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Fan View column: Turn it loose.


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Now that I'm starting to get some time again, I may write columns again for Redskins.com. Out of practice so I just threw this one together to get my legs back. Enjoy or don't :)

Turn it Loose

by Arthur Mills


Doggedly my mother works on her beautiful daughter and No. 1 son to convert both to Christianity. I’m one of them agnostics. My mom’s been more successful on my sister.

I mention this only because upon returning to the condo after the Cowboys game, my sister informs me proof of God was in the Nick Novak kick bending ever so sweetly from right of the uprights, to right in the uprights, gentled in by a caring hand from above.

Similar to church, a Redskins game with an ending like that is the only other time in society when complete strangers turn to each other and greet one another in community, though, the community at a football game smells of dribbled barley and tends to sting one’s palms.

So, while I still don’t believe in Him, some part of my faith has been restored.


The season spiraling into oblivion more rapidly than fans streaming out of FedEx before the Cowboys lined up for their field goal when the caring hand of Troy Vincent put some life back into the team, the fans and the season.

While one never tires of seeing Cowboy fans bemoan the inequity of having their beloved boys flagged for obvious flagrant facemasks, as difficult as it is, we must turn away from Dallas and focus on the immense good fortune laid out before us.

The Redskins gave themselves an opportunity to salvage the season.

The Redskins need Gregg Williams to make sure that happens.

Under Joe Gibbs, the Redskins have been a defensive team. They’ve been defined by a scrappy, intense, hard-hitting defense. They’ve been smarter defensively than other teams have been offensively. They’ve been daring. They don’t sit back. They take something away from the opposition.

The defense has carried us. The defense has to carry us.

I have a man-crush on Coach Williams. I do.

So, when he tells us, as he’s said before, he can scheme against individual areas of weakness in his players, I believe him. I know that’s what he’s tried to do much of this season.

Now it’s time to stop that. I bet Coach Williams knows that.

To protect against coverage deficiencies and avoid getting beaten deep, Williams deployed a defensive system that took away much of what we’ve been for two years. Removing the aggressive, ****y, “We know what you’re about to do,” feel to the defense to protect against the deep pass has only served to remove the identity of the entire team, while doing absolutely nothing to limit the deep pass.

For two years the Redskins lined up on defense and did things to the opposition essentially telling them they may win, but they will win doing the things WE make them do. This year, teams are beating us doing the things they want to do.

Right. Mike Nolan.

That’s not who we are.

It’s not who we can be.

We can’t take the swagger away from ourselves.

There’s hope.

I attend most Redskin games on the road and a handful at home. Before the first Dallas play, our defense was standing there, facing the Cowboys, dancing around, jumping around, pointing. I remembered that from the last two years. The defense was always ready. It was always waiting on the offense as if it knew exactly what was happening.

This year the defense has never been ready. We have guys streaming in late, we’re in the huddle as the offense is walking to the ball. Seeing the guys doing that again throughout the game, I remembered the defense we used to have and can still have.

Our defense is about dictating.

Without it, we’re ordinary. The opportunity in front of us now is to be who we should be…who we are.

Against Philly, we need Vincent back in single safety. Put Sean Taylor and Adam Archuleta in the box. Pull Warrick Holdman off the field, not for poor play, but to give yourself more speed and opportunities against an offense that leans pass with an athletic QB who can hurt you with the scramble.

Bring pressure. Take away the things they like to do in favor of the things you make them do. Force Donovan McNabb into quick decisions. Take chances. If they beat you anyway, at least you know they did it with you doing what you do best. But, something tells me, if we play that way, the outcome will go our way.

Turn it loose.

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Preach on brother!

I do feel that we have for the most part been playing on our heels, now is the time to attack. Time to change all that.

And yes, I'd love to see rocky in there (or archuleta playing up - perhaps going to the 3-4?)... Holdman is having an alright year, but we need some new blood and speed.


ps. As a fellow father of a newborn... congrats and well done (the former to the kid, the latter to this piece).

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I attend most Redskin games on the road and a handful at home. Before the first Dallas play, our defense was standing there, facing the Cowboys, dancing around, jumping around, pointing.

Turn it loose.

I'm glad that Mrs. Skinsfan & I weren't the only ones to notice 'em bouncing around like that before that first play. You could just feel the energy. Now it's time to wreak some havoc.....

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Thanks Art. Couldn't agree more. The biggest issue with our Defense is getting off the field. I think we play well on 1st and 2nd downs but on 3rd (especially 3rd and long) we get burned because we drop back into a zone. We need to be the aggresive Defense that we are and LIVE AND DIE PLAYING REDSKINS FOOTBALL.

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Hey, we used to have a guy named Art around here. You kinda remind me of him.

And you BOTH would be on the money on this one.

Said it before, I'll say it again:

It's the defense, stupid. :)

For the last time, OM, I know it's the defense and stop calling me stupid. :silly:

Good read, Art!

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Under Joe Gibbs, the Redskins have been a defensive team. They’ve been defined by a scrappy, intense, hard-hitting defense. They’ve been smarter defensively than other teams have been offensively. They’ve been daring. They don’t sit back. They take something away from the opposition.

For two years the Redskins lined up on defense and did things to the opposition essentially telling them they may win, but they will win doing the things WE make them do.

It was always waiting on the offense as if it knew exactly what was happening.

Our defense is about dictating.

Bring pressure. Take away the things they like to do in favor of the things you make them do. Force Donovan McNabb into quick decisions. Take chances. If they beat you anyway, at least you know they did it with you doing what you do best. But, something tells me, if we play that way, the outcome will go our way.

Turn it loose.

Exactly... and hopefully!!!

Nice one Art! :cool:

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Well said Art. I was beginning to wonder if Gregg Williams had lost his mojo. Hopefully the defense can return to the form of the last couple seasons. I think we saw glimpses of that against Dallas. This unit still has a ways to go though.

I love the idea of having a few packages with three safeties. I think it fits our personnel since two of our safeties are more like linebackers.

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Hopefully the Return of Shawn Springs means that we can return to that blitzing style of defense that has made GW a head-coaching candidate the last two years. Man up the corners and lets go play fellas!!!

I hope Sean has regular spy duties on McNugget and Westbrook though. I would love to see him lay Donovan out this weekend. Better yet, i would love to see Archuletta lay McNugget out this weekend.

And can we please have some turnovers. PLEASE!!!

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