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Paris back in jail


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CNN reporting that the 'medical condition' had to do with her refusing to eat some of the food served to her

Now Sharpton is out there saying its a double standard and that he had fasted a few times while serving time for minor offenses. And while they had doctors look at him each day, he wasn't let out early.

This may be one of the first times I agree with him.

They should have just force fed her like they do to those folks down in Guantanamo Bay. They are'nt allowed to starve their way out either.

Oh, how silly of me, they haven't been charged with anything formally, much less convicted. I guess that makes a big difference too. If you are a real criminal, you get a pass.

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That is why most parole violators go to jail and serve out their original sentence, plus time for the new infraction. Let's either release all parole violators, period, or re-incarcerate Paris as a parole violator while she is getting treated for her medical condition.

To do otherwise just isn't justice.

They still look at the entire record. It is clear many do not know how the jail system works in the us. Every case is handled differently. Some of those that you have listed actually work during the week and then spend time in jail over the weekend.

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They should have just force fed her like they do to those folks down in Guantanamo Bay. They are'nt allowed to starve their way out either.


You need to listen to yourself, you just compared Parris Hilton to a Terrorist :doh: Before you continue to babble on and on about our jail system please do some research and understand everything that is going on.

It is way more sophisticated then you think.

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You need to listen to yourself, you just compared Parris Hilton to a Terrorist :doh: Before you continue to babble on and on about our jail system please do some research and understand everything that is going on.

It is way more sophisticated then you think.

okay, perhaps a bad example was used, since that clearly distracted you from my point, although I would stipulate that I used the term "people being held in Guantanamo Bay", not the term "terrorists". Is everyone really there a "terrorist"? Really, without a trial, or evidence, or anything? Everyone?

Back to the PH situation. I understand that judges and law enforcement officials have to look at these things on a case by case basis. I understand, really, I get it.

If you have a person who made a mistake, and they have to work to feed their family, it makes sense for them to serve their sentence on the weekend, and work during the week. I got it.

So how exactly does this apply to PH. Does she really work? Is her family dependant upon her income? Is she sick? No. She is a common criminal, a repeat offender, who violated her parole. The only difference is her family's money and her fame. Jbooma, it seems as though you are using your real world experience in law enforcement to justify the unjust. I never claimed PH was a flight risk, never claimed she was a dangerous felon, and I never claimed she shouldn't be segregated from the normal prison population for her protection. Note - these are all special, one off treatments IMO. However, when she is not punished in the same manner as others are, then they are being punished for being poor and unimportant. Isn't the purpose of our justice system to deter future criminal activities, and to pay the debt to society incurred by your unlawful behavior. What has PH paid? What has she sacraficed? Has she learned anything? Isn't she likely to continue to behave in criminal ways?

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I just heard a guy on the radio (national program - I think it might have been Hannity) who said that the medical condition was reported to be a rash.

How interesting that the prison infirmary could not treat that condition.

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Judge and District Attorney were against the release


"The judicial process may have been improperly circumvented in this case," said City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo. "This explanation is puzzling. Los Angeles County jail medical facilities are well-equipped to deal with medical situations involving inmates."

Drudge is reporting it was fears over her being suicidal.

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She got out b/c of a rash they said...a rash! OMG what a load of baloney! The 3 days she did was for show.....this upped the "pity" ratings for her..she gets credit for 5 days apparently(like that makes a big difference:rolleyes: ) Folks don't get out of jail for fear of suicide. If that was the case..jail would be empty don't ya think? In fact an inmate in the city jail here hanged himself just a mere 3 days ago. So much for that explanation. Imagine how this looks on the world stage:doh: Money talks..yall know the rest.

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Apparantly she was tired of every guard coming to her cell and asking her to take a breathalizer test to make sure she didn't sneak alcohol into the cell, then dropping their pants...

She finally caught on to what they were doing after the 14th guard, and said something about it after the 23rd...

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Apparantly she was tired of every guard coming to her cell and asking her to take a breathalizer test to make sure she didn't sneak alcohol into the cell, then dropping their pants...

She finally caught on to what they were doing after the 14th guard, and said something about it after the 23rd...


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Apparently, she is going back to court tomorrow morning for a review of her release. The judge has said that his written order stipulated that she could not spend any of her time via monitored house arrest.

I bet he also checks into this medical condition. That better be one big untreatable rash she has.

footnote, the DA has also waded in and may press charges against the Sheriff for Contempt of Court.

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I have it on good authority that there are all types of rashes that people pick up in prison, **** the doctor can't really do anything for, and they never let anyone out for them.

And for the record, most people get at least 30 days for probation violations.

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