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Godfrey Signed/ Lemar Marshall released PFT (merged)


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And I never called for you to get NNT'd, I was letting you know what I've seen, and how annoying it was for you to say that. Mods dont need help with labeling someone for the NNT group.

Actually, over the last several years, the mods have made it quite clear that self-policing of the community is of great benefit to the mods, who are overworked as it is. Spend less time whining about people keeping the peace, and spend more time being a productive poster.

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i haven't read the whole thread, so sorry if this has been said. but the only way this would make any sense to me is if marshall thought he could get more time somewhere else and they came to an agreement to release him early so he can catch on somewhere else.

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Actually, over the last several years, the mods have made it quite clear that self-policing of the community is of great benefit to the mods, who are overworked as it is. Spend less time whining about people keeping the peace, and spend more time being a productive poster.

Make sure you go over, and read the posts I've had, before you go and make assumptions. Like I said, nobody is whining, but that was like the act of, a kid in elementary school, cursing by accident, and there's that one kid who goes "0o0o0o0o0o". The Mods didnt take too long to merge it anyways, if they were going to NNT him, they wouldnt have needed your help. But I'm through now, I'm going to take advice from the previous poster, and stop this back and forth crap, and talk about the thread.

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what a dumb ass move. I hope Marshall goes somewhere else and does as good as Antonio Pierce did once we let him go for no reason.

Worst offseason move since signing Adam Archuleta IMO.

Yea me too. Marshall will be real successful, his tackling techniques can always be improved.

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Make sure you go over, and read the posts I've had, before you go and make assumptions. Like I said, nobody is whining, but that was like the act of, a kid in elementary school, cursing by accident, and there's that one kid who goes "0o0o0o0o0o". The Mods didnt take too long to merge it anyways, if they were goign to NNT him, they wouldnt have needed your help. But I'm through now, I'm going to take advice from the previous poster, and stop this back and forth crap, and talk about the thread.

No, you're wrong. He's been an overzealous poster for quite some time. He needed corrective instruction. He is very reminiscent of bleedblue. But yes, as you mentioned, this is an enormously useless and unnecessary tangent.

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It can't be true.


it definitely is. :mad:

why would we do this? We just keep getting old washed up players. Godfrey hasn't been good in years. Now our LB's are Godfre (over 30) Flecther (over 30). Washington and Rocky are the only ones under 30 but I think Washington turns 30 next year. HB Blades, and Sartz better start geting prepared to play.

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i haven't read the whole thread, so sorry if this has been said. but the only way this would make any sense to me is if marshall thought he could get more time somewhere else and they came to an agreement to release him early so he can catch on somewhere else.

I agree. Maybe just being optimistic, but I hope this is what happened. Only thing I'm worried about is the team chemistry. We shall see...

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Click link for full articale.


In Surprise Move, Redskins Release Marshall

By Gary Fitzgerald


August 21, 2007

The Redskins have released linebacker Lemar Marshall, the team announced on Tuesday.

The move comes as somewhat of a surprise, as Marshall was a versatile linebacker who could play all three positions for the Redskins.

But with Marcus Washington slowed by a dislocated right elbow this preseason, it appears the team wanted a linebacker with greater size than Marshall's 6-2, 225-pound frame.

The Redskins signed veteran strong-side linebacker Randall Godfrey on Tuesday, the team also announced. Godfrey is an 11-year veteran who played for the San Diego Chargers the last three seasons.

Like Marshall, Godfrey has versatility as a linebacker, but his size may make him a better fit to play the strong-side position.

Marshall is among the success stories for the Redskins' personnel department this decade.

I can't believe that we did this. This is got to be one of the dumbest moves this team could have made. In my opinion this is dumber than letting Antonio Pierce go. Marshall was this teams saftey net at linebacker. He could fill in at any of three LB postitions without missing a beat, and with very little drop off. And I'm sure that there was some one else that could've been cut to make room for Godfrey who probably won't be in shape, doesn't know the playbook and has no chemsitry with the team. Godfrey probably won't even beable to play for 3-4 weeks, at which time Marcus will be completly healthy. :doh: :hammer:

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Why didn't we at least try to get something for Marshal. You can't tell me that no other team is going to want him, has a two years of starting experence. We could've easily gotten a 5th or 6th round pick for him. This is just completly stupid.

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Why didn't we at least try to get something for Marshal. You can't tell me that no other team is going to want him, has a two years of starting experence. We could've easily gotten a 5th or 6th round pick for him. This is just completly stupid.

That's one of the first things I thought of. Something must have happened behind closed doors. I mean a second day pick or a back up OL is not asking much?

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Sometimes you really have to question the FO and their "decision" making process. Why rid yourselves of a competent backup who can fill multiple roles when one of your lb's just injured himself, although not severely. 500k in cap space can't be the reason. There must be something going on that we don't know about.

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