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Cat Lovers? (UPDATE)


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Yeah... I love my babies... I have 3. Harley (12 yrs old Tortise Shell, such a Daddy's girl, had her since 6 weeks old), Bubba (9 yrs old quentissential "Black Cat"... I think he's autistic. Sooo funny) and Simon (3 yrs old, outdoors only and resident "whore", he loves everyone).

I love dogs too, but my schedule only allows for cats, unfortunately.

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Cats are wonderful :)

Growing up, my mom had Burmese and Exotic Shorthair show cats, and it was just normal to have 3 or 4 running around the house pretty much my entire childhood.

Right now, have 2 - Rufus, who comes when you call, sits on command if you use hand gestures vs. voice, and is very sweet. We also have Pixel, a 7 year old grey mix, that is..well...lets just say I am glad she does not work for the postal service. She has forced our pitbull into submission and has literally scared adults out of our house and only weighs 7 pounds. She is sweet with us tho :)

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I know that there are more than enough of you cat 'dislikers' out there... However, are there any cat lovers? I have three cats... Two of which are Russian Blues. My two nine-month-old Russian Blue kittens have developed a pretty serious URI, and the earliest their vet can see them is Thursday morning. *sighs* So long as they are breathing somewhat normally... It is not considered an emergency according to the vet.

I have never really been an emotional person over my critters. Sickness and death is just a part of the process, but these two just feel like family. They are PITA's to put it best, which is probably why I love them so much!

Anyway, has anyone dealt with a URI in a cat before? Was there anything you could do to help alleviate any symptoms? I have been treating their eyes with mineral oil eye drops and neosporin ointment... *sighs* I just wish there was more I could do for them. I worry.

I would have to say that I am a cat co-exister. I too have a blue russian cat, along with a little tabby and my boxer who loves to chase them around the house. I could pretty much drop kick my blue russian right now- jonas. He is the loudest cat you will ever hear... last night my wife somehow locked him inside of her minivan (yes we own a minivan :doh: ) and he crapped and pee'd all over my son's 220 dollar carseat, thus delaying my wife and son from getting to daycare and to my wife's work in time. After I finished with PT, it was my lucky job to figure out a way to de-funkify the stank that is cat urine on the car seat... the damn thing was dripping wet... meanwhile my stupid cat is sitting right next to me with he "weenowwhowowowowwwoow" at about 100db demanding food. ugggg..... he can be annoying...

as to your question, I think Jonas had that before, and we just got some kind of ointment from the vet to smear on his eyes... :(

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Cat's are the most gangsta creatures on the planet in my opinion. 9 out of 10 of them really don't give a damn about who's house they're living in. They don't sit, they don't come to you when you call them. They pretty much handle they own business and every once in awhile they want to be petted like they pay the rent. I'm down with cats, especially since you don't have to walk 'em. I hate walking my dog.

my cat must be a mensa cat... in addition to being loud as hell... he comes when called, leaves when I tell him "out", opens doors, steals door stoppers, terrorizes neighborhood kids who try to pet him... he's almost as much trouble as my 18 month old son!

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They are? I would say depending on breed of dog, type of personality of pet, and personality of owner...

I was referring to cleaning up dog **** in general. Plus, if you had to leave town for a few days, you could just clean the litterbox before leaving and it won't be too bad when you get back. But, you would need someone to come and feed the dog, take him for a walk, and take him out to ****.

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I definitely do not leave my cats unattended for days at a time... They think my house is a playground when I leave overnight. If I am gone for a short time... no problem. But dare I stay overnight somewhere or even think about vacation... I come home to chaos! Curtains down, cushions off of the couch, beds unmade, cupboards open, etc. They have serious seperation anxiety issues. They need a therapist. I have to get someone to come play with them while I leave for any length of time... A cat sitter of sorts.

As far as cat litter... Umm... I don't know what cat's you had or know... But with three cats... it is a NEVER-ENDING chore! There is no "Oh, I'll do it later". EWWWWWWWWWWW! I just can't take the smell. So, instead of complaining about it... I just clean it. At least with a dog, you can train them to go in one area of your backyard... and every so often go out there and rake it all up (not like twice a day)... And there is no sterilizing a doggie pan so he has a fresh place to do his business.

Don't get me wrong... If you are not as neurotic as me... And you have a typical lazy cat... Yes, YOU ARE RIGHT - they are much more managable than a dog. However, I am a clean freak who doesn't like her house to smell like urine (or even cat litter).

Also, Dank (my son's tabby cat) sheds... So, it is a chore to rid my house of free-flying hair... And when you finally decide to sleep (which is difficult enough for my neurotic ***)... I have two kittens trying to burrow under my head for a snuggly spot to sleep. (Again, they think I am their mother) Poor things, if they ever learn the truth it will kill em.

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Don't get me wrong... If you are not as neurotic as me... And you have a typical lazy cat... Yes, YOU ARE RIGHT - they are much more managable than a dog. However, I am a clean freak who doesn't like her house to smell like urine (or even cat litter).

Well i hate those scented liters, makes you stink like it as well, ughh hate that stuff.........Acually petco sells a oderless clumping cat liter, go in 1 some day and look for the big tub/display where you can scoop it out and refill the container it comes in. Refills are less than buying a new one every time as well.

Its called Pet Gold Plus


Dont throw the container out, there is a refill bar code on the side, just tell the cashier its a refill.

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Well i hate thos scented liters, makes you stink like it as well, ughh hate that stuff.........Acually petco sells a oderless clumping cat liter, go in 1 some day and look for the big tub/display where you can scoop it out and refill the container it comes in. Refills are less than buying a new one every time as well.

Its called Pet Gold Plus


You SOOOOOOO know what I am talking about then! The smell of cat litter is almost as bad as cat urine! Something about the smell just gets to you. I actually have to go pick up litter in the next couple of days... I will try that one. Thanks!

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SkinsOrlando -

You're a righteous dude for adopting animals and for having pugs. We own 3 pugs and are currently fostering 2 more for a rescue group.

Thanks Riggo, 3 pugs and fostering 2, that rocks bro.

Misty didn't want to hi-jack your cat thread. So back to the kitties, ever used the littermaid plus?? I have 2, my cats seem to be very territorial of the litter boxes and Bagel wouldn't let Boomer use hers when we first brought him home. They work great for us(the wife and I) there is still the smell but hitting the area with Fabreeze mango or linen scent air freshner works great.

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I just got off of the phone with the vets... Gideon and Samson are doing great!!! My boys' meow may be a little off, but I am relieved to know that they are going to be okay!!!

Thanks again!

PS. Can anyone tell my doc increased my meds this week? LMAO!

:applause: :cheers:

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