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***Breaking News*** UK Police Thwart Massive Terror Plot


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His reference wasn't to slavery. (He said sixty years, not 150.)

His reference was to "colored only" busses, and train stations, and buildings.

So was my reference. (See, in order to have a really good apartheid system, you have to have clear rules about who's "colored" and who wasn't. The law at the time was that if any of your grandparents were colored, then so were you. (And, therefore, so were all of your grandchildren.))

Still, for colored busing systems, there is a COMPLETE difference between the two:

The colored busing was a result of people being prejudiced and scared of a race of people different from theirs....

An separate airline's sole reason would be to protect human life.

And I'll ask this again because noone has answered... if that separate airline saved human life would it be justified? Why...why not?

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Still, for colored busing systems, there is a COMPLETE difference between the two:

The colored busing was a result of people being prejudiced and scared of a race of people different from theirs....

An separate airline's sole reason would be to protect human life.

And I'll ask this again because noone has answered... if that separate airline saved human life would it be justified? Why...why not?

This is so bizarre that I feel like I must be missing the sarcasm somewhere in this post.

But I guess I will bite on this post. I understand that you want to stay safe and that you are just trying to insure that safety, but think about what you are writing for one second. You are calling for a separate but equal system – I know you have taken American history sometime in you life and you must know how that turned out.

So I will answer you question. NO, it is sad but if to save lives we had to have a segregated travel system based on separate but equal, I would not do it. I would accept the potential loss of life to preserve American ideals.

I answered your question so now I have two questions for you.

1) Some of these men had UK citizenship in the terrorist plot, so how would you decided who can fly on a main airline (the ones not for just Arabs)? What if you were born in the US (so US citizen) but were Muslim and had parents born in Pakistan? Can they fly on the airline or are they banned too? I am interested to hear how YOU would classify who could fly and who could not fly.

2)If it was found that if the government made certain counties, cities or states all one race, separating people of different colors, crimes rates could potentially be lowered making them possibly safer. Would you then support creating cities based on races? Does the end result justify how you do it?

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1) Some of these men had UK citizenship in the terrorist plot, so how would you decided who can fly on a main airline (the ones not for just Arabs)? What if you were born in the US (so US citizen) but were Muslim and had parents born in Pakistan? Can they fly on the airline or are they banned too? I am interested to hear how YOU would classify who could fly and who could not fly.

Actually, I think it's been posted here that most of those arrested were third generation Brittish citizens. (Although, how third-generation Brtiis could have dual citizenship I don't understand.)

(Insert line from Blazing Saddles: "Actually, my grandmother was Dutch.")

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This is so bizarre that I feel like I must be missing the sarcasm somewhere in this post.

But I guess I will bite on this post. I understand that you want to stay safe and that you are just trying to think to insure that safety, but think about what you are writing for one second. You are calling for a separate but equal system – I know you have taken American history sometime in you life and you must know how that turned out.

So I will answer you question. NO, it is sad but if to save lives we had to have a segregated travel system based on separate but equal, I would not do it. I would accept the potential loss of life to preserve American ideals.

I answered your question so now I have two questions for you.

1) Some of these men had UK citizenship in the terrorist plot, so how would you decided who can fly on a main airline (the ones not for just Arabs)? What if you were born in the US (so US citizen) but were Muslim and had parents born in Pakistan? Can they fly on the airline or are they banned too? I am interested to hear how YOU would classify who could fly and who could not fly.

2)If it was found that if the government made certain counties, cities or states all one race, separating people of different colors, crimes rates could potentially be lowered making them possibly safer. Would you then support creating cities based on races? Does the end result justify how you do it?

Thanks for answering my questions, and yes it is sacrastic to a point.

As for yours:

1. Anyone of ANY Arab descent

2.I wouldn't support the government doing that because it doesn't matter what race you are, robberies and murders happen. I woudn't advocate that because of that reason. It is not like you can step back and say 99% of murders are by whites...

While on the other hand, you CAN say that 99% of terrorist attacks from those coming into this country ARE from those of Arab descent.

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I think this disserves a comment of it's own.

You HAVE met people like that here. You read their words everyday and sometimes you'll agree in principle with what they are suggesting.

Specifically when someone calls for the carpet bombing of an entire region. That is exactly the same hate they foster about us.

BOTH views are wrong. Killing indiscriminately is unacceptable.

But you'll notice that people that call for carpet bombing call for it in RESPONSE to people that hide between children

You'll notice I HAVEN'T called for carpet bombing of say....Finland.

Why? Because they leave us alone

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Well I,ve thanked the UK and Pakistani intelligence but it appears the US intelligence is the one that brought it to thier attention.

Nice to see everybody working together

THANK YOU for intercepting communications and spying on British citizens.

:cheers::cheers::cheers: :applause:


MI5 and Scotland Yard agents tracked the plotters from the ground, while a knowledgeable American official says U.S. intelligence provided London authorities with intercepts of the group's communications. Most of the suspects are second or third generation British citizens of Pakistani descent whose families hailed from war-torn Kashmir.

Hmmm. Wonder if this happened bacause of the dreaded "Secret NSA wiretaps" that certain people had their panties in a wad about?

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what are you guys giggling about, is fighting strawmen the only thing you guys are going to do?

You remember that the debates were over warrants, not the actual act.

Oh, is that what it was? Just the warrents?

Do I need to dig up some of Chommie's post here?

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But you'll notice that people that call for carpet bombing call for it in RESPONSE to people that hide between children

You'll notice I HAVEN'T called for carpet bombing of say....Finland.

Why? Because they leave us alone

I still prefer the NATO 5.56mm for those that hide between women and children. I'm all for killing as many of those **** ******* as possible. I would like to leave as many of the innocents alone as possible(and yes, I believe there are many more innocents). Recognizing that some of them will get caught in the middle and that is an unfortunate reality, but I certainly don't advocate carpet bombing even Fallujah or Ramadi, or any of those places.

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I'm not "giggling" about anything. An argument was made, and I don't remember by whom, that terrorists are not stupid enough to use telephones to communicate. Apparently they do. Furthermore I seriously doubt that that US intelligence agencies went through the trouble to get a warrant in England to tap these calls, and even more unlikely would be any warrant issued in a US court. Maybe we should just hire the UK to tap our calls, or maybe we already have.

To say that terrorists don't communicate is retarded. Ask those good peace loving muslims that they just arrested in Ohio about the SIX HUNDRED cell phones they bought and sold to someone in Dearborn

Maybe CAIR will be good enough to go find out who the purchaser is for us :rolleyes:

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So you haven't met any hate filled people in America, those who call of the eradcication of all of islam? They are here on this board. Valid point about them not going out and doing it, but the intention is there as are the people.

Think about this. Really think

A world without islam

Looks pretty nice about now, doesn't it?

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But you'll notice that people that call for carpet bombing call for it in RESPONSE to people that hide between children

You'll notice I HAVEN'T called for carpet bombing of say....Finland.

Why? Because they leave us alone

Yes, I notice that. But killing the children because cowards are hiding behind them is still killing children. I have a problem with that - both killing the children and hiding behind them. I just can't get on board with the mass killing. I understand how it can be seen as a solution, I just don't share this view.

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I still prefer the NATO 5.56mm for those that hide between women and children. I'm all for killing as many of those **** ******* as possible. I would like to leave as many of the innocents alone as possible(and yes, I believe there are many more innocents). Recognizing that some of them will get caught in the middle and that is an unfortunate reality, but I certainly don't advocate carpet bombing even Fallujah or Ramadi, or any of those places.

This is where you and I digress

Of course I'd like to find a way to kill just *******s, but it just ain't happening without getting a lot of our kids killed

Fallujah would be a hole in the ground if I were in charge

Instead of sending in Marines to get chewed up, I would have used the Marines to rope off the town, let women and children out, and B-52ed the whole place.

Problem solved

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Actually, I think it's been posted here that most of those arrested were third generation Brittish citizens. (Although, how third-generation Brtiis could have dual citizenship I don't understand.)

(Insert line from Blazing Saddles: "Actually, my grandmother was Dutch.")

I think they were second generation Brits. Kinda like Ish is here

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Yes, I notice that. But killing the children because cowards are hiding behind them is still killing children. I have a problem with that - both killing the children and hiding behind them. I just can't get on board with the mass killing. I understand how it can be seen as a solution, I just don't share this view.

I don't like it either, but we have come to that point, thanks to our good, peace loving friends the islamists.

It's either that or send in the Marines. And God forbid the Marines shoot the wrong person. They could end up in jail, just like those boys in Camp Pendalton

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Yes, I notice that. But killing the children because cowards are hiding behind them is still killing children. I have a problem with that - both killing the children and hiding behind them. I just can't get on board with the mass killing. I understand how it can be seen as a solution, I just don't share this view.

It's okay to not share that view. I'm not sure I do either. But, think about it. If our military (or anyone else's) made statements that we will be indiscriminate in our bombings, and will attack anywhere that resistance exists. Including daycare centers, civilian targets, etc. Would the terrorists continue to use the tactics? Would "innocents" eventually say enough is enough, and not allow themselves or their families to be used as media fodder when they realize that the army attacking them doesn't care?

As all things related with war, it's a sacrifice of your morals to uphold your morals. Innocent people would certainly die in the beginning, but once people caught on, perhaps they would realize that being a civilian in war does not guarantee your safety, and they would actually LEAVE the area being attacked, rather than waiting for a missile to hit their apartment complex. Again, I personally could never issue an order to attack all targets, regardless of what they are. But I'm sure that some people see how that strategy in SOME ways could save lives, and prevent terrorists from using this tactic in the future.

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Yes, a world without religion would be one step closer to utopia.

But right now, there's only one religion on a tear that can't get along with the rest of the planet.

If there was no islam from right now on, there would be 14 less conflicts in the world today.

People in Africa could find some peace, at least until they would turn on each other again.

Thailand wouldn't have to worry about schoolteachers and little girls losing their heads

I could go on for awhile.................

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It's okay to not share that view. I'm not sure I do either. But, think about it. If our military (or anyone else's) made statements that we will be indiscriminate in our bombings, and will attack anywhere that resistance exists. Including daycare centers, civilian targets, etc. Would the terrorists continue to use the tactics? Would "innocents" eventually say enough is enough, and not allow themselves or their families to be used as media fodder when they realize that the army attacking them doesn't care?

As all things related with war, it's a sacrifice of your morals to uphold your morals. Innocent people would certainly die in the beginning, but once people caught on, perhaps they would realize that being a civilian in war does not guarantee your safety, and they would actually LEAVE the area being attacked, rather than waiting for a missile to hit their apartment complex. Again, I personally could never issue an order to attack all targets, regardless of what they are. But I'm sure that some people see how that strategy in SOME ways could save lives, and prevent terrorists from using this tactic in the future.


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I don't like it either, but we have come to that point, thanks to our good, peace loving friends the islamists.

It's either that or send in the Marines. And God forbid the Marines shoot the wrong person. They could end up in jail, just like those boys in Camp Pendalton

Believe it or not the military has more than just the Marines that can kill from 300m and in. And that is exactly why we have ground forces. It is on them to shoot the "right" people. That is what leaders are paid to do, make sure the boys shoot the right people. Sometimes the wrong people get shot, that happens. I can tell you that we had multiple instances where the wrong people were shot, and none of our boys are in jail.

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But right now, there's only one religion on a tear that can't get along with the rest of the planet.

If there was no islam from right now on, there would be 14 less conflicts in the world today.

People in Africa could find some peace, at least until they would turn on each other again.

Thailand wouldn't have to worry about schoolteachers and little girls losing their heads

I could go on for awhile.................

You don't need to continue. Religion isn't on a tear, some people who believe in that religion are on a tear. That's scary because people who believe that God is on their side will do anything because it's God's will.

I'm not religious so that thought scares the crap out of me.

People turn to religion and stick with it because they have nothing else to believe in. When things are going well, it plays a much smaller role.

I believe there is an inverse correlation between the fair distribution of wealth within a county and the young peoples tendency towards violence.

Read - when given the chance to follow the American dream or the path of hate, a huge majority of people would try to the Willy Lowman route to try and make something more of themselves.

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Believe it or not the military has more than just the Marines that can kill from 300m and in. And that is exactly why we have ground forces. It is on them to shoot the "right" people. That is what leaders are paid to do, make sure the boys shoot the right people. Sometimes the wrong people get shot, that happens. I can tell you that we had multiple instances where the wrong people were shot, and none of our boys are in jail.

I just finished 22 years myself.

But I see no reason to send in ground forces when the situation can be handled from the air

That's why we have an Air Force

You send in the Marines and Army to put safety rounds into anyone thta survived that the carpet bombing

Don't want al reuters to come along and take pictures of barely living *******s to smear the US or our allies with

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You don't need to continue. Religion isn't on a tear, some people who believe in that religion are on a tear. That's scary because people who believe that God is on their side will do anything because it's God's will.

I'm not religious so that thought scares the crap out of me.

People turn to religion and stick with it because they have nothing else to believe in. When things are going well, it plays a much smaller role.

I believe there is an inverse correlation between the fair distribution of wealth within a county and the young peoples tendency towards violence.

Read - when given the chance to follow the American dream or the path of hate, a huge majority of people would try to the Willy Lowman route to try and make something more of themselves.

I think your dreaming with your last statement there. You only need to look at Egypt, who recieves 2.1 BILLION a year from us, and it's still a ****hole

People do things for God all the time. It's only islam that seems to think that God wants them to kill infidels so they can get their virgins

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