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Why did we get screwed on Monday Nite games this year ?


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The redskins were awarded prime time games, many a time for accomplishing absolutely nothing.

You complaining about the Eagles having 3 prime time games because they weren't successful last year? The Redskins got as many before when they hadn't been successful in 15. They've got about 10 more seasons of being short changed just to even things out. But don't worry, I won't be so lucky as to not have to suffer through Joe Theissman calling a redskins/eagles game every single year.

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I prefer 1 PM games on Sunday. I actually wish they would dump the Saturday games and cut the Thursday games to only Thanksgiving.

4:00 if I'm going, 1:00 if I'm watching on the TV. I'd love 'em all on Saturday but since that's not going to happen, I do prefer a consistent day.


...money talks and the fans get no say
makes absolutely no sense.
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Whatever happened to teams getting on MNF by merit ??

Why did we get snubbed on MNF, by getting less games than some teams that didn't even make the playoffs last year ?

And by the way, I'm talking strictly MNF games, not Thursday nite, Saturday games, Sunday Nite games, or Thanksgiving, because ANYONE can qualify for those, these days. Monday Night Football is supposed to be, or at least it once was, all about the Premium Teams. These days, it's some OTHER criteria, perhaps whoever is the Media Darling team at the moment

So look at this.

We get to the NFC semi-finals, and we're rewarded with ONE Monday night game - meanwhile.....

Philly, who didnt even MAKE the playoffs, gets 3

Dallas, who didnt make the playoffs, gets 2

Here's some other wierd data -

Pittsburgh wins the Super Bowl, they get ONE MNF game, not counting their opening Thursday game.

Indy ? They did great last year - in fact Peyton's team is supposed to be the Media Darling as well, right ? Not anymore - Indy only gets ONE this year.

How about these crappy teams that not only didnt make the playoffs, but were aweful, yet they get 2 MNF games, still more than us :



Green Bay

Further, Denver and Cincinnati only get one, while a bunch of lower tiered teams like Arizona, etc tied us and them with 1 MNF game.

How are they figuring out these MNF participants ?

By pulling names out of hats ?

Whatever happened to EARNING your way to MNF ?

No matter what ESPN says Monday Night Football doesn't matter anymore. Sunday Night Football is where "The Game of the Week" is now. Look at the quality of the matchups on Sunday night compared to Monday night. You now earn your way to Sunday night, especially in the 2nd half of the season. Monday night is just a step up from the old Sunday night schedule.

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Here's the deal.

NFL teams can have a max of 4 primetime games.

The Redskins have 3, one NBC, one ESPN, one NFL.

They will have another NBC game due to Flex scheduling later in the year, which is why most good teams only had 3 scheduled prime time games.

Hope this clears things up.

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Whatever happened to teams getting on MNF by merit ??

Why did we get snubbed on MNF, by getting less games than some teams that didn't even make the playoffs last year ?

And by the way, I'm talking strictly MNF games, not Thursday nite, Saturday games, Sunday Nite games, or Thanksgiving, because ANYONE can qualify for those, these days. Monday Night Football is supposed to be, or at least it once was, all about the Premium Teams. These days, it's some OTHER criteria, perhaps whoever is the Media Darling team at the moment

So look at this.DUDE! Have you noticed that most of the time, on monday night games the skins have a really hard time. Don't wish for one of these gut wrenching games. Lets just have the good ole 1:00 game. Not too much trouble, right after church, a little lunch, couple a beers, all is right with the world. Not this mnf pressure, please.


We get to the NFC semi-finals, and we're rewarded with ONE Monday night game - meanwhile.....

Philly, who didnt even MAKE the playoffs, gets 3

Dallas, who didnt make the playoffs, gets 2

Here's some other wierd data -

Pittsburgh wins the Super Bowl, they get ONE MNF game, not counting their opening Thursday game.

Indy ? They did great last year - in fact Peyton's team is supposed to be the Media Darling as well, right ? Not anymore - Indy only gets ONE this year.

How about these crappy teams that not only didnt make the playoffs, but were aweful, yet they get 2 MNF games, still more than us :



Green Bay

Further, Denver and Cincinnati only get one, while a bunch of lower tiered teams like Arizona, etc tied us and them with 1 MNF game.

How are they figuring out these MNF participants ?

By pulling names out of hats ?

Whatever happened to EARNING your way to MNF ?

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I dont understand why anyone would want to play on Monday night. It gives you a short recovery time and work week to game plan. I hate it when we play Monday night games, I even hate it the week after the MNF game, when we have had a short work week. MNF is overrated.

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If I lived in Tampa I would want to see the Skins on Monday or Sunday night too (so I could get the games). I suggest you get Direct TV and the NFL package so you can see all the regular season skins games. Our 1 Monday night game this year didn't work out too well for us anyway. If I was in charge of scheduling I would have the Skins in none of the Monday night games so as not to disrupt their weekly routine.

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i have a theory on this.we all know the skins lead the league in revenue. well, we dont need to be "advertised". most people know that the NFL has an owners pool. NFL merchandise and etc profits are pooled amongst the owners. redskins make ALOT of money. money from parking seating concessions etc go to the team. i think the idea is to sell more philly jerseys, more minn crap etc to increase pooled revenues. why "advertise" redskins on MNF when they already sell stuff like it is going out of style? just a thought.

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With our record being what it is on Monday Night, I'd be happy to never play on Monday again.

Agree. I watch MNF but am not a huge MNF guy. I won't miss a game on Sunday but MN games can be hard to watch sometimes and I don't like them as much as a Sunday afternoon or night game.


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Yes that's correct. For instance the Panther game Week 12 could be pushed to Sunday night.

Or the Falcons game the following week, or the Eagles game the following week. I'm betting one of those three will get moved and I'll have to take another day off. :doh:

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