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***Breaking News*** UK Police Thwart Massive Terror Plot


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Just some info about the plot (remember the terrorist plot? This is a thread about the plot.) I heard on the (tape-delayed) Boortz show, this evening.

Supposedly, this plot had been known for some time. (He didn't specify how long "some time" is). Bush was briefed over the weekend (and it supposedly wasn't the first breifing.) Congress was briefed (Monday?).

Supposedly, folks had been tracking this plot for a while. They don't think itr was planned for the next few days, but there was enough uncertainty about exactly how far away the op was scheduled that they decided they should collect 'em all now.

When the reporter was asked if folks thought this was the plot that was planned for the 22nd, he didn't say yes or no definitively, but I get the impression he at least wasn't aware of this thing being scheduled for a particular date.

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Just a little more info on the Good Muslims that work with us.


The arrests were carried out with the help of the Pakistani intelligence service, which had been working closely with MI5 and Scotland Yard to foil the alleged plot. Many of those detained were said to hold dual British and Pakistani nationality and are believed to have travelled to Pakistan frequently.

British authorities had sought cooperation from Pakistani officials a few months ago and the information provided was crucial in thwarting the attacks, according to a highly placed Pakistani security source.


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Just a little more info on the Good Muslims that work with us.


The arrests were carried out with the help of the Pakistani intelligence service, which had been working closely with MI5 and Scotland Yard to foil the alleged plot. Many of those detained were said to hold dual British and Pakistani nationality and are believed to have travelled to Pakistan frequently.

British authorities had sought cooperation from Pakistani officials a few months ago and the information provided was crucial in thwarting the attacks, according to a highly placed Pakistani security source.


So much for bombing our "so called ally" as people often like to call them. Thanks Pakistan.

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So much for bombing our "so called ally" as people often like to call them. Thanks Pakistan.

yeah thanks for what..so you allow terrorist camps to openly operate in your country, allow them to freely enter India where they ahve killed thousands and then turn a blind eye when India ask them to turn over key Terrorists like Dawood Ibrahim who is wanted in india for the deadly 1993 bombing where he killed hundreds.

Yes they helped in this one, but there are over a 100, you hear that a 100 terrorist camps that openly operate in pakistan and which I may add have been identified by Musharafs govt but still they govt does nothing.

Not to add that freakin A Q Khan who was pak's top Nuclear scientist sold Nuclear knowhow (This guy sold everything, how to get Uranium, enrish it, make reactors, produce a bomb) to Iran and N Korea but the dude was given a full aprdon and at the same time the Pak Govt told US, you can't come close to the guy, hands off and you can't interrogate him.

After India recently got bombed we sent over a list of terrosits to Pak and asked them to hand them over to india and were told to f3cK off in no simple terms. Its only after enomous International pressure have they started to help the Int'l community by cracking down a little bit, the little ones they give up on, the one like A Q Khan who through his actions could has endangered all of us (In the millions) is giving a full aprdon and a nice house is Islamabad to live in.

So pls America wake up, Pakistan will always do enough to get by, but you gotta keep a very close eye on them.

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yeah thanks for what..so you allow terrorist camps to openly operate in your country, allow them to freely enter India where they ahve killed thousands and then turn a blind eye when India ask them to turn over key Terrorists like Dawood Ibrahim who is wanted in india for the deadly 1993 bombing where he killed hundreds.

Yes they helped in this one, but there are over a 100, you hear that a 100 terrorist camps that openly operate in pakistan and which I may add have been identified by Musharafs govt but still they govt does nothing.

Not to add that freakin A Q Khan who was pak's top Nuclear scientist sold Nuclear knowhow (This guy sold everything, how to get Uranium, enrish it, make reactors, produce a bomb) to Iran and N Korea but the dude was given a full aprdon and at the same time the Pak Govt told US, you can't come close to the guy, hands off and you can't interrogate him.

After India recently got bombed we sent over a list of terrosits to Pak and asked them to hand them over to india and were told to f3cK off in no simple terms. Its only after enomous International pressure have they started to help the Int'l community by cracking down a little bit, the little ones they give up on, the one like A Q Khan who through his actions could has endangered all of us (In the millions) is giving a full aprdon and a nice house is Islamabad to live in.

So pls America wake up, Pakistan will always do enough to get by, but you gotta keep a very close eye on them.

Ummmm, I think he was being S-A-R-C-A-S-T-I-C.

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It's stomach turning to read the threads by the wacky left here saying how wonderful that the terrorist plot was uncovered. That's thier "covering our ass story today", but I wonder were Destino and the rest of the "Joe Stalin Fan Club" were when the left attacked the administration for NSA wiretaps, or when thier religious news letter "The New York Times", exposed the CIA prison camps in Europe. And I'll just bet they'd love to shut down Gitmo.

They have critized every attempt by this Administration to keep us safe and bring down the terrorist.

To Quote Bernard Goldberg, "They have reached an intellectual truce with the terorists", because the terrorist aren't the enemy - George Bush is.

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Tell you what, walk up to a black person over the age of 60 and tell them about your idiotic, insulting idea. Maybe you'll get a dose of perspective. :doh:

Hmm... this is a COMPLETELY different issue than slavery...

My idea was in order to protect the country from greater losses of human life...

Slavery had nothing to do with being protected from terrorists :doh: .

Why is it idiotic if it would save human lives?

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You're too young as am I to remember what enfornced segregation or the Jim Crow Laws were like, but from what I've been told,read, and believe we don't want to go back. We are a land of equality, to deny that changes our soul. We need to keep the country's soul intact.

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It all began with a tip: In the aftermath of the July 7, 2005, suicide bombings on London's transit system, British authorities received a call from a worried member of the Muslim community, reporting general suspicions about an acquaintance.

From that vague but vital piece of information, according to a senior European intelligence official, British authorities opened the investigation into what they said turned out to be a well-coordinated and long-planned plot to bomb multiple transatlantic flights heading toward the United States -- an assault designed to rival the scope and lethality of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackings.

By late 2005, the probe had expanded to involve several hundred investigators on three continents. They kept dozens of suspects under close surveillance for months, even as some of the plotters traveled between Britain and Pakistan to raise money, find recruits and refine their scheme, according to interviews with U.S. and European counterterrorism officials.

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Well I,ve thanked the UK and Pakistani intelligence but it appears the US intelligence is the one that brought it to thier attention.

Nice to see everybody working together

THANK YOU for intercepting communications and spying on British citizens.

:cheers::cheers::cheers: :applause:


MI5 and Scotland Yard agents tracked the plotters from the ground, while a knowledgeable American official says U.S. intelligence provided London authorities with intercepts of the group's communications. Most of the suspects are second or third generation British citizens of Pakistani descent whose families hailed from war-torn Kashmir.

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Well I,ve thanked the UK and Pakistani intelligence but it appears the US intelligence is the one that brought it to thier attention.

Nice to see everybody working together

THANK YOU for intercepting communications and spying on British citizens.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :applause:


MI5 and Scotland Yard agents tracked the plotters from the ground, while a knowledgeable American official says U.S. intelligence provided London authorities with intercepts of the group's communications. Most of the suspects are second or third generation British citizens of Pakistani descent whose families hailed from war-torn Kashmir.

I hope none of those communications were with American citizens. If so we should throw this whole thing out and give them back their drinks..;)

I thought terrorists were "dumb enough" to communicate with each other.

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It's stomach turning to read the threads by the wacky left here saying how wonderful that the terrorist plot was uncovered. That's thier "covering our ass story today", but I wonder were Destino and the rest of the "Joe Stalin Fan Club" were

We were protesting outside the "Adolph Hitler Fan Club" monthly meeting.

Didn't you see me on your way in? I waved.

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I hope none of those communications were with American citizens. If so we should throw this whole thing out and give them back their drinks..;)

OOPS... :laugh:

There were calls to the US intercepted...perhaps we should see if any rights were violated. ;)

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Hmm... this is a COMPLETELY different issue than slavery...

My idea was in order to protect the country from greater losses of human life...

Slavery had nothing to do with being protected from terrorists :doh: .

Why is it idiotic if it would save human lives?

His reference wasn't to slavery. (He said sixty years, not 150.)

His reference was to "colored only" busses, and train stations, and buildings.

So was my reference. (See, in order to have a really good apartheid system, you have to have clear rules about who's "colored" and who wasn't. The law at the time was that if any of your grandparents were colored, then so were you. (And, therefore, so were all of your grandchildren.))

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OOPS... :laugh:

There were calls to the US intercepted...perhaps we should see if any rights were violated. ;)

what are you guys giggling about, is fighting strawmen the only thing you guys are going to do?

You remember that the debates were over warrants, not the actual act.

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Re: Liberty's post (quoting the Post: "It all began with a tip")

The thought occurred to me yesterday, when we were discussing the "I wonder how they found out" speculation, that if it were my decision, I'd be tempted to claim it was a tip from a Muslim who was opposed to terrorism, whether it was true or not.

A story like that has so much peripherial benefits.

It makes the cops look good, because it gives them "probable cause" (or the brittish equivelant. ("Rather good reason"?))

It gives the terrorists something to chase. They have to expend resources trying to figure out who it was at whatever mosque who overheard something and objected. It makes them pay more attention to what they say, in front of whom. (Which may reduce their "leakage rate", but it also makes things like recruiting and prosthletizing tougher.)

(It might even cause the terrorists to whack some of their own, because they think they've found the rat.)

It causes the public to feel (a tiny bit) better about Muslims, and about the possibility of "winning the war".

In short, a) I hope the story about Muslims informing on their own is true, and B) even if it isn't, it's a good story.

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what are you guys giggling about, is fighting strawmen the only thing you guys are going to do?

You remember that the debates were over warrants, not the actual act.

The debate was over presidential powers and whether warrants were even needed ,but whatever :rolleyes:

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what are you guys giggling about, is fighting strawmen the only thing you guys are going to do?

You remember that the debates were over warrants, not the actual act.

I'm not "giggling" about anything. An argument was made, and I don't remember by whom, that terrorists are not stupid enough to use telephones to communicate. Apparently they do. Furthermore I seriously doubt that that US intelligence agencies went through the trouble to get a warrant in England to tap these calls, and even more unlikely would be any warrant issued in a US court. Maybe we should just hire the UK to tap our calls, or maybe we already have.

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The debate was over presidential powers and whether warrants were even needed ,but whatever :rolleyes:

yes, whatever that is exactly what is was about. Bringing that up and acting as if this event proves you were right all along is dumb more so because of the reasons that RD just gave. If you weren't doing that then my bad. But I think you were, especially because of the post I quoted.

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I have never advocated, or agreed in principle, to indiscriminate killing. No carpet bombing, not tactical nuking, none of that. If by saying they deserve to die and we are justified in killing them means I agree, so be it, but that is WAY off.

Second, there is a difference, that has been explained to me by a respected poster that tends to fall on your side of the fence I might add, between spewing a bunch of macho crap on a message board and actually going out and doing it.

So you haven't met any hate filled people in America, those who call of the eradcication of all of islam? They are here on this board. Valid point about them not going out and doing it, but the intention is there as are the people.

There's bad everywhere.

I appologize if it sounded like I was saying you would ever advocate killing innocent people, I was suggesting that you agree in principle with SOME of the things these people say. Maybe you don't, but their opinions on some other things make sense.

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