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How generous do you consider Bill Gates?


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Come on ppl, its Bill Gates. Unless he gives up all his money and lives on a 30K/year job from here on out these idiots won't be happy.

I would have to say that if he gave away 30B out of 500 then I would be a little more synical about the whole thing, but jeez, its half his net worth.... the Woman who owns Wal-Mart has a little more than that and you don't see her giving away half of it....

The part that keeps tripping ppl up is that 1 Billion would be enough for anyone to live comfortably for the rest of their lives, and their kids and their kids kids.....etc.

but honestly, from what I have been hearing, this guy is going out and finding the best charities to give his money too, and he is not just giving the money to them and walking away, he is giving themt the money and letting them know that he expects results... he wants these ppl to start getting the job done... if their only problem is money, and that is the only thing keeping them from succeeding then he is giving them no reason not to succeed.

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How many people do you personally know that gives half of their net worth to charities? I know none. Not one. And before someone talks about how Bill Gates is a worth 60 Billion, I know multimillionaires who can live more than comfortably on half of their assets, but don't come close to giving half of their worth to worthy causes. Now, I don't begrudge them. Most of those people earned their money with hard work. But so did Bill Gates. And he's giving half away. Extremely generous seems like a pretty accurate description to me.

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I think he is just trying to "cheat" the estate tax when he dies. That money would be going to the government if he didn't give it to charity.

Of course, the man wakes up 4 million richer than he went to bed...every single day.

I would be interested in where some of the posters in this thread fell out on the "Microsoft Monopoly" threads. When he was crushing the little man and everything to earn more money than he could ever need.

Good on him that he chose to donate such a sum to charity. Utilized properly that money can make a significant difference for a long time to come.

I didn't know people could be rich...and decent. I thought the former made the latter impossible!

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Personally, I think anyone with billions of dollars is doing the world an enormous disservice by not using a significant portion of it for the greater good, so for that, I commend him. But I'm with endzone_dave, in the sense that if I had $60 billion, I would give away $59.5 billion just as quick as you can blink.

That is a lie if I ever saw one. Seriously, you're saying "If I worked damned hard to get where I was 60billion in net worth, I'd piss away 99.1667% of it away, just like that."

Has anyone ever seen Brewster's Millions? I love that movie. Anyways, the point is, it is a lot harder to give away money than you think it is. You will always have people trying to take advantage of you and when you do find an organization worthy of donation, there is potential risk in people misappropriating funds (eg: Charity recieves large donation. Charity's president get's a huge salary raise...). This is a huge reason why you see many celebrities starting their own charitable funds, because they are in control of the people running those funds. This is why you don't see Oprah giving money to every charity, but rather mostly funding her own charitable projects (though, granted, she does donate to exterior charities).

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How many people do you personally know that gives half of their net worth to charities? I know none. Not one. And before someone talks about how Bill Gates is a worth 60 Billion, I know multimillionaires who can live more than comfortably on half of their assets, but don't come close to giving half of their worth to worthy causes. Now, I don't begrudge them. Most of those people earned their money with hard work. But so did Bill Gates. And he's giving half away. Extremely generous seems like a pretty accurate description to me.
Net worth is a little misleading, I had to look it up and mine is only like $142,000 which is a lot more than I thought. I give about 3% of that every year to charity. BUt that 3 %=12% of my salary.

I suddenly feel so insignificant...:paranoid:

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That is a lie if I ever saw one. Seriously, you're saying "If I worked damned hard to get where I was 60billion in net worth, I'd piss away 99.1667% of it away, just like that."

Has anyone ever seen Brewster's Millions? I love that movie. Anyways, the point is, it is a lot harder to give away money than you think it is. You will always have people trying to take advantage of you and when you do find an organization worthy of donation, there is potential risk in people misappropriating funds (eg: Charity recieves large donation. Charity's president get's a huge salary raise...). This is a huge reason why you see many celebrities starting their own charitable funds, because they are in control of the people running those funds. This is why you don't see Oprah giving money to every charity, but rather mostly funding her own charitable projects (though, granted, she does donate to exterior charities).

A) Don't take everything so literally. Sheesh, it's not like I'd dump the money out of a helicopter.

B) Why is it so hard to believe that maybe I don't particularly want to be filthy rich? Yes, I really would give away nearly all of it. If you still think I'm a liar, then piss off.

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Of course, the man wakes up 4 million richer than he went to bed...every single day.

HAHAHA, um, no. Bill Gates at one point had a net worth of over $110 billion. He is now down to about $30 billion, with $30 bil of that going to his foundation.

His net worth depends almost completely on the value of Microsoft stock (he own about 9% of all outstanding MS stock), with goes up and down every day. The man loses billions of dollars in mere hours on a regular basis, and vice versa.

The rest of you post was spot on. :cheers:

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Yes he is generous and his money is making a difference to many many lives all around the world. Could he give more and still live comfortably? I'm sure he could but he also has to look at where his assets are and how much he needs to hold onto to ensure his family for generations to come.

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HAHAHA, um, no. Bill Gates at one point had a net worth of over $110 billion. He is now down to about $30 billion, with $30 bil of that going to his foundation.

His net worth depends almost completely on the value of Microsoft stock (he own about 9% of all outstanding MS stock), with goes up and down every day. The man loses billions of dollars in mere hours on a regular basis, and vice versa.

The rest of you post was spot on. :cheers:

I believe less than half of his net worth is tied up directly in MSFT these days. He only holds about 977 million shares which equates to about 24 billion(if the POS calculator on Windows was a little better we could get into exacts...effin microsoft!)

Regardless of the specifics, the man makes more money on a daily basis than any of us could even imagine.

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I believe less than half of his net worth is tied up directly in MSFT these days. He only holds about 977 million shares which equates to about 24 billion(if the POS calculator on Windows was a little better we could get into exacts...effin microsoft!)

Regardless of the specifics, the man makes more money on a daily basis than any of us could even imagine.

Well, my point was, and its pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, is that in the past 5 years, Bill Gates has LOST more money than any of us.


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how many people are in the US? im just wondering how much gates could give to everyone and still have for himself
Just under 300 million. The amount of money Bill Gates has given to charity is equivalent to giving everyone in the United States $100.
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