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Why did we get screwed on Monday Nite games this year ?


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Whatever happened to teams getting on MNF by merit ??

Why did we get snubbed on MNF, by getting less games than some teams that didn't even make the playoffs last year ?

And by the way, I'm talking strictly MNF games, not Thursday nite, Saturday games, Sunday Nite games, or Thanksgiving, because ANYONE can qualify for those, these days. Monday Night Football is supposed to be, or at least it once was, all about the Premium Teams. These days, it's some OTHER criteria, perhaps whoever is the Media Darling team at the moment

So look at this.

We get to the NFC semi-finals, and we're rewarded with ONE Monday night game - meanwhile.....

Philly, who didnt even MAKE the playoffs, gets 3

Dallas, who didnt make the playoffs, gets 2

Here's some other wierd data -

Pittsburgh wins the Super Bowl, they get ONE MNF game, not counting their opening Thursday game.

Indy ? They did great last year - in fact Peyton's team is supposed to be the Media Darling as well, right ? Not anymore - Indy only gets ONE this year.

How about these crappy teams that not only didnt make the playoffs, but were aweful, yet they get 2 MNF games, still more than us :



Green Bay

Further, Denver and Cincinnati only get one, while a bunch of lower tiered teams like Arizona, etc tied us and them with 1 MNF game.

How are they figuring out these MNF participants ?

By pulling names out of hats ?

Whatever happened to EARNING your way to MNF ?

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This may be a shot in the dark but what if it has a little to do with the new flex scheduling. The NFL would really like to promote this, and in the second half of the season these great games could mean more advertising money in Primetime on Sunday nights. Of course since they have already agreed to TV deals I don't see how this helps the NFL but what do I know......:doh:

Maybe they purposely scheduled some games on Sunday in case they were moved to Sunday night. That is strange, and Monday night has been a staple for many years. I think it's a good question to ask.

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The bandwagon fans are the ones that the NFL makes change on. You know, the guy who bought a Tom Brady jersey last year and bought a Big Ben jersey this year. By showcasing more teams, this guy now buys the jersey of his favorite team on a weekly basis as opposed to an annual basis.

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Night games start too late and end way too late on the East Coast, nevermind our poor record in night games. I would rather have every away game start at 1 and every home game start at 4 (just cause it's easier to get there for tailgating).

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The fewer Night games the better. I hate them. Nothing like a bright sunny Sunday at Fed Ex.

In my opinion theres nothing like a 4:00 game at FedEx in the winter that gets dark after the 1st quarter. Night games suck but those dark winter time games at FedEx are the greatest.

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I hate the Monday night tailgater. Not only do I have to leave work early on Monday, but I have to go in late on Tuesday or not go to the game at all, and the latter option is not an option. None of my peeps want to post game tailgate as the traffic dies down the way I always insist upon leaving 90 minutes after the game ends. Not to mention the DUI risk and violent fans in the parking lots after the game. See Philly @ FedEx in '02. Remember the pepper spray incident? I actually saw a Redskins fan jacking up his woman in the parking lot after the Minn game. People don't usually go Ike Turner in public in broad daylight.

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