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The Merged x115 Adventures Of The Fashion Police Weekly aka THE Uniform Thread


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Oh jeez, the life of this uniform combination depends on the outcome of tonights game. In other words, you all better be hoping that Burgundy and Burgundy succeeds :D

EDIT: Whoops, fixed what could have been construed as a censor bypass. Gotta remember where I'm posting, my bad!

I'm already thinking if we lose tonight, and I have that god awful loser drive all the way back home on the beltway for 2 hours with a car full of disappointed family...

... at least that would be the silver lining that we got this stupid idea out of our system never to be seen again.

Of course, I would still rather have the win. Don't get me wrong.

Edited by hoskins
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Has it finally happened? Word has it that the Redskins are expected to wear burgundy pants and burgundy jerseys for Monday night’s game against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

It would be the first time--at least in recent memory--that the team would wear burgundy on burgundy uniforms

Players have talked about wearing burgundy on burgundy for years, and earlier this season Jim Zorn indicated it would be a possibility for cold weather games.

White on white uniforms has become a fashion trend for the Redskins in recent years. This year, the Redskins are 4-1 wearing white on white uniforms.

They are 2-0 wearing burgundy jerseys and white pants (wins over Dallas and Philadelphia) and 0-1 wearing white jerseys and burgundy pants (loss to New York Giants).

Edited by #98QBKiller
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it's ultimately up to the captains to decide what to wear. most players/coaches/fans are superstitious and whatever gets them up the most for gametime, then i say go burgundy on burgundy. remember it seems as if everytime the redskins wanted to switch to white on white they have been on fire ever since.

i know maryland brought back black alternate jerseys a few years back and have adopted black pants last year ... its get the players pumped to wear them.

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I'm a little old school. I always liked the fact that we always wore white jerseys with burgundy pants. why throw that tradition out? it's the style we won in. however, it's nice that this is the only thing i have to complain about this season.

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Wow, a uniform making you want to not go to the game....WTF be glad you have the opportunity to go...:doh:

No, of course I'm going. That was an exaggeration.

But I still hate the Seaskins look.

however, it's nice that this is the only thing i have to complain about this season.

True. :)

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You sure? Ok, maybe.


These uniforms were certifiably badass. I want them back so badly!!! Love the spear on the helmet and those gold pants!!!!!!!!

Wed look like a pimped out version of the 49ers!! but with a quarterback!! and a defense............and a coach that isn't insane..........

Edited by Rhodus333
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