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If the "N" word it so offensive; why do blacks use the term?


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Whenever a non-black person uses the N-word they are crucified. Rightly so!

Thing is, why aren't blacks crucified. The N-word is regular part of their vocabulary. Just today, was at my local newstand getting a magzine and there was some blacks who came in and were just constantly blurting out the N-word. Got to get with our N's tonight, etc..

Seems like a double standard.

I'm a brown-indian looking dude, so I'm not a white person asking this.

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I would guess because it is a term of love when they refer to the term ""n-word"". Usually when another race says it is the entire word, which is demeaning.

They are both offensive.. Calling a girl a bee-yotch is the same as calling her a *****, spelling and pronunciation doesn't make it ok..

The "logic" behind why we can use it internally is by making it a term of endearment amongst ourselves it takes some of the sting away. It's faulty logic because the word is as ugly as ever.

I'd be just as happy if nobody used it, it's the ugliest word in the English language that is a reminder of the ugliest times (slavery, Civil Rights and Pre-Civil Rights era) in American history.

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I would guess because it is a term of love when they refer to the term ""n-word"". Usually when another race says it is the entire word, which is demeaning.

Well then technically they shouldn't get mad at other people using it in that manner... but thats obviously not the case.

The word just needs to be completly stricken from the english language, but that will probably never entirely happen

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Well at least this material hasn't been covered before. Which is nice.


This is the first ive heard of the N word being used by black people at all in any form..

Remember in dumb and dumber when Jim Carrey sees the old newspaper clipping about landing on the moon, and is like wooooow.

kinda reminds me of this.

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I'll take a shot at making an honest answer.

(Standard disclaimer: I have exactly as much authority to speak on behalf of "Black People", as I have to speak on behalf of gay people.)

Me, when I hear ethnic commentary, whether it be the n-word, a pollak joke, or whatever, I find that whether I get offended by the speaker hinges on my opinion on whether the speaker thinks the joke is accurate.

To me, telling a pollak joke isn't offensive, but believing one is.

Could it perhaps be a case that, when a white guy uses the n-word, the assumption is that he actually thinks that way, whereas when a black guy uses the same word, the assumption is that he's joking?

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If drugs are so bad, why do people still use them? :whoknows:

The N-word is regular part of their vocabilary.

HORRIBLE generalization.

You're talking about a small minority who make it a regular part of their vocabulary.

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HORRIBLE generalization.

You're talking about a small minority who make it a regular part of their vocabulary.

Yeah, and usually the rest of their vocabulary ain't much to speak of either ;)

Notice the proper usage of ain't? :silly:

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This is the first ive heard of the N word being used by black people at all in any form..

Remember in dumb and dumber when Jim Carrey sees the old newspaper clipping about landing on the moon, and is like wooooow.

kinda reminds me of this.

:laugh: :laugh:


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Ok. I don't know if this is true or not but. I once heard that blacks back in slavery days also called each other the N-word. Many didn't want the name the slave master gave them and wanted to keep their African name. So to avoid having to adknowledge acceptance of their new names and they would call each other either the N-word such as House "N" or Field "N" when addressing each other so it was acceptable among themselves but the slave master and other whites used it as a way to demean them. Later after many were freed and even after some former slaved bought other slave, they stopped calling each other the N-word and as of more recent years after the Civil Rights movement it seem to become a hip thing for blacks to address each other in the manner the slaves did. Why? I don't know maybe this was part of the whole movement getting back to the roots, Malcom X not using his given name, Cassus Clay becoming Mahommed Ali? I don't know but it's been going strong since.

I don't know how true this. I did find it interesting. I do know that some older people who were young around the Malcom X, Black Panter movement use the N-word but not in public, only among close friends and family. Much older blacks don't use the word at all unless they are talking about how things were pre Civil Rights and they use the term as "and the white man" or "and the whites" would say "N" this or "N" that.

Personally, I try not to use the world unless I'm using it as it is meant to be used. In reference to someone showing their ingnorance which any one regardless or race can be ignorant.

I just find it amazing how dictionaries have changed the definition over the years.

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Personally, I try not to use the world unless I'm using it as it is meant to be used. In reference to someone showing their ignorance which any one regardless or race can be ignorant.

Let me clarify this part of my post while I'm at it. When I do use this towards an ignorant person it's after I've been called the N-word myself.

Example: I was walking down the isle at Wal-Mart one day and went to back up and bumped into this white guy. (Why he was standing right behind me I'll never know). I said "Excuse me, I'm sorry" He hauls off and said "Ns" I was like "Excuse me, who are you calling a "N"? He had the nerve to say "You" so I was like, "I'm sorry but you got me confused with yourself. You're the "N". He was like " I'm not black, you are" I was like "Yeah, I'm black but you're the one that's ignorant, if you're so smart you would know the definition to the meaning of the word." I didn't know what to say. I walked off and left him standing there looking stupid.

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