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Cat Lovers? (UPDATE)


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I know that there are more than enough of you cat 'dislikers' out there... However, are there any cat lovers? I have three cats... Two of which are Russian Blues. My two nine-month-old Russian Blue kittens have developed a pretty serious URI, and the earliest their vet can see them is Thursday morning. *sighs* So long as they are breathing somewhat normally... It is not considered an emergency according to the vet.

I have never really been an emotional person over my critters. Sickness and death is just a part of the process, but these two just feel like family. They are PITA's to put it best, which is probably why I love them so much!

Anyway, has anyone dealt with a URI in a cat before? Was there anything you could do to help alleviate any symptoms? I have been treating their eyes with mineral oil eye drops and neosporin ointment... *sighs* I just wish there was more I could do for them. I worry.

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Yeah, I love my cat. The little guy has so much personality it's amazing. He's my little buddy. :cheers:

Def. Check out that link and do what you can. If it gets worse, find a vet that WILL see them. They should be fine though. Good luck.

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My two as youngins, Flash and Sissy


Should of sent this one in for a calander or something


Flash chasing the dig camera strap


Them now hanging out in the junglegym


WTF are you looking at!!?!? I'll scratch your eyes out!


Have had dogs all my life pretty much, with a few cats here and there, the last 2 years have been great not worrying about letting the dogs out or having to scoop the poop in the backyard :) Still love dogs, but love cats too.

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My two as youngins, Flash and Sissy

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they're adorable!

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Does your vet's practice have more than one vet? If we ever feel we need to have our cats seen soon we don't wait for an appointment with our preferred vet, but take whomever in the practice has an opening. Our vet's office is very good about scheduling in a timely manner.

BTW we have two wonderful cats Beavis, an orange tomcat, and Vixen a black cat.

Check the Post a Picture of Your Pet Thread for photos.

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Cat's are the most gangsta creatures on the planet in my opinion. 9 out of 10 of them really don't give a damn about who's house they're living in. They don't sit, they don't come to you when you call them. They pretty much handle they own business and every once in awhile they want to be petted like they pay the rent. I'm down with cats, especially since you don't have to walk 'em. I hate walking my dog.

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Thanks guys (and gals) for all of your support... It is nice to see cat lovers on here too! There really is something special about those furballs that drive us all batty!

As far as their vet... Nope. There are a couple of docs in the place, but they are just so overwhelmed due to being great. You get quality once you are there... Truly, they are worth it... Everyone who goes there says that, and no one wants to change vets. After having read up more on what 'I' believe is wrong with my babies... I understand it not being a dire emergency. However, that doesn't ease my anxiety... And I just wish I could do more for my sweet and precious babies. Anyway... all of my boys are sleeping... And I should probably find some rest for the time being too. Thanks again for the comfort tonight... You all were a big help!

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I know that there are more than enough of you cat 'dislikers' out there... However, are there any cat lovers? I have three cats... Two of which are Russian Blues. My two nine-month-old Russian Blue kittens have developed a pretty serious URI, and the earliest their vet can see them is Thursday morning. *sighs* So long as they are breathing somewhat normally... It is not considered an emergency according to the vet.

I have never really been an emotional person over my critters. Sickness and death is just a part of the process, but these two just feel like family. They are PITA's to put it best, which is probably why I love them so much!

Anyway, has anyone dealt with a URI in a cat before? Was there anything you could do to help alleviate any symptoms? I have been treating their eyes with mineral oil eye drops and neosporin ointment... *sighs* I just wish there was more I could do for them. I worry.

When I got Huly he had an URI on and off for the first 6 months of his life. He was a sick kitty. He would get very congested so I would put him in the bathroom with me while I took an extremely hot shower (or I would just run hot water). That would open his airways up some. It depends on their symptoms on what you can do. If you want PM me and I can help you out!

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Cats are cool.

We have 4 of them.

I also have had a dog too.

I like dogs, but cats are WAY easier to take care of.

The wife and I can go away for a weekend and leave the cats at home with extra food and water.

They sleep most of the time so they can handle us not being there for a couple of days.

You can't do that with a dog.

Here are some pics of my critters.

The first 2 are my 16 year old sisters named Chessie and Mitsy.

The 3rd one is of our 9 year old named Ruby.

The 4th one is our 6 year old named Millie.

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I have 2 cats, both rescues from my vet, have no idea what kind of cats they are. The girl is Bagel and the guy is Boomer. Boomer is deaf and its very interesting to watch his interaction with my 2 pugs, he is not scared of them at all. Bagel is extremely timid, the vet told me they think she'd never had a home before they found her. I'm real big on animal adoption since most kittens and puppies end up with homes it's the older ones that get left out.

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