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Paris back in jail


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I know, I'm not saying she shouldn't be doing her time. I just think all this media coverage and the public reaction is all unnecessary.

Actually, you're right. It's just like when Anna Nicole Smith died and all the hoopla over that. Of course, it's sad and tragic, but it's not like she was a world leader or famous inventor. Same with Paris. They really haven't contributed anything noteworthy to society, yet the news networks are going overboard with it all.

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Actually, you're right. It's just like when Anna Nicole Smith died and all the hoopla over that. Of course, it's sad and tragic, but it's not like she was a world leader or famous inventor. Same with Paris. They really haven't contributed anything noteworthy to society, yet the news networks are going overboard with it all.

See I think the Paris thing symbolizes the difference in what is considered "justice" for the rich and the poor so I think it deserves attention. Too bad people don't seem to be able to grasp the significance and just chalk it up to some celebrity tabloid BS. I applaud the judge for doing to her what he would to anyone else and not holding her to a lesser standard just because she's rich and famous.

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See I think the Paris thing symbolizes the difference in what is considered "justice" for the rich and the poor so I think it deserves attention. Too bad people don't seem to be able to grasp the significance and just chalk it up to some celebrity tabloid BS. I applaud the judge for doing to her what he would to anyone else and not holding her to a lesser standard just because she's rich and famous.

Point taken. :applause:

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I would also like to point out that Paris (or her parents or both) had a big shindig planned for that night. Kind of a "Free At Last!" party.

If she didnt get dragged back before that, that would have made the judge even more mad (or even played a role yesterday, I don't know.)

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I would also like to point out that Paris (or her parents or both) had a big shindig planned for that night. Kind of a "Free At Last!" party.

If she didnt get dragged back before that, that would have made the judge even more mad (or even played a role yesterday, I don't know.)

Wonder if they partied on without her. :cheers:

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A lot of stuff over at www.thesuperficial.com:

There's all sorts of wild reports coming in about Paris Hilton's stay in prison. One friend claims the first time she was at the Century Regional Detention Facility "she had to use a sock as a scrunchy because her hair extensions got tangled." Another report (and I hope to God this is true) claims Paris didn't eat or drink for three days because she was afraid a prison guard might take her picture while she was on the toilet. A source tells the NY Daily News:

"She was absolutely terrified that one of the guards or staffers would get her with the cell-phone cam and it would wind up on the Internet," a Hilton insider said yesterday. "She didn't eat or drink a single thing for three days because she didn't want to use the toilet. She was in real danger. She cried the entire time, and that wasn't helping the dehydration."

And this, my friends, is the woman who's tired of pretending to be dumb. I can't even imagine what's going on in that brain of hers. If you x-rayed her head you'd see a kitten pawing at a ball of yarn. She's like a child. By the time she's released she's going to be caught trying to dig her way out with a spoon.

Paris Hilton called Barbara Walters collect Sunday to discuss her state of mind and her experience in prison, saying she used to act dumb but now wants to make a difference in the world. ABC News reports:

"I used to act dumb," she told Walters in the exclusive phone conversation. "That act is no longer cute. Now, I would like to make a difference. ... God has given me this new chance." Hilton confirmed to Walters just how terrible her initial three days in jail were. It might explain why she cried when she was handcuffed and transported back to jail from her Hollywood home. "I was not eating or sleeping," she said. "I was severely depressed and felt as if I was in a cage. ... It was a horrible experience."

It's going to be funny as hell watching Paris Hilton try to act smart. I think she actually believes she's not an idiot. In every interview she'll probably try to talk about the Middle East, but when she's asked to expand on it she'll panic and end up calling everybody racist names. Then she'll put on some fake glasses and a lab coat and try to work in words like 'molecule.' They won't even be sentences. They'll ask her a question and she'll just say "Molecule" and then nod her head in satisfaction.

Paris Hilton issued the following statement over the weekend saying she wouldn't appeal her sentence:

"Today I told my attorneys not to appeal the judge's decision. While I greatly appreciate the Sheriff's concern for my health and welfare, after meeting with doctors I intend to serve my time as ordered by the judge.

This is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. During the past several days, I have had a lot of time to reflect and have already learned a bitter, but important lesson from this experience.

As I have said before, I hope others will learn from my mistake. I have also had time to read the mail from my fans. I very much appreciate all of their good wishes and hope they will keep their letters coming.

I must also say that I was shocked to see all of the attention devoted to the amount of time I would spend in jail for what I had done by the media, public and city officials. I would hope going forward that the public and the media will focus on more important things, like the men and women serving our country in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places around the world."

Looks like somebody finally told Paris to stop acting like a ***** and try to spin this thing in her favor. Although talking about the Middle East is pushing it a little far. My pet turtle has a better understanding of what's going on over there than she does. Her original draft probably included references to Lord Voldemort and the horrible situation at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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My reactions:

No one eats or takes a **** when they first get to prison. Basic training is the same way with the ****ting. You're body, or mind, needs time to get adjusted to the surroundings, or something. Now she's not pissing and just crying all day, that's bad but understandable. She's been pampered all her life and now she has nothing. It's probably good for her.

She says she's going to make a difference now but from what I hear everyone in prison says that. Then when they get out they forget and move on, like it never happened. I give her two weeks and she'll be back clubbing and getting wasted.

I'm actually kinda impressed that she is manning up and dropping her appeal. I wish it was for real but probably her lawyers told her there wasn't any chance of winning so she just put the best face on it as possible. Maybe I'm wrong.

BTW, Carmen Electra is going to be hot forever I think.

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