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***Breaking News*** UK Police Thwart Massive Terror Plot


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Because after all, assault is the correct response whenever someone points out that innocent people exist, right?

Like I said earlier, the line forms to the right. You are more than welcome to budge.

If all of them acted like animals, you and I would have been assimilated or destroyed by now. I'm grateful that their population appears to be made up of the same percentage of sociopaths as ours is. THere are not a lot of people who will actually commit terrorist acts so a blanket culling of those most likely to be terrorists is going to cause a lot more harm than good.

They have schools that teach their children to be part of the problem. For many families it is an honor if their child carries the bomb. Not to mention the straight $$$ homey they get. Their is an organization to these terrorists that is not being stopped by other muslims. I don't believe that many want them to stop. It reminds me of the KKK back in the day. It was illegal, but people knew and didn't do anything to stop it.

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I KNOW Ill get **** for this because of every wanting to be politically correct....

Here's the answer:

Let them fly with whatever they want, they just have separate flights...

An all-Arab flight. Arab stewards, stewardesses, and American pilots who have balls..

That way if they do blow up the plane, good for them, they killed their own people - the American pilots are to keep the plane from being deliberately flown into an American city....

I think we should extend this to just brown people in general. :doh:

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If I were a muslim I would be ashamed at what these people were doing in the name of my religion. I would be doing everything possible to stop them. Unfortunately, very few people seem to think the same way about this that I do. Until they do, I am not going to feel sorry for them.

Actually, many of us are...me for one, even though I only nominally consider myself a Muslim, but that's a discussion for another thread.

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First of all, thank you Scotland Yard. :applause:

But man, am I glad this didn't happen this past weekend...... I flew into Reagan for my cousin's wedding, but I had to go through extra search on both legs of my trip. Why? In Illinois, when you get a ticket for anything related to your car (in this case, I got a ticket because my insurance card was expired -- had to show it because some ******* TOTALED my ****ing car while it was parked on the street -- but we don't talk about that incident anymore), they confiscate your driver's license to ensure that you go to court. In its place, they give you a paper one, which is valid state-issued identification (though buying beer with it is a challenge at best). I think it's safe to say there's no ****ing way they let me on either plane had this happened a week ago.

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Hey Webnarc

At least Beuadry only wanted to kick me in the nuts. Calling me an Englishman is much worse (j/k)

You NEVER said that it was terrorists that you wanted to assult until now, you said it of an Englishman who was going to wait for the facts before he rejoices because he's seen the mistakes that his country men have made when dealing with potiential terror plots. Your statement was completely emotional, as is your post here.
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I think we should extend this to just brown people in general. :doh:

Oh yeah,

The Africans are our biggest threat....they are the ones that want to kill us all and blow up our planes....

Come on, be real for a minute....people know, but wont admit that the MAJORITY, a VERY HIGH majority of these terrorists are Muslim.

The extremists are the ones that want to kill us so why would it hurt to make a strictly Muslim airline?

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Originally Posted by Rdskn4Lyf

I KNOW Ill get **** for this because of every wanting to be politically correct....

Here's the answer:

Let them fly with whatever they want, they just have separate flights...

An all-Arab flight. Arab stewards, stewardesses, and American pilots who have balls..

That way if they do blow up the plane, good for them, they killed their own people - the American pilots are to keep the plane from being deliberately flown into an American city....

Yep, they gotta have balls. Big hairy avocado sized balls! Then and only then would this idea work.

LMAO!!!! The stuff people think up...

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Hey guys, just got home from my flight from Heathrow. It was delayed three hours.

Security was intense. You weren't allowed to carry any lugage onto the plane, it all had to be checked. They had a list of things that you could take onto the plane in a clear plastic bag:



boarding pass and other travel documents

glasses (but not the case)

prescription meds

baby food (but it had to be tasted by one of the parents)

I was frisked, quite thorougly, twice. At the gate, we finally saw on the TV what was going on. It was then that they told us that all perfumes and alcohol bought at the airport had to be returned as no liquids would be allowed on the plane.

They then delayed the flight three hours as crews also had to be searched as well and then they brought the bomb sniffing dogs back out.

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Oh yeah,

The Africans are our biggest threat....they are the ones that want to kill us all and blow up our planes....

Come on, be real for a minute....people know, but wont admit that the MAJORITY, a VERY HIGH majority of these terrorists are Muslim.

The extremists are the ones that want to kill us so why would it hurt to make a strictly Muslim airline?

Just pointing out, I think that a large chunk of Africa is majority- or at least large-minority- Muslim.

If you're going to blacklist everybody from any country that has a Muslim population, then that's a wide brush.

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Just pointing out, I think that a large chunk of Africa is majority- or at least large-minority- Muslim.

If you're going to blacklist everybody from any country that has a Muslim population, then that's a wide brush.

Im just saying I think an All-Arab airline would work and if you are Arab, to travel into this country that must be your airline, so that way we can better monitor them....its not anyone else that has proven that we need to worry about them.

Im sorry, but every terrorist that has attacked this country from the outside that Ive seen has been of Arab decent.....

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They have schools that teach their children to be part of the problem. For many families it is an honor if their child carries the bomb. Not to mention the straight $$$ homey they get. Their is an organization to these terrorists that is not being stopped by other muslims. I don't believe that many want them to stop. It reminds me of the KKK back in the day. It was illegal, but people knew and didn't do anything to stop it.

And Muslims also have other schools that teach history, enginering, science (you know, all the things we teach over here). There are more of these types of schools because most human being get a sense of accomplishment when they learn something that helps improves their lives.

They are people just like us.

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Im sorry, but every terrorist that has attacked this country from the outside that Ive seen has been of Arab decent.....

So we should create "seperate but equal" airlines based on people's ancestry? Perhaps a "grandfather" rule?

(Where've I heard of that before?)

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Im just saying I think an All-Arab airline would work and if you are Arab, to travel into this country that must be your airline, so that way we can better monitor them....its not anyone else that has proven that we need to worry about them.

Tell you what, walk up to a black person over the age of 60 and tell them about your idiotic, insulting idea. Maybe you'll get a dose of perspective. :doh:

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Oh yeah,

The Africans are our biggest threat....they are the ones that want to kill us all and blow up our planes....

Come on, be real for a minute....people know, but wont admit that the MAJORITY, a VERY HIGH majority of these terrorists are Muslim.

The extremists are the ones that want to kill us so why would it hurt to make a strictly Muslim airline?

Africans are black dude.

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And Muslims also have other schools that teach history, enginering, science (you know, all the things we teach over here). There are more of these types of schools because most human being get a sense of accomplishment when they learn something that helps improves their lives.

They are people just like us.

So they have schools that teach most of the population, I'll even give you overwhelming majority, reading, writing, and arithmetic...and then there are those that are taught to blow westerners up...which also happens to include you given the chance.

Those are people unlike ANY I have met here in America.

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I'm sure you are both aware that there are even white people on the continent...if they move here they can't be called African-American, but they do exist.

It really doesn't matter because I was being completely sarcastic about segregating airline travel. The sheer notion was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

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So they have schools that teach most of the population, I'll even give you overwhelming majority, reading, writing, and arithmetic...and then there are those that are taught to blow westerners up...which also happens to include you given the chance.

Those are people unlike ANY I have met here in America.

Yeap, a small number of extremely ugly people. But the great news is that they do not breed the way we do, they recruite. Being recruited requires choice. The war on terrorism will not be won by killing all the terrorists, it will be won when people choose not be be recruited.

Sharing is the only way I've seen that makes this choice clear - in Northern Ireland, once the catholics were given the same freedoms and rights as everyone else, getting a fair paying job and raising a family became the norm vs. blowing up a pub in the name of a free Ireland.

The inverse is true, taking away their rights in the certain way to make them choose the ugly road.

All people, the world over, from the beginning of time have behaved in these predictible ways and they will continue to do so until the species changes or these traits are breed out. Given that there have been about 6000 generations of human beings, these traits serve a survival function that isn't going away. It behoves us to accept them and use them to move towards a world were the choice of blowing someone up isn't ever made.

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Those are people unlike ANY I have met here in America.

I think this disserves a comment of it's own.

You HAVE met people like that here. You read their words everyday and sometimes you'll agree in principle with what they are suggesting.

Specifically when someone calls for the carpet bombing of an entire region. That is exactly the same hate they foster about us.

BOTH views are wrong. Killing indiscriminately is unacceptable.

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I think this disserves a comment of it's own.

You HAVE met people like that here. You read their words everyday and sometimes you'll agree in principle with what they are suggesting.

Specifically when someone calls for the carpet bombing of an entire region. That is exactly the same hate they foster about us.

BOTH views are wrong. Killing indiscriminately is unacceptable.

So this gets a response all its own.

I have never advocated, or agreed in principle, to indiscriminate killing. No carpet bombing, not tactical nuking, none of that. If by saying they deserve to die and we are justified in killing them means I agree, so be it, but that is WAY off.

Second, there is a difference, that has been explained to me by a respected poster that tends to fall on your side of the fence I might add, between spewing a bunch of macho crap on a message board and actually going out and doing it.

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It is days like today that I am glad I joined the Air Force Reserve.

I am doing my two week annual tour now- interesting stuff going on.

While many in the West would like to pretend that the greatest threat to our civilization is George Bush-

in the real world we have thousands of vicious murderers out there- who would like nothing better than to slit all of your throats. The sooner everyone understands that fact the safer we will all be.

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"How many more potential-terrorists are there lurking in the inner citys?"

not sure what you mean by this my young english friend- the 7 who bombed the subways were not poor but middle class.

it is not like these islamic fascists murder because they are poor- they murder because they believe their religion tells them to..

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