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Paris back in jail


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Guest sith lord

Who's ever responsible for this, I would love to punch them in the head. Just imagine all the people that are serving hard time on minor drug charges in California, but this little ugly winch can get out within a couple of days on a DWI charge?

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She was sentenced to 45 days... it was reduced to 20-something... it wasn't 1 DUI offense, it was 3 DUI offenses.

Either way, I bet there actually must be some reason behind this... I don't think the LA county jails want nation-wide bad publicity like this.

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Guest sith lord
She spent 3 days in jail for an offense that warranted 3 days in jail or maybe even less. Justice was served.

I have a feeling that if it was someone of less stature, they would have done more than 3 days.

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She spent 3 days in jail for an offense that warranted 3 days in jail or maybe even less. Justice was served.

DUI is a terrible thing, but people don't go to jail for a first offense if there is no injury or an accident. Thats why she got the probation. She violated her probation by driving on a suspended license, on that note she should have gotten what most people get and thats about a weekend in jail. Not 45 days. Still tho, if they decided on a sentece, they should try to uphold that motion and not turn it into a joke like they have by getting her off the hook.

oh well, it was funny while it lasted

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DUI is a terrible thing, but people don't go to jail for a first offense if there is no injury or an accident. Thats why she got the probation. She violated her probation by driving on a suspended license, on that note she should have gotten what most people get and thats about a weekend in jail. Not 45 days. Still tho, if they decided on a sentece, they should try to uphold that motion and not turn it into a joke like they have by getting her off the hook.

oh well, it was funny while it lasted

Yeah, that's about right. You have to be one serious repeat offender to get real jail time. Most people would've gotten a weekend in jail and that's basically what she ended up with. I would like to hear why her sentence wasn't upheld, though. If you're going to make an example, why not follow through when you've already gone this far?

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I have a feeling that if it was someone of less stature, they would have done more than 3 days.
True, but we all know that money buys different justice (especially in Cali), and Paris did not figure on any jail time at all. She got 3 days, she is still on probation, if she does anything wrong again, she will be back in for a much longer stretch. I believe a typical middle class kid in Montgomery County would get a similar sentence.
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yeah so the legal system is ****ed up. who cares about these damn celebrities. everyone knows they get treated differently just like football players/athletes.

If ray lewis wasn't who he was he'd be sitting in jail right now and that goes for Sean Taylor as well as many many other high rollers.

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yeah so the legal system is ****ed up. who cares about these damn celebrities. everyone knows they get treated differently just like football players/athletes.

If ray lewis wasn't who he was he'd be sitting in jail right now and that goes for Sean Taylor as well as many many other high rollers.

They have to protect her, that is the problem. It costs more to have someone like that in jail because in the inmate world she is a huge target because of her status.

Killing someone and getting arrested for not having a license or drinking and driving are just a little bit different.

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They have to protect her, that is the problem. It costs more to have someone like that in jail because in the inmate world she is a huge target because of her status.

Killing someone and getting arrested for not having a license or drinking and driving are just a little bit different.

Likely, Hilton was charged like everyone else who can afford it for her stay in jail. I mean, $2 Ramen noodles don't really cost $2.

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They have to protect her, that is the problem. It costs more to have someone like that in jail because in the inmate world she is a huge target because of her status.

Agreed, but the judge knew this at sentencing, and so did the DA, etc.

Killing someone and getting arrested for not having a license or drinking and driving are just a little bit different.

Absolutely the case again. However, see my above bold quotation. If they only intended to give her 3 days for parole violation, then why didn't they announce it that way, and why are similar circumstances (without the money and fame) not handled the same way.

Personally, target or no target, she needed to go to the regular jail, for her entire original sentence plus whatever she was convicted for this time. If there are no deterents, and no dues paying (the two most common reasons for putting someone in jail), then the other folks in similar circustances are really being punished for being poor and unimportant. Irregardless of which end of the spectrum you are on, that's not American Justice, and it is just plain wrong.

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