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How generous do you consider Bill Gates?


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why don't you set the example then? Give away, say, 15% of your net worth which shouldn't impact your lifestyle.

Wow, I had just disagreed with you on a different thread, but I totally agree with you here.

Lots of people say that if they had that much money, they would do such and such with it. Well from the article that endzone has included, I would say what Bill Gates is doing is admirable.

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The amount he is giving away is incredible, but the way in which he is doing it is even better ... making sure it is well spent on the neediest people on the planet.

Some billionaires have art museums constructed and named after them. Bill Gates is helping to make major inroads in eliminating the greatest sufferings of those least able to help themselves.

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Yes he is generous and his money is making a difference to many many lives all around the world. Could he give more and still live comfortably? I'm sure he could but he also has to look at where his assets are and how much he needs to hold onto to ensure his family for generations to come.

Gates has stated that he is only leaving his children a couple million each, the rest will also be donated.

So for everyone else who stated he should give more, well he is. He is ultimately giving 99.9% away. I think he is the ultimate philanthropist. Anyone who ebven suggests otherwise really needs to do more research on Bill.

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I figured someone would throw that at me. Believe me, 15% would impact my lifestyle.

Ok, then try 5%. The bottom line is that it is his money to do as he wishes, and the fact that he's given away half of his net worth speaks volumes and clearly demonstrates that he's a class act, and incredibly generous.

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  • 5 years later...

In absolute and percentage terms, Bill Gates will probably give away more money to charity than all of us here combined. Coincidentally, if I were in his shoes, I'd probably keep it all and give it all away to one charitable cause when I died (save for something like $10,000,000, adjusted for inflation, to each of my hypothetical kids...you know, just enough so that they could live comfortably for the rest of their lives and have no one to blame but themselves if they lose it all).

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