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Do you have what it takes to become a US citizen?

Sweet Sassy Molassy

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Let see, mom is a citizen, dad is a citizen I was born in McLean VA, so......yep sure do.

ok ok, I'll take the test.


I got a 95%

Here's the one I got wrong, and honestly I should have followed the old adage about going with your first choice because I actually changed my answer and got it wrong as a result.

8. Which of the following amendments to the Constitution does NOT address or guarantee voting rights?

24th Amendment is not correct.

7th Amendment

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Do you have what it takes to become a citizen?

You answered 100% of questions correctly. Here's your rating:

0-20%: Maybe you're still thinking too much about the Old Country.

25-40%: Mmmm. Do you really want to be a citizen? This kind of performance isn't going to impress those nice immigration folks.

45-60%: Not too bad, but you really need to break out the civics books again -- word is, the INS is looking for an 80 percent score.

65-80%: Hey, you may make a good citizen yet! Look at your wrong answers and a little revision should do the trick.

85-100%: Welcome to the United States! (And, truth be told, you know more about this great land than most Americans.)

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Wow. I guessed (correctly) on the INS form. But on the "qualifications for President", I marked "live in the US 14 years", because I knew that the correct answer was "must have been born here".

And I knew that "served as Governor" was wrong, but I kept going anyway because I thought I'd found a wrong one, so I didn't care that there was another one.

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(Frankly being puzzled about how people could possibly be getting such low scores. Yeah, I'll admit that "which amendment didn't address voting" was a bit tough. I couldn't tell you what the 19th amendment was about. But I did know that the Bill of Rights didn't mention voting, so that question should have been easy. Yeah, if they'd made people name the original 13 colonies, that would have been tough. But is it really that tough to eliminate New Zealand and DC? After that, all you need to know is that Kentucky wasn't one. Similarly, I couldn't name the nine justices, but it's not that tough to know that George Bush isn't one of them.)

(I'll also say: I seem to remember reading that the Declaration was actually signed on July Second, that it was dated on the Fourth because they thought it would take that long to get it signed. But I could be wrong, and even if not, it's a picky thing.)

Are there that many ESers who don't know these things?

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There probably are, but my bet is that they won't be posting their scores here. ;)

I posted mine but, there are a lot of times whereas tests like these are not an accurate way to determine ones "citizenship'. All throughtout HS.. I was never one to do well on tests.. whether that be multiple choice or not.

I can not focus long enough and read each choice entirely. Not sure if it is a form of ADHD or not.. never been tested. However, I just can not focus on anything for a long period of time.. and an even shorter time frame if it is boring and not catching my interest.

It probably just is a bad case of 'selective focusing' :silly:

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(I'll also say: I seem to remember reading that the Declaration was actually signed on July Second, that it was dated on the Fourth because they thought it would take that long to get it signed. But I could be wrong, and even if not, it's a picky thing.)

I think it was signed on the 2nd (I started reading 1776 about 6 months ago, so my memory is hazy - I have to pick it up again soon), but it was indeed adopted on the 4th officially.

Are there that many ESers who don't know these things?

Of course there are - why wouldn't there be?

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I posted mine but, there are a lot of times whereas tests like these are not an accurate way to determine ones "citizenship'. All throughtout HS.. I was never one to do well on tests.. whether that be multiple choice or not.

I can not focus long enough and read each choice entirely. Not sure if it is a form of ADHD or not.. never been tested. However, I just can not focus on anything for a long period of time.. and an even shorter time frame if it is boring and not catching my interest.

It probably just is a bad case of 'selective focusing' :silly:

Hmm... I kinda doubt it's ADD dude. I am blessed with the attention span of a gnat. Short multiple choice questions are essentially tailor made for the ADD crowd.

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