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Is Harrison a HOF WR?

Thinking Skins

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With all the talk about how Monk didn't show up in big games, where's that same complaint against Harrison? The guy has been invisible in the playoffs, and the only reason he's widely known is because he's in the pass happy Indy offense and has Peyton Manning as a QB.

Basically, I'm asking why couldn't the same argument thats being used against Monk be used against Harrison?

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With all the talk about how Monk didn't show up in big games, where's that same complaint against Harrison? The guy has been invisible in the playoffs, and the only reason he's widely known is because he's in the pass happy Indy offense and has Peyton Manning as a QB.

Basically, I'm asking why couldn't the same argument thats being used against Monk be used against Harrison?

This is just my opinion, and I dont know, nor plan to look at Harrisions stats,

but I can say from watching Harrison and Monk play there almost Identical except Harrison in my opinion has done more after the catch than Monk and maybe more touchdowns, again I don't know Marvins stats.

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Quit your crying. I love Art Monk but if he had as many TDs as Harrison, he'd have gotten in a long time ago. Art Monk should be in, I totally believe that but don't start questioning sure first HOFs like Harrison.

A lot of football greats called Art Monk a sure first HOFer.

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I'm watching the SB on ESPN, and one of the commentators said that he was disappointed that Art didn't make it, and then stated that Art was the one to benchmark 100+ catches in a season, and everyone then had to beat that mark.

He followed up by saying that 100 catches is now a minimum for #1 receivers.

Don't know if that means anything in the scheme of things.

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As much as it hurts that Art isn't in, and no offense, but Marvin Harrison is a better player than Monk was. I don't know that he means as much to his team as Art did, but Monk didn't have near the skill set and speed or statistics that this guy has. Marvin is also a very classy guy and a first ballot hall of famer. However any WR that gets in the Hall before Monk, regardless of their stats doesn't deserve it, no one does before Art.

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Yes, Harrison is a HOF wide reciever.

He and Art Monk seem very similar in their style (mostly due to the physical similarities), but who knows if Monk will ever get in because there is some sort of wierd vendetta against Monk. Maybe if he caught a few more TDs in his career, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now, but unfortunately in a run oriented Gibbs offense, Monk seems to have underimpressed people outside of Redskins fandom.

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Marvin is a good reciever but it's like comparing apples and oranges . The game is totally different than it was when Monk played . There weren't so many penalties and rules that favored the recievers then and it was a lot more physical . QB's didn't have the luxury of being guarded from injury like prized pieces of art in Arts day . All of these things have to be considered . I mean the league actually changed the rules of the game to create more passing offense because everyone likes the nice spiraling long downtown touchdowns remember that ? And both Irvin and Harrison were able to take advantage of those things .

I like Harrison , but the guys is a wallflower as shown today when he really got hit . Monk got hit like that on a regular basis got back up and did it again his whole career . He caught passes with defenders draped all over him man !! I know cause I saw it with my own two eyes .

Harrison may be a HOFer and so maybe Irvin , but , neither one classy or cad will ever be an Art Monk . You can take that to the bank .


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He followed up by saying that 100 catches is now a minimum for #1 receivers.

Don't know if that means anything in the scheme of things.

Interesting that someone would feel that way. Only 1 receiver this year had over 100 receptions. In 2005, there were only 4. Doesn't seem to be the minimum, seems to be a great season.

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Monk and Harrison both came from Syracuse, and they're both quiet and professional receivers. They both have low yards per catch but they were there when their teams needed big first downs. Harrison has more touchdowns because he plays in a more pass-friendly era, but I think he is more like Monk than any other player today.

Both men deserve to be in the Hall.

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All I can say is #81 never had a QB like Manning throwing to him.

Granted, but you can't take a damn thing away from Marvin Harrison. He is the consummate professional that goes out and puts up great number on a consistent basis who is also never hurt. He's a lock for the HOF, then again Monk is too and we see how that's turning out:mad:

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As much as it hurts that Art isn't in, and no offense, but Marvin Harrison is a better player than Monk was. I don't know that he means as much to his team as Art did, but Monk didn't have near the skill set and speed or statistics that this guy has. Marvin is also a very classy guy and a first ballot hall of famer. However any WR that gets in the Hall before Monk, regardless of their stats doesn't deserve it, no one does before Art.

Sorry dude , but the cheese you're tryin' to sell here is way beyond the due date and is stinkin' up to high heaven .

Marvin is very much like Monk in that their last names end in M and they are similarly classy and quietly go about doing their job . But my friend you have got to be kidding if you think that if roles were reversed that Harrison could have played in Monks day , no way . He can't take a hit and rarely has in his whole career . Did you see what happened today when he took and real hit like Monk got every game ? Yeah right he folded like a wallflower .

Now , if Monk was playing today in his prime , OH Katie bar the door . He would be the hottest player ever . And not only could he catch anything in his general vicinity with defensing players all over him , he could run , he could block , he ran just as hard and presisely on every play whether the ball was coming his way or not . He gave 100 % every play and in every pratice too .

Hell the players of today don't even run routes that convincingly if they aren't getting the ball ( Irvin and Harrison are guilty here ) .

So , don't try to sell me a used condom here ,dog . I know what is real and what ain't .


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He didn't fold like a wallflower, hell he wasn't even hit that bad. He got his knee twisted under the defender and tweaked it. Even Monk would have been hurt after that.

Yeah, I think Harrison is HoF but not first ballot. Personally, a first ballot HoF should only occur once every 2 to 3 decades in my opinion.

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